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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. Dunno how people could want to do this for like 8hrs lol, always glad that people go until it's no longer fun and then call it quits cos it's not 2006 anymore. Was fun and good to see the wild again, haven't maged in years.
  2. Going to Sara when you can do raids whatda.
  3. Nope, MTX made RS3 more fun for me.
  4. What the fuck why is there a 1B bow in this game are we RS3ing now?
  5. Lmfao scammed. I'd have dropped the clue the moment it said you needed MEP2.
  6. Idk what this is either lol, is it a big drop?
  7. What is this and why is it worth 20m.
  8. Just post the Luxusweibal teamspeak cyber video and you'd have literally automatically won that argument without the massive quote tower. Sorry Eric, I'm never going to forget that lmao ? On a serious note, yeah I was unfortunate enough to experience Gatler in L2K and well... not the best memories. His decision making got so many of us killed and like the whole empty promise situation, he literally recruited spies from other teams, they didn't even have to send spies in, Gatler literally recruited them.
  9. Hey I was in CD with you, think it's one of the places I started learning to call, I was Pixie187401 but I think I was playing on Owned Thijs' account (Rik was playing on Pixie I think cos he was the other warlord, he's not the orig owner of it either but he had the account from the 1st owner and then when CD died like all tukuruk clans do, he gave it to me and I've had it since)
  10. Looks like you guys played for as long as you wanted to, and left after you'd had your fun, considering this aint 2006 anymore and fuck fighting for 10 hours on a butchered pvp mode. Good stuff guys, feel bad for anyone who wants to take it more seriously than that these days lmao.
  11. Imagine not using a rune longsword over a rune scimitar in 2020.
  12. Welcome to the City of Wonder Yeah nice try Eric.
  13. Eh, to this I say "always was catered to a solo player". Was the best thing about RS imo you could do both and the only reason we had a commitment to play was clanning; this was a unique mmo (even after the browser days) and could be picked up and put down anytime with by far the best mmo economy ive ever had; plus they have the mobile market to think about when doing updates too. But ye, you're supposed to be able to do shit on your own.
  14. Thoughts on OSRS? Also what other games do you play and what sports do you follow (& teams you support if any) E: As last question answered, thoughts on gronk/brady partnering for buccs?
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