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Mk 17

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Everything posted by Mk 17

  1. Mk 17


    What childhood sports did you take up and why? Football, cricket, rugby, MMA Did you ever make it far in the chosen sport? I’m not a pro so nope Are you currently still doing any of the sports you did and how often? I don’t play any anymore, I’m too unfit and injury prone. Having snapped nearly all my bones at some point it’s more hassle now playing especially since my right ankle has never truly recovered, football is too much of a strain on it but I could still play cricket or rugby. But with rugby other injuries may play up. Proudest accomplishments - Biggest regrets? not playing well into my 20s. I gave up too early really and focused more on lifting throughout my 20s. Would of been nice to keep playing but it’s a harder one to continue when you’re a grown man with more things to do in life
  2. Definite no flavours just don’t match do they
  3. I wouldn’t even think twice tbf it’s actually quite nicely built
  4. Mk 17

    99 Hunter

    Sweet bro you’re that little bit closer to zezima
  5. Really nice bloke makes nice events for the fellas and works hard for tempy
  6. Can’t believe a nonce had the audacity to post a community intro when he’s a known nonce in the community
  7. reyyyyy hes a dirty ugly nonce lads fuk offfffff
  8. apparently youre a bigger noncey nonce than @JayJay
  9. England expects that every man will do his duty
  10. Pretty much this also. Im one of them fellas that believe there may not even be life in the universe. If we could somehow get speed of light travel though, or manage to somehow break the laws of life we currently know, anything is possible. Personally I don’t think the oceans offer us much in terms of knowledge and science. Going up and out is pretty schweet and the limits are endless.
  11. Not really, the fact the Soviet’s got a spacecraft onto Venus decades ago prove it can be done at immense pressure. However there’s only so much the ocean can tell us and realistically the technology created from ocean exploration is nowhere near as useful as the technology that comes from going to space. Space is literally fascinating, it truly puts into perspective how insignificant we are. There could well truly be no other life in the universe, it’s a perfectly respectable theory and just because “it’s so big” doesn’t necessarily mean it is possible. Scientists still cannot understand life fully or what it is, how to reproduce it etc If we can somehow unlock some sweet technologies that defy physics laws etc we have unlocked the key to life. It’s great the science fellas explore and invent new things, however there’s always an aspect of what is too far. All technology comes down to how humans can weaponise it, weapons are some of the most primitive and important factors of human nature. As much as it’s nice to know more etc it’ll only lead to the downfall of the human race in the end.
  12. Computers in the future should easily be able to bro, decades from now technologies will be so powerful it will crush anyone who decides to speak against them
  13. Gj peck gonna p00n with that now
  14. Mine used to be about there, when I do it now though I get a bit more socialist stuff... I guess I wanna help some fellas (Or believe the government should have the right to business etc) more than I used to who knows
  15. I think either way it wouldnt bother me because theres nothing we can do as human beans but its an interesting concept in some way Good post da bazz
  16. For me I won’t walk under any signs that are on the pavement and always get out on the left side of the bed
  17. Oooohhh noooo here comes a commieeee
  18. That’s what musk believes, he believes there’s simulations inside simulations inside simulations etc, hence why he says it’s a chance of 1 in billions that we aren’t in a simulation since there is apparently so many. im not saying I believe in it at all, it’s just a fairly common theory amongst these science fellas and @Buzznot necessarily a conspiracy theory, there can be no evidence put towards it in the slightest. It’s just a local theory the second video I posted from professor kipping is a good one, he’s done research papers etc on it but there is no research to be done in terms of evidence like he says, it’s just more that it’s a theory considering the technology we will have in the future
  19. Ye you love a 420 don’t ya
  20. This is a srs topic if we’re in a reality tv show which one are we in?
  21. Elon musk believes there’s only a 1 in billions of a chance we aren’t in a simulation the technology these days among the scientists is quite high isn’t it, maybe we are infact in a simulation Here’s some vids you can watch if you like whilst you afk nmz and whatnots
  22. That’s boring bro There’s plenty of earths out there I’m sure... or maybe we are one of a kind and that’s somewhat more frightening... the odds for a nice hospitable planet like ours is extremely low tbf, this is one of my fave vids from this scientist fella if you fellas have the time give it a watch because he’s got a sweet point to make I’m watching it again because you can’t beat a bit of Professor kipping
  23. Huge gratz, glad to see you have taken the way of the light and seen Jesus Christ as our true saviour, lord of mercy, bringer of death and destruction and judger of evilness
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