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Everything posted by Howl

  1. Howl

    The Queens Gambit

    next show I start ?
  2. Howl

    srs question

    if you have background noise (keyboard, chewing, loud mouth breathers) then you should have push to talk or be on mute
  3. Howl

    srs question

    where have you been lmfao
  4. yeah mtg is definitely more of a US thing
  5. nothing too crazy, maybe stone crab which made me and my dad sick
  6. lol played a good bit of MTG when I was younger, it was something to do with friends, although I never got into it as much as them went to a few draft nights when I was 13-14, can confirm anyone over 20 at those events is a bit off
  7. hey, welcome ? name looks familiar from my time in Envy
  8. you should be able to do it with a wardrobe in a POH
  9. I feel like this would be better if the A's had somehow won a title
  10. also pretty sure if given the chance, a tiger or something would 100% eat me
  11. don't think I'd touch rat milk
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannibalism "Cannibalism is a common ecological interaction in the animal kingdom and has been recorded in more than 1,500 species."
  13. +1 to Wedding Crashers I generally don't like sequels because they usually just sour the first movie for me, but the two that come to mind are The Usual Suspects and Forrest Gump
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