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Everything posted by Howl

  1. probably dumping it in the ocean (make sure to weigh it down though)
  2. need another global pandemic
  3. You have to be careful not to burn bridges, but that can work in certain situations. I'd also say, just from experience, looking for a new job is exhausting (like a whole separate job itself) and not something I want to do too often.
  4. I can't imagine I would jump to another MMO most play ps5 (fifa) otherwise so I think I'd stick with that
  5. Yeah most positions will see a ~5% salary growth year over year, but you can easily get a 10%+ bump by changing companies I think sometimes it's easier to move up in role by staying with one company though
  6. It's been a topic on my mind recently and I'm curious to hear others' thoughts on it. People change jobs far more frequently than in previous generations. My dad has been at his company for close to 30 years - something not uncommon for his generation - where as I personally have moved around far more frequently and many of my peers have done the same. Changing jobs often comes with a pay bump, but it can also be for a better opportunity or better working environment. On the flip side, staying at one company for a longer period of time (let's say 3+ years) creates familiarity/comfort, but also can increase productivity significantly. Software engineering in particular is great example of this - a senior dev that has been on the project a few years is going to be light years ahead of someone who just started. So what do you think? How often have you switched jobs?
  7. Howl

    Tobacco products

    just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean you need to do it too smh
  8. Howl

    Tobacco products

    I'll have a cigar maybe once or twice a year with the guys, but otherwise I never do anything. I've actually never had a cigarette in my life and I don't plan to. The smell alone has made it easy for me to stay away from them, not to mention health issues and cost.
  9. Black Friday/the weekend after Thanksgiving a pretty common time to decorate for Christmas
  10. not a Black Friday shopper, but it seemed like a lot of stores didn't have extra low prices, but just rebranded sales as Black Friday
  11. Howl


    @Victoria is a fan
  12. excited to hear @Sus and @Titan tell their sides of the story !
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