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Blue Wall

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Everything posted by Blue Wall

  1. @Oli best clan you were ever in that had the initials RSV???
  2. greatest head warlord in DF history confirm/deny???
  3. @His Lordship man we only had a few interactions way back in the day, but I hope all has been going well for you! Havent seen your name in forever but always one of the most memorable clan world figures there ever was. Fun fact I didnt know until recently actually. I've been hanging around and pvming with Riku14777 and Shark 160 a lot lately and I didnt know until just the other week that they were 2 of the people your infamous rant was directed at!
  4. No one is ever safe from the flames when Dark Knighty is behind his keyboard! We've basically been in all the same clans together at for varying lengths of time except for EH lol ❤️
  5. What would you like to know about the greatest clan of all time?
  6. Absolute legend Also hold up! You were in Awaken? Were we in Awaken together? If so is that how we originally met and I just absolutely blanked and forgot about that????
  7. To be fair, I was an official most of my time in DF too ? But yeah, I was never the greatest fan of Corr, they would hunt us back when I was leading Valor because they knew they could push us around being the much bigger/better clan. But when the whole DF/Corr alliance break up thing happened I was DF for that. In fact, DF dropped Valor as an ally in order to go and ally with Corr in that doomed alliance which always rubbed me the wrong way, but that was from the DF side that I was mad at, nothing to do with Corr. But ultimately I had so many friends already in DF and then loads of Valor went there that it was pretty much the only logical choice for me to go. But because of that I was never part of the extremely bad blood with Corr and was always fine with talking with anyone there without having any grudges. I enjoyed the rivalry as a motivation factor though.
  8. Hey! Probably gonna give you more info than you were looking for but here we go! So Valor originated from two clans actually. Fultimekila and myself led a clan that was more or less a revival of a clan called Nation of Domination. Small time clan, but had a really good core of people that moved on to our new clan. Winnnor was leading another clan of his own which I believe was a new clan being created from his previous clan closing that was called Heaven and Hell. f Fulti and Winnnor got in touch somehow and ultimately we decided merge our two clans together and Valor was born. The blue capes were my personal choice (not very shocking considering my name). We grew a lot quicker than I ever would have thought, and we burst on to the scene right at the same time as Divine Forces did, and due to similar sizes and timing people always seemed to lump us two together. We ended up forming an alliance for some time with DF too and that is how our clans ended up having a close bond with each other that led to a huge percentage of us joining DF when we ended up closing. It was honestly an amazing experience back then forming this new clan and bursting onto the scene and working our way from top 25, to top 20, to top 15, then top 10 at our peak. I remember fighting with FEAR a couple times. One time in a pk run in we mopped the floor with them. Then we set up an official war with them and FEAR was able to tap into their ridiculously large member list with the prep time and pulled max opts to our 300 and we lost by only about 70ish opts in the end I remember. Was a loss, but I was still proud of the results. We had a lot of good fights against clans from WG, to TF, to MK, to Anarchy. I remember we burst into the top 10 after beating MK on an Easter weekend when everyone thought we were going to get destroyed by them. We then tried to take down Anarchy after that but came up short, once again putting up a damn close fight in the end. Ultimately I started fading from the game a bit, but was still hanging in because I felt like I owed it to everyone in the clan still. I remember we were already starting to enter our decline, and I went on a family vacation for like 10 days or so. When I came back all kinds of crazy stuff had gone down and 30 people had quit in those 10 days I was gone. I was just baffled as to how things got so bad so quick while I was gone, and with my activity in the game fading I got together with Winnnor and we decided that we didnt have the time to give right now that the clan needed for us to bring it back to where we were, and it wasn't fair to keep all the members holding on while the clan just slipped further and further from what it was. Overall it was one of the best experiences in this game for me with the highs and lows of being that new clan on the scene and our ascension into competing with all these established clans that had been mainstays for years at that point. I loved it, and as I said, ultimately that is what led me to DF as we had been close with then and a lot of our members had moved on to them after we made the decision to close down. Our influx into DF is honestly what pushed DF into the top 5 for the first time in their history and is what gave them the strength to consistently try to compete with the big clans of DS and DI at the time. Which of course DF's ability to compete and give DS some good fights is what led to them mass joining DF after closing and pushing DF to their 1st run as #1. A nice small chain reaction that I take some personal pride in that it was my members that really pushed it to the next level.
  9. Runescape Name Blue Wall Preferred Name Blue Wall Discord ID Blue Wall#2244 Current Clan None Previous Clan History A few, but only ones worth noting now are DF and Valor before that Who do you know in Tempest? Lots of the old school people hanging around Are you interested in joining? Nope, ain't got time to commit to and clans anymore Brief Introduction I was in DF in 2006. Led a clan called Valor that joined DF in pretty big masses after we closed since we always had a close relationship with them before that. Quit rs for a while after that, and ended up back in DF again from 2009-2012 before quitting clanning for good. I don't know what else to really put here. I was told to make an intro or True would kill me, so here we are.
  10. I was in DF before the rivalry with TT took off, and then came back after it had gone through its apex so never really got to experience the full force of the rivalry. All I do know is that I wasted a day of my life fighting TT though.
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