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Old School
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Everything posted by Adam_

  1. Congrats! Big 3 are pretty much done too, VERY close to max.
  2. Adam_

    Pet showoff

    I love that pet! There's only a few pets ingame with the stomping sound so it's extra neat. I'm somewhere in the 40's atm kc wise so not quite rate yet but hoping to get him soon.
  3. Adam_

    Pet showoff

    Hopefully you get him back
  4. Adam_

    Pet showoff

    Big sad, had a friend lose his rc pet as well. Also some irl friends had a friend of theirs playing and he had like 2-3 pets and didn't even know insurance was a thing, luckily he hadn't died with any of them. (We made him insure them immediately). They really should do a better job of informing you when you get one that you can insure it
  5. Adam_

    Pet showoff

    Let's see what RS pets everyone has! In order of the picture not when I obtained them as I would have to go back ages to check the actual order: Chaos ele: 123 KC Rex: 995 Thermy: 2186 (?) Kraken: 493 Chompy (3): Not that long after 1k then got 2 others idk when, pretty sure i'm like 1700 chompy kc or something Callisto: 88 Kc Heron: 91 fishing from karambwanjis (ye the bait not actual karambwans lol) Beaver: 26.5m WC exp Squirrel (2): First in 80's and 2nd somewhere in 90's I believe. First at Brim and second at ardy. Tangleroot: Somewhere in the 17m range from seaweed Rift Guardian: First at 76 at ZMI, 2nd in 80s and 3rd in 90's at bloods/souls respectively I believe. Rocky (2): 85 and then somewhere in 90s both from Ardy knights Olmlet (2): 540 or something and 580 I believe. 5/6 purples (first 100 or so raids were as an alt/low level so don't rlly count, but was still def unlucky on purps overall at this point regardless) Dust: 180 KC Verzik (4): First at 170 kc, 2nd somewhere in 400s i think, 3rd in 800s, 4th a bit over 1k.
  6. Very respectable answers. Always good to see someone who just wants the best for the clan world and isn't just selfish (obviously the clan world doing better would benefit you too but yeah lol). The entire topic has been a good read, thanks for doing this ? . Going to send you a friend request on discord, would you mind explaining the clan wars portal/cc issue a bit more to me in DMs there? Haven't used this iteration of clan wars at all apart from ffa portal on tournament worlds to test new items, last time I actually used clan wars was Pre-EoC so i'm not very familiar with this particular issue. Is it a bug / unintended mechanic, or something that is intended but just kind of sucks? Back to the AMA at hand: Both of your suggestions involved clan wars; so far it's seemed that Tempest has prioritized mainly wilderness which is obviously understandable. However, are there any plans in the work to make CWA a bit less dead content than it's been for the past few years? I've obviously seen you guys have had some fights there recently which is a good start, but any long term plans to increase activity there or encourage other clans to get involved or shake the rust off and return there? Feels like a vast majority have not bothered since the last J cup and obviously most of their memberlists have changed drastically since then with largely newer members.
  7. huge, never have to rc again after 99. very big gz
  8. nice, similar kc and had only 1 of those myself.
  9. I remembered them closing a while ago and thought it was just like reunion PKs and stuff since then. Still sad to see another clan go. Hopefully their members do well wherever they end up. RIP.
  10. As you've been active in so many different eras of clanning and obviously things change with the times, what is something that's come with each new era that you've liked? I think you've mentioned a few times that you think a new boom could happen for the clan world if lead properly (mentioned that RoT should be leading it but choose not to, mentioned that Murray should have positioned DF as the leaders in the clan world, and I believe saying you feel Tempest can be said leader/want it to be). Regarding that - I don't think it's any secret that Jagex are not exactly doing the PvP community any insane favors with recent updates or lack of decent updates (not all of which I feel is their fault but that's probably a different discussion for a different day!) so while obviously encouraging clans helping each other out/ACing for one another, discouraging crashing, discouraging out of game activity etc, what else do you think is necessary to accomplish this? It's also no secret that some pretty questionable shit has become the norm - mostly those I listed directly above. There's very few clans not involved in doxing competition these days - other than DF/Tempest i'm not sure if I can even name one (not really familiar with pures/etc but I know there's a lot of it there too). Do you think these behaviors will die off as the clan world gets a little better? Personally it feels to me as if that door has already been opened and almost no clans are going to adopt a policy of not involving themselves in it. One because it's something they've done before so it's easy for them to continue doing it or go back to do it if they get in a spot where it benefits them, and two because I sincerely doubt all clans would ever agree and as a result some clans may find themselves taking a lot of harassment from other clans and not really being able to do anything about it. Do you have any plans for dealing with this? If you were given a one on one sit down or possibly a group sit down between yourself / other tempest leaders / maybe other clan leaders (ones who still play / are around) and Jmods who could bring actual change to the game: - What people would you pick to be part of this within Tempest? - What people outside of Tempest would you pick? - Why would you pick these people? - What would you ask Jagex for (realistically/within reason) ?
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