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Old School
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Everything posted by Adam_

  1. Adam_


    ye idk why i just divide 512 by 3 and rounded up lol, had a friend who it took 1300 something so im happy
  2. Adam_


    1/170 with t5 i think unless my math is fucked which fair chance it is
  3. Adam_


    ye but i dont enjoy solo gwd so i wanna get at least fire cape, and i wanted t6 to do that mainly because i don't have many ppots, also kinda wanna be able to no longer worry about having to unlock more crap with points/task before i start bossing, sounds pretty stupid and unnecessary ik but yeh also didnt get last recall so gwd gonna be kinda a pain, wanna get whatever upgrades i can first
  4. Adam_


    140 kc, been waiting on whip and t6 relic to start doing actual gameplay stuff, 410 pts to go most of which i think i'll prob get from doing sins of the father and the easy stuff unlocked after that will prob get fire cape right after and try to 1 shot the sub 25 but idk how likely it is with a str ammy/obby cape/rune armor even on task, then on to gwd and other bossing i think need to train range/mage tho my lvls in those are ass
  5. Adam_

    LF help

    As I am American I would love for our current president to tweet something like that other than his usual nonsense
  6. Oh yeah for sure, there will likely always be natural causes for things getting fucked up in nature, my fear is mainly that if people explored the oceans they may either irreparably damage some sort of ecosystem that's been untouched for however long or they end up finding some sort of resource down there that people want to harvest. A lot of scientists I believe are generally quite cautious about damaging ecosystems and wanting to keep nature's unique beauty, but that won't really stop some of the other greedy assholes.
  7. Both are pretty important, though my main concern with the oceans is that they may go disturbing things that have been the way they are for thousands/millions of years or find something worth taking down there and fuck with nature and it won't be reparable because well, look at what has happened to a lot of the other natural habitats on the planet I guess if we keep fucking up earth the way we have we may need a new place in the distant but not so distant future so having a backup planet that can support human life would be neat
  8. i play rs not albion so probably current df CT or SV
  9. Do you prefer F2p or P2p and why? (I think I know the answer to the first part but ya) If you could pass down one lesson to leadership of the clans in today's clan world, based on your careers, what do you think the most important one would be? While I know for sure the jmods weren't exactly as involved in the community as they are nowadays (though it's not really among pvp clans), i've heard/read about some occasions of them interacting with clans and their communities including in Mod Mat K's AMA. When you guys were in leadership was there any interesting things they did just for memes, or were there any decent discussions between your leadership/communities and the jagex team? In your time PvPing were there ever any kills you got that you were proud of ? Whether it was big loot or a kill on someone particularly hard to kill What's the most 'nh' thing you were either part of or had knowledge of but didn't do anything about or allowed to happen during your time clanning?
  10. jaja if it was when despair was in charge probably DF or VR
  11. If you were to bring back one clan from the dead in all it's former glory today what clan would it be, with what leadership team, and why? If you were to remove the existence of a clan from the history of the OSRS clanning community (never opens, doesn't effect other things, members end up staying in their previous clans/going to their next clans/joining other clans/whatever) what clan and why? Thoughts on current clans at least the ones you know about? Tempest DF RoT AF SV PD DR AC VR DK (lol) What was your favorite clan you were a part of other than DF and why? Guess this is only applicable to Bunty since it looks like Homedawg was only DF unless I misread Did either of you enjoy other aspects of the game outside of PvP? If so, what? It seems like you both are pretty decently happy with where DF is today and how it's stood the test of time unlike so many other clans, which of course you should be. However, if there was 1 thing you could change about that clan currently, would there be something? What would it be?
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