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Old School
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Everything posted by Adam_

  1. Adam_

    Cold War

    prob not honestly, generally gotten cods but cba this year tbh mostly a campaign person, modern warfare and black ops1/2 storylines were great, never really enjoyed the multiplayer stuff that much but mw3 was some fun online
  2. gratz or sorry that happened not really sure
  3. looked fun neat to see consistent fights in f2p considering before tempest opened there was probably 3 in the past couple years if that
  4. barbecue sauce for pretty much any meat and ye chick fil a sauce is pretty great too alfredo sauce for pasta obv
  5. idk saturn is pretty neat because of all those rings
  6. not heard of it may have to give it a watc when i'm looking for something new
  7. seen all of the ones u listed (not the one you're watching atm) except the 2 really long ones (naruto/one piece), all really good. still have to catch up on my hero academia another few really good ones i've seen were code geass and hunter x hunter, not sure if any1 on this thread has seen those black clover rlly good too
  8. Corr Jaja (Despair) or SV (prior to going pure and closing and all that shit that happened)
  9. Welcome! Did you get banned just because you were in VR or ?
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