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Bunny Guest
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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I eat and like pretty much anything, with the exception of Pasta. I think it's durum wheat that makes me feel sick; I like rice based (noodles) and stuff. I eat a lot of Indian and Thai food, and often cook recipes from those books.
  2. Josh


    hope all is good unibrow
  3. TT Wilderness Guardians or The official Runehq clan
  4. Exploring space doesn’t have to be about looking for life, just like exploring the oceans doesn’t have to be about finding fish
  5. I dunno both sound the same le mayo and el em ay oh Sling us a voice recording
  6. Space tbh, we've more chance of better understanding concepts such as time, which may lead to greater things
  7. I never really remembered an enjoyable fight against DF, I always got the sense that it was 'Win at any cost' and DF were involved with some of the longest fights ever in Runescape (multiple 12h+; including 24h). That's not just from one specific era, but it probably started somewhere in 07 or late 06 and continued right through to 2012 or whenever Jagex thought EOC would be a good idea (maybe later, I quit then). That's not a dig against DF, all clans did it at some point but I just remember DF doing it more than others. Was there ever a time either of you wanted to call off a fight but someone else wanted to keep going even when you felt it was just a waste of time? If so, who was that person? I also remember in 07ish (?) You guys tried to do more p2p and had a p2p leader etc (can't remember the name). Why do you think that fell flat, and what would you have done differently? (Either a new approach to p2p, or just forget it all together?). Anyway, credit where credit's due - You guys did a good job with recruiting and maintaining a large playerbase for a long period of time. Thanks for the memories.
  8. Dunno im too white to answer this so I’ll give my vote to Inf to vote on my behalf I have faith he’s tuned in to freestyling bars
  9. Elon’s a nice bloke the kinda guy you’d have a pumpkin spiced latte with before going nandos in Peterborough tbh I don’t really think we’re in a computer simulation because I don’t think a computer could simulate life to the levels of understanding we have, or should I say don’t have.
  10. Going sauna on a Sunday always makes me have a tired week... I think..
  11. Never clanned with him, but genuinely one of the names that I remember and mostly for good; level headed, ambitious for his clan, and obviously hard working.
  12. Seems to like agility more than should be permitted ?
  13. probs the moon, even tho it's not a planet, because it reminds me of inf's face
  14. Always did what's best for the clan, both in DI and TT when we roonie'd together
  15. Been around the clan world for quite a long time, at least I remember the name from when I fought DF
  16. maybe ask your girlfriend if you can hit her to test?
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