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Everything posted by Vanuckle

  1. Not the first time I've seen a heavy frame in this clan.
  2. Gotta like that @Dickus much respect.
  3. Hi Lokis, saw you in the fight earlier.
  4. Congrats on the ownage.
  5. Finland seems like the kind of country that bus drivers own 2017 Jaguar XF wowe. Welcome.
  6. Hey Dean, welcome to the forums.
  7. Twitter | Forums | Discord Tempest -vs- Kumino Clan Revolution A fog beset Tempest on this brisk Sunday morning, and we knew that war was upon us. We set out on our long march to Greater Demons, our bows slung to our back, feet dragging in the cold mud of the Gielinor wilderness. Our eyes set on KCR; our mind set on victory. --- 30 Minute Cap PVP Tempest Starting: Death and destruction awaited both clans. With a piercing battle cry, the fight began at east tree. The spam towers grew, the transitions were fluid, and the tanks allowed us to build an advantage over time. There were moments in which we weren't sure who would live, and who would die... Members like @Dr3ambash3r fought through intense sniping - refusing to give in - even when the odds seemed stacked against him. Before long, the thirty minutes was up. The cost was high, but the bloodshed proved worthwhile. We emerged from the quake of battle - weary, but victorious. KCR ending: Tempest ending: A valorous effort from all of our seamen. Thank you for the battle, KCR. --- Two Rounds of CWA ...Alas, The lust for blood wasn't yet satiated. KCR approached True and asked for some CWA action. Never ones to shy away from a fight, we agreed. The rules were set, the battle lines were drawn, and once more, we set out for war. Round One Monotonous calls of "get-a-bind, get-a-bind" were shouted. Morbid laughs were shared. In the end, we emerged victorious once again. --- Round Two Always looking for an edge, we tried out a potential new meta in round 2. We called this one, "every member leads one pile based on their sequential order in teamspeak". It's a bit wordy, but I think it'll stick. Unfortunately, this meta proved to be more of a beta, and our glorious reputation was smeared with a last second loss thanks to the elite tanking of @Dr3ambash3r, who was fighting for the enemy. Let it be henceforth known that we are an honourable bunch, as @Dr3ambash3r could have easily allowed himself to be 1-hit and give Tempest the victory.... (It looks like a victory picture, but it ain't). --- Thank you for the fights KCR, and may your legacy last a lifetime.
  8. Welcome to the forums, seen you today, make sure you keep training and stay active on forums + discord. ?
  9. Hey, remember piling you a million times back in the day.
  10. Life doesn't get much better than this!
  11. Get those base 70s. Congrats.
  12. This is some intense runescape.
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