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Everything posted by Vanuckle

  1. As you some of you may already know, popular OSRS streamer Odablock recently announced his move to Kick: On one of his first streams on Kick he was asked to discuss topics which he wouldn't have been able to discuss on Twitch due to their TOS: This led to his popular GIM team series ending due to other members of the team no longer wanting to be associated with him after making these comments: Today Odablock was permanently banned by Jagex on all of his Runescape accounts for "services" on his account which took place over two years ago: Questions: 1) Have Jagex cancelled Oda or was the timing of this ban just an extreme coincidence? 2) Does Oda deserve to be cancelled for his comments? 3) Have Jagex gone too far with their woke agenda by banning people in game for out of game actions that don't agree with their agenda?
  2. Tempest vs Purgatory As most clans seem to do, PY reached out to us about a birthday bash this week and ofc, being the clan that can give clean battles, we were happy to oblige. We massed up 40 sizzling seamen and marched into battle. Knowing that PY's pull was always gunna be a little smaller than ours, we signed some quick loan deals and lent them a few good men (10) that could help them in the heat of battle. We clashed at Chaos Dwarves where we clumped a few of their warriors who were trying to rush in at 100mph and from there the battle pushed north. We ended up pushing Py through gap with our superior mages and gear (ty to @IMK) and eventually the battle was at members gate. After a few solid minutes, it became clear Py needed a few extra quick returns so the battle shifted to Gdz. Not really wanting to fight at Gdz, we continued to push them east towards New Gate. We caught a lucky few clumps at the door which once again turned the tide of battle in our favour. One last final heave ho with just a few minutes to go in the cap had us push them towards single and once they touched the line, we decided to let them tap out and we said our GF's at new gate before logging for the evening. Happy bday to PY and hope we can scrap again soon.
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