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In your career as a runescape warrior, has there been any spy stories that are just so unreal you couldn't beleive it? Share your favorite espionage tales in this thread.


For me the funniest was when Ruon3bs, a very controversial member of VR and former member of the mighty SoundCloud clan DK was fooled by RoT. They promised Mr. Dillon from the state of California that in exchange for access to confidential information about meeting times and insider discussion, aswell as a wire tap into their TeamSpeak3 Server during members only functions that they would offer him a membership into their very exclusive RuneScape clan.


Little did he know, they were just kidding - but he did not lose hope. For the next 4 years, he followed them around at every event attacking their opponents. In a private conversation, he said they don't like him because he isn't intelligent. This is where he got the idea that he had to create a more intelligent persona to represent himself.


He headed over to Twitter.com and created an account. Heading over to the trending section to see what smart people talk about. All he could see were threads about US politics. This is where he started to crusade for US Senator Bernie Sanders. Surely now he would be deemed more intelligent.


In the coming months, the persona he created simply to please the Reign of Terror clan slowly consumed him. To make the persona more believable, he started to attend rallies and volunteer as a door to door preacher for the US Senator. The role slowly pulled him away from the RuneScape world and into the world of US politics.


Senator Bernie Sanders pulled out of the Presidential Election, and Ruon3bs disappeared without a trace. Maybe again Cool-Dillon will be back when he is needed most.


Edited by Ammastus



protégé of kaochinx27

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On 8/2/2020 at 10:28 PM, true said:

In 2011 DF we busted some Maxsje (Ex-RSC mod?) dude for spying/leaking forums to VR and gave him the boot. After denying it, he went away for a few months only to return to our officials team with some wild story. He spewed some weird tale about how he was able to confirm Evizu sending a real life home invader (via window) into his apartment to screenshot DF forums on the laptop he had "left open." After telling us the real "spy" was being prosecuted, we never saw him again. 

From the funny clan stories thread 


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It warms my heart that 3bs is remembered for Vr/Dk rather than PH.

My favourite story is when low IQ Roninite Tango Jr thought he could get someone to spy by paying up front. Needless to say he got scammed and lived up to his turtle brain reputation.





Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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Was in a clan on a pserver and it was before my time but apparently one of the members was in Frozen Fury and leaked to the rsps clan, don't know the specifics but thought it was hilarious that he leaked FF to a pserver clan for whatever reason. A lot of people in the clan at the time played RS so not sure if they just hit FF for memes or something or if one of them was in another clan on the main game and used that info for themselves. 









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I wont drag it out but basically red fat1 gave me wizard storm in gladz forum info. Later on gladz kicked him as bk spy totally not his fault.

 I told him everything he was mad but respected the honesty.  After that he introed to bk lol.


I have some higher level ones but cant share still

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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Had a spy  "account" in my CWA Warring team LND from another smaller team who I can't remember the name of, but the guys name was EvertonFc or something similar and  he had another guy using the account I think called Generaldesor, I knew of the spy, someone who knew them told me, but I never cared, it was a warring team for christ sake, like what damage can you actually do lol. No DDOSing went on, no Doxing, they were never caught spamming the portal in CWRI's for opposition kills and never caught on purpose dying early in matched opts fights, they literally gave us opts and likely obtained absolutely 0 useful information for best part of 6 months+ because all internal affairs were ran by me and the other leader who was an IRL friend

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Please expand for maximum vomit


12th April 2021


24th April 2021


12th May 2021 






TRWF PK Leader ¦ Legends Never Die Leader ¦ Clan Envy Warlord

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5 minutes ago, Stewie390 said:

Had a spy  "account" in my CWA Warring team LND from another smaller team who I can't remember the name of, but the guys name was EvertonFc or something similar and  he had another guy using the account I think called Generaldesor, I knew of the spy, someone who knew them told me, but I never cared, it was a warring team for christ sake, like what damage can you actually do lol. No DDOSing went on, no Doxing, they were never caught spamming the portal in CWRI's for opposition kills and never caught on purpose dying early in matched opts fights, they literally gave us opts and likely obtained absolutely 0 useful information for best part of 6 months+ because all internal affairs were ran by me and the other leader who was an IRL friend

We had a 'spy' in Flip Flops (A CWA TEAM) too who only gave us options lol, isn't too interesting of a story to talk about though


I think the name of the team you're talking about might be TPR (Team Power Rangers)

Edited by Pietru


Tempest Old School

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