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Has RS affected somehow your life on a positive way?


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Have you ever thought about how playing RS improved your RL in some aspect? I was thinking many of us have played the game for too many years. It is not usual to see people playing the same game for 15, 10 or even 5 years, meeting a lot of people and sharing experiences. 


So in my case, i think playing Rs has helped me a little with many things.

When i was an official in previous clans i started to dedicate my own time to help others in game related things. Finding joy on doing something good for the rest, probably helped me decide to get into some volunteer programs related to education later on. 

I also had my first experience leading, meaning i was responsable for the actions of others and had to deal with the consequences even if their weren't my fault or under my control (like one of the members scamming other, crashing clans or being an idiot on RSC) . Nowadays, i have many project teams in charge at work, and i think the vision i have about me working for them and not the other way around and the way i choose to solve problems has been affected by that Rs experience. 


It has probably also helped me with my english, learning many words and catching some kind of an accent i wouldn't know how to describe but definitely does not sound like argentinian hehe. 


So what about you? 


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The most obvious thing is RS taught me to type when I was 10. Typing classes in elementary school have nothing on trying to keep up with spammers in Varrock W1.


However, at a bit of a deeper level, I think RS (eventually) taught me how to 'grind'. We talk a lot about grinding out skills, but I don't know if we always appreciate how goal-oriented RS is and how that correlates to our outside lives. For a long time, I was bad at grinding both in RS and IRL; I struggled to train skills and IRL I skated by on a lot of luck/natural talent (such as in school). My freshman year of college (uni), I set 5 goals for myself to accomplish by graduation. This is going to sound a little silly, but one of the 5 goals was to get a 99 in OSRS. I had never gotten a 99 before and it seemed like a hurdle I should overcome. I got 99 mining a year and a half later. Over time, I learned how to grind and it paid off both in school work and eventually in boxing. I think RS definitely played a part in that.

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2 minutes ago, Howl said:

The most obvious thing is RS taught me to type when I was 10. Typing classes in elementary school have nothing on trying to keep up with spammers in Varrock W1.


However, at a bit of a deeper level, I think RS (eventually) taught me how to 'grind'. We talk a lot about grinding out skills, but I don't know if we always appreciate how goal-oriented RS is and how that correlates to our outside lives. For a long time, I was bad at grinding both in RS and IRL; I struggled to train skills and IRL I skated by on a lot of luck/natural talent (such as in school). My freshman year of college (uni), I set 5 goals for myself to accomplish by graduation. This is going to sound a little silly, but one of the 5 goals was to get a 99 in OSRS. I had never gotten a 99 before and it seemed like a hurdle I should overcome. I got 99 mining a year and a half later. Over time, I learned how to grind and it paid off both in school work and eventually in boxing. I think RS definitely played a part in that.

I love the story! you also picked one of the hardest 99s!

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Yeah, this game has taught me lots of things. 


One of the major things it taught me was how to navigate something like the g.e and manage my gold effectively. As a kid, it can be difficult doing something like that (with the little knowledge you have). However, once you get the hang of it, you can apply it irl and learn how to save money effectively and use it for what you need. 

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Languages, I'm fluent in Dutch and Brazilian Portuguese primarily from RuneScape, the former I think I've been speaking for around 14 years now. I don't think I'd be enjoying the run of employment I've had over the past 8 years in a variety of fields without being to speak almost 10 languages at this point. Also insane typing speed.

Edited by Lavigne






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Although I'm Canadian, being raised in an area where French dominates [Montreal] meant that my English was never quite fluent until I got involved with the clan world + going to an English college helped. I'm not sure if it was just RS, I think it was a combo of RS + clan world. Today I speak English more than French due to work.

Also other skills such as organization, time management, communication, patience, and other soft skills. I do wish it would have taught me more technical skills, such as Software engineering + Computer science. Probably should have taken more interests with web technologies early on, but meh.


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Can find info on a lot of things pretty quickly/easily now

Can type a lot faster

Definitely learned about some things I likely wouldn't have otherwise

2 of my really close friends who I live not far from IRL are actually people I met on rs a few years ago

Still have some friends i've met between rs/rsps in the past decade or so, don't talk to most of them insanely frequently but they're long standing relationships nonetheless

Is probably a big part of the reason i'm familiar with and have any interest at all in computers which is what I majored in and what job field I work in so is probably indirectly responsible for my career

Thanks to retards trying to dox me and hack into my shit i'm exponentially better security wise than I ever was before and pretty much every account I touch on any website has whatever secure measures it can get assuming they're available, as well as being a lot more cautious with what info i give out and to whom

Have learned lessons about trust both in that it can be good to trust others but there needs to be a line whether it's not trusting them with valuable items you aren't willing to lose or not trusting them with information you wouldn't ever want leaked

In my later years of high school I largely broke away from a lot of rs and the crap in the community due to some issues i was having and it resulted in me making a lot of really good friends and having really great experiences I likely wouldn't have otherwise, so while rs was the negative thing in that scenario it caused a lot of really great real life experiences

While i'm not really fluent in any other languages just from being around so many other people over time I can almost always recognize what language it is when another is being spoken/written which I think is neat, and i've learned a lot about various cultures or customs which sometimes has come in handy in real life situations talking to people from those countries 

Unironically the game and people in the community have probably helped me maintain sanity a bit during quarantine as well as giving me something to do while I wait for the morons who don't like wearing masks to meet natural selection

A lot of things I enjoy watching or doing irl are resultant of learning about them from people i play rs with as well


so no i guess not lol ? 

Edited by Adam_








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In a combination of life experience. It has helped me with managing people from leading a clan.


At least enhanced that ability at the very least.

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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Perhaps there has been a butterfly effect that has resulted from my time clanning, but not anything super major, at least that I can think of. The best I can think of is the return to clanning did inadvertently lead to me purchasing some btc just due to discussions right before they rose like 7K each, so being involved in the community made me a few thousand dollars richer lately, I've had effects like that, but directly nothing I can think of.


Other life decisions have had way more evident life effects. For example, my first job lead me on a path where every major decision I made was revolved around those experiences, the people I worked with, and the connections I made. I made connections with people who advanced my career in a certain direction ever since my first job, the women I've dated, and the things I've done all have a direct path stemming from where I started my first job, I had multiple job offers on the table when I went to look for my first job, just thinking that if I had accepted a different one, my entire life, every aspect of it, would essentially be extremely different.


There is no easy way to tell if RS has discreetly made this type of impact on my life without me noticing it, but it is very possible, although I'm saying nothing really for now, I wouldn't be surprised to find out it did and some mysterious way affect me. I can say it has brought me some close friends whom I can rely on and talk to when I need help, and their influences may be unconsciously shaping my decisions moving forward.

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I learnt enough of a language from runescape to impress a girl and make her curious as to why I speak some. 5 Years on we're still living together, so I guess it helped.


Also made quite a few friends who I still see time to time ?

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