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Wee Man AMA

Wee Man

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16 minutes ago, Boxerpup said:

whats your views on Bles

Comes across as someone who really wants to be important and have clout in the clan scene but instead of trying to do good and grow a good clan or something he's just passed himself off as other people and lied through his teeth about really stupid shit. I really do think there's something seriously wrong with that guy.

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Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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if you started a new clan from scratch, what would the name/color scheme/logo be? who would you want as part of your official team?




don't be the third whale

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17 minutes ago, Nick said:

Do you still have the screenshots of ph leader boards where it’s filled with Krunal spazzing out about stuff he wants done on the forums? 

I posted them in clan discussion on here lmao.



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Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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18 minutes ago, Krystal said:

👀 What sort of baking do you do? I'm a little sus of "bakers" from England after watching Peaky Blinders.

I'm qualified to do pretty much anything but my current role is strictly baking bread. 

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Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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30 minutes ago, true said:


What were some impressions of fellow Tempest members that were positively changed whilst clanning with them?

The End - My impression of him from my time in Ronin compared to now is completely different, I thought he was just a dickhead who gave me too many headaches while dealing with the attacks on Ronin's site. Now I consider him the most hard working and dedicated official Tempest has. This clan would not be where it is today without all his work behind the scenes.


Brian - Didn't really know him prior to Tempest but always seemed well respected from his time running Di. Since speaking to him and seeing what he's capable of it's clear just how much of an impact he's had on the clan so far.


What member of Tempest do you feel like has the potential to contribute a higher level (Like Rider+)?

Me you clown???? Alternatively I think @Howl would be a good fit, he better not let me down if he ever makes it up there, my track record for suggestions so far has been great.


Do you have any big regrets not joining a "big clan" when clanning was still bigger?

None whatsoever, a lot of the fun for me comes from taking a clan from humble beginnings to wherever it peaks at so I was never really interested in joining established top clans with huge MLs.

Edited by Wee Man
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Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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28 minutes ago, Adam said:

Why do you think you're important enough to have an AMA?

I really don't but after joking about it for a while people seemed to actually want it. I'm assuming they just want to flame me or my ex clans. Sad tbh. Also fuck you idiot.

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Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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Do you think it's possible we ever get to a point in the clan world where there's a general understanding and respect between clans? something similar to the 'honor period' or whatever you want to call it in RSC/early RS2




don't be the third whale

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30 minutes ago, Josh said:


Which big brain had the idea for 3rd party posting?

I can't remember off the top of my head but it was in response to retarded "no rsc" rules and boycotts by salty clans who couldn't take a loss.


Who killed rsc more? Lego, darkblade or molson?

None of them. I don't blame the staff at all for how RSC went down the drain.


Why was pondtail never unbanned #freepondtail

Before my time I think but I think I've seen a bunch of his ban appeals lmao.


Have you applied to great British bake off? What will your signature be? 

When I started my apprenticeship one of the first things they told us was that we could no longer take part on that show since we'd no longer be considered amateurs. Good job too because I would be fucking awful, I can follow instructions well and I have the skills to make a lot of what they make but I don't have much experience in cakes and I'm also not very creative. My signature would be some really boring looking bread but it'd be delicious.

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Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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1 hour ago, Wee Man said:




Biggest retard you've ever had in your clan?

Personality wise? Spencstar by far but he's actually a really smart guy, just plays the character for a laugh.


IQ wise? High Volume.



LMFAO High_volume... I miss that guy.

Working of this question/answer, do you think  High Volume was as dumb as he was or was he just acting during his time in Ronin?

I personally thought he was being a clown on purpose at times for laughs.


If you could bring 5 members who were Ronin to Tempy who would they be and why?


Edited by TheEggMan




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35 minutes ago, true said:

What is the sketchiest thing you've ever done?

Broke into a lot of clan/team forums and stole databases to crack the passwords of which was then used to break into more clan's forums. All in all I don't really think it was that harmful but definitely on the grimy side of things.





Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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From your involvement with RSC and your attempt to launch OSClans, it's clear you think there's some value in having a common/neutral board for clans to use. Do you think the loss of RSC and not having a real replacement hurt the clan world?




don't be the third whale

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