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AMA - Mat K

Mat K

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Hello MMK,


My question to you - How are you today? ?

Please expand for maximum vomit


12th April 2021


24th April 2021


12th May 2021 






TRWF PK Leader ¦ Legends Never Die Leader ¦ Clan Envy Warlord

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4 minutes ago, Heath said:

After all the push back, why did Jagex continue to do EOC? 

It’s like they knew it would kill the game, did they plan on RS07 years prior?

I think too much was invested in EOC to not do it, and I think most of Jagex realise that was a mistake, still at least we got OSRS from it.

No, releasing OSRS wasn't pre planned.

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Just now, Mat K said:

I think they are an essential part of the future of OSRS. I spent a lot of time in clans back in 04-08 and I know the importance of them when it comes to group content and there is an obvious drive to encourage group content in OSRS right now.

What clans were you involved in during this time period? Were there any particular interactions with the community that stood out to you and drove you to make specific updates?

Proud Tempest - Guest > Verified Guest > Bunny Guest > Verified Guest > Bunny Guest > Intro > Applicant > Member


Please if you spot these missing robes, have them returned to Panda|Mike for a reward.






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Staying away from the controversial....

Can you go into detail on a couple of your favorite memories working for Jagex?

Are there any directions that you wanted to take OSRS that you never got the ok for?

What are your favorite and least favorite aspects of OSRS?

How's life been treating you these past few months?

Best Runescape Caller February 2013 - Present Day

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Just now, Mat K said:

I think they are an essential part of the future of OSRS. I spent a lot of time in clans back in 04-08 and I know the importance of them when it comes to group content and there is an obvious drive to encourage group content in OSRS right now.

Do you think modern players of the game focus on solo content too much, or do you think group content is in any danger?


I don't mean to put clanning in a bad spot, but one of the reasons that I love clans(and I assume one of the reasons that you enjoyed them and believe in the importance of them) is that community is fun. It's enjoyable. Do you think the game's had a culture change to where maybe group content isn't a major focus or interest anymore? If so do you think anything could or should be done about that?










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Hey Mat, been a while. Hope you're doing well.

I remember back when wilderness was removed you reached out to me to try get feedback on what the community wanted. We talked a few times and if I remember it right you told me there wasn't a lot of interest or support in jagex for clans back then. Around the start of OSRS you reached out to me and other clan leaders to try work with us but nothing ever really came of it. I seem to remember there being some sort of conversation among us clan leaders but it pretty much turned into leaders just flaming each other (don't think you were involved in this conversation). I guess my question is that it seemed like you always wanted to do something for clans, but nothing ever came of it. Was this because of how "toxic" jagex perceived the clan community as being? Is that why the 2017 (?) jcup never ended up happening?

Edited by Brian
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If you could do one thing differently that you did whilst you were mod, what would it be and why?


What is your biggest person achievement as a moderator?

Edited by Ssj


Ex-Envy Leader / Ex-Genesis Council / Ex-Divine Forces App Reviewer / Tempest Legend /






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What do you think the OSRS team should try to do to revitalize PvP clans, particularly those based around the free-to-play game? Do you think the free-to-play scene is deserving of any sort of updates despite not paying membership fees?



The Titans Officer

Ronin PK Leader

Tempy Legend

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17 minutes ago, Wee Man said:

1. Do you think social media/fan sites (Reddit/Zybez/Tip.it etc) effected Old School RS in a positive or negative way? 

2. Do you think ROT are as scummy as the average player seems to think they are?

3. Assuming you're allowed to discuss it, do you think Jed really was influenced by ROT to do what he did?

4. How stressful is the new job compared to your work at Jagex?

5. Were PvP clans ever taken seriously or were they seen more of a nuisance?


1. I think they are very positive, however I don't think they have the impact they once did. Most people don't go past the wiki these days

2. I know a fair few ROT people and as individuals they are okay, but I think there are/were a few bad apples *cough* Jed.

3. Yes I think he was, he liked the feeling of power he thought he had.

4. Much less stress... don't have to deal with ROT.

5. They were never the  biggest part of Jagex's considerations, but without them there would not have been the clan system that RS3 has now.

Edited by Wee Man
fixed the formatting.
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What is the best way for clans to approach Jagex in order to get the hugging mechanic back into the game?

The mechanic where you can go around an object (IE; a wall, rock, or tree) and the people attacking you get stuck on the other side.

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2 minutes ago, Vanuckle said:

What is the best way for clans to approach Jagex in order to get the hugging mechanic back into the game?

The mechanic where you can go around an object (IE; a wall, rock, or tree) and the people attacking you get stuck on the other side.

I second this.

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Best Runescape Caller February 2013 - Present Day

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12 hours ago, Gochance1 said:
  1. Do you play runescape?
  2. Do you play any other online games?
  3. What was your favorite update to runescape?
  4. What was your least favorite update to runescape?
  5. How long have you played runescape?


  1. - Yes, I am playing it right now.
  2. - Loads of them, my favourite at the moment is Fallout 76
  3. - Inferno
  4. - shift click drop.
  5. - since May 04
Edited by Vanuckle
fixed formatting.
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21 minutes ago, RagingPanda said:

In 2009 when The Titans won the very first Jagex Cup. Why did they not get a personalized reward? 

I am not sure.  Most likely because it was the first Cup and we didn't realise the demand for that.

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