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Who’s the best person you’ve met through RS?


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Doesn’t have to be a tempon, but who have you met on RS that left an impact on you/became a very close friend maybe? OR if you don’t want to name a person, I’ll leave it more vague: Do you think friendships you make through this game are just as meaningful as your irl relationships? I personally think so! 


I know a lot of people on RS try not to create close relationships with people they meet on the game BUT in my case, I’ve met a ton of amazing people through this platform!

From back when I first started playing when I was in elementary school to even just this past year when I returned, I’ve met a lot of wonderful people that I would not have crossed paths with otherwise. 


I’m interested in hearing your wholesome friendship stories on this FANTASTIC FRIYAY 🙂❤️ 

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Main ones (cos there's a few)


Ultradeath4u - I don't even remember what clan I met him in, I think EoS before he flamed Bb Blukiller and left for DF lol. M8 as fuck, knew him for 15 years when I was at school in Italy and he was growing up in Australia, playing CoD with me he always let me host even though he had like 300 ping cos ye, Australia -> Italy ping lol. We then turned a community I've ran since 2004 called REIGN into a proper community clan and got a lot of fun shit done, running it whilst playing cod zombies and 76king at the same time. Gaz disappeared some point after EOC launch and I have not seen or heard from him since 😞 The last thing he ever said was he was moving back to Scotland and then he vanished.


Tokeologist/I3urnin - I've known I3urnin since 2004, we were in The Dreaded, an AEST based Pure Clan (neither of us still know how we managed it, we were European and our PKs were at like 2am and we were both in high school). I met him in 2011 and we've been friends since, so around 17 years now. Met his family, spent a weekend round his, guys like a brother to me. He was also Dragoonwood and DI with me.


Hatebreeder - Met him in DI a few years back, and found out he lived literally two roads away. Met up for a pint, got drunk, sung a bunch of patriotic anthems and then he subsequently threw up on my lap and I had to ring his Dad to come pick him up before he died. Mate as fuck, total lightweight, but an absolute DI Legend. Known him for around 5 or 6 years now.


MMORPGs are worthless to me past the people I meet, and I love how many peop;le I've met from the games I play IRL, some of whom I have now known for over a decade. That is a fuckload of time. If you get the opportunity to meet your mates from RS, do it, the experience is worth it. 

Edited by Lavigne
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Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: Knight Frank

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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i started out a very trusting naive individual and trusted people too much when i was young and it kinda bit me in the ass when people were posting pics of me in middle school/high school after we ended up pking with different people lol , went through a few years of not rlly trusting ppl online and only in the past few years started to trust people again, but obviously knowing a lot more than i do now and being far more careful


met some people online that it turned out live not too far from me and we've become good friends, they're probably actually some of the best friends i've ever had and i talk to them pretty much every day. 


for the second question yeah i think friendships can be just as meaningful. that being said with it being online a lot of people do snaky shit or betray peoples' trust in ways that i think they wouldn't irl, so those friendships/relationships may be harder to find and maintain online for sure, but they absolutely exist. i know a few people who've met their spouses over the game, but for each one of theirs there's probably 5 people i know who actually started a relationship with someone they met on the game that came to an end, i think the ratio is probably similar when it comes to friendships. 


tbh i've often found that friendships i made in school or whatever where it was just all of us kind of being there by choice sometimes had less meaning than the friendships i've made online, because we're mostly here by choice and generally brought together by common interest (not to say i haven't had a lot of good friends from school / other irl shit over the years, i still talk to some of them as well just not as frequently)

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ive turned a lot of rs people into rl people and some of em even became the closest ppl i have and trust the most out of everyone i know. the game and its communities are a great opportunity to truly bond with people if u allow it to happen 

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ROT MotM April 2011

ROT Official 2011-2016

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Do you think friendships you make through this game are just as meaningful as your irl relationships?

I personally think they are. Tbh, I spend more time talking with my friends online than I do to my real life ones. I don’t need to know you personally to be able to have a connection with you. It’s actually easier because we meet over one goal which is to have fun playing runescape.


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Most of the downfall squad that i've known through out the years. When people ask me how i've clanned in a est timezone while im GMT+4 for atleast 13 years it really means something

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Alice who is in DF. My longest online friend and one of the first since joining the clan world. We still keep in touch to this day even though life and such has gotten in the way.

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PDlMitch ~ Ex: Knights of Order ~ Collision ~ Syndicate ~ Exodus ~ Crimson Raiders ~ Downfall ~ Divine Forces








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