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Might have had it in March 2020, friend of mine had a "mild flu" and I was at his for dinner and I had flu symptoms for 2 weeks after. Anyway summer 2020 he did an antibody test and was positive for antibodies and only time he can remember being sick was march... I probably didn't have it, and couldn't be bothered to pay for an antibody test, but makes me wonder.


Anyway, if you're refusing to be vaccinated because you prefer horse dewormer or whatever it is that Americans are doing this week.... Then you only have yourself to blame. Yeah you can still get covid but your chance of serious illness is minimal in comparison. Go get jabbed and if you don't understand how vaccines work then ask your physician



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52 minutes ago, Victor said:

I feel really bad that I took someone spot on last year and I think that someone might have died cuz I was in there 

You needed the hospital just as much as the other sick people. Blame the people who are helping to continue the pandemic by spreading disinformation and not trusting doctors.

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Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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3 hours ago, John said:

Never felt the need to get it [...]

Well, I hope this anecdotal incident of you getting the 'Rona (despite the 'odds') serves to show that anecdotal wisdom is unreliable & it's smarter to base decisions on research with meaningfully large samples.




Hope your case is mild and you don't get long-term weakness or loss of senses. Gws

Edited by S3lvah
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Fools / CU / DI / FF / Elu Warlord – TT Captain – TKO / TB / Desc / Tempy Member

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It’s probably a good idea to take medical advice from a doctor and get vaccinated. That’s pretty much common sense. Even outside of the context of COVID19, there’s been many diseases that killed tens of thousands of people every year that simply don’t exist anymore because of the successes of vaccination remedies and technologies (Smallpox, Polio, Tetanus just to name a few).


So when you say “I don’t see a reason to get it” you’re basically thumbing your nose at medical science and rolling the dice on your own survival. Not to mention that you put other people in danger by behaving in a reckless manner.

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Had it. Sucked for the first week, couldn't get out of bed, no taste or smell, cough, runny nose. Tested negative about 10 days after I got it. It's been almost a month now and I'm still trying to get my taste and smell back.

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9 hours ago, Null said:

Yeah I haven't had it fortunately, got both jabs with Pfizer now too so fingers crossed I don't have to go through that.

Hope you feel better soon 

You will. I reckon all of us will at least once. I'm flu jabbed and boosted as I need to be; and I still get the flu. It's just not going to hit you as hard as it should and that's the point a lot of people sorta miss. "I dont wanna get vacced it doesn't stop me getting it" - yea well it's not supposed to, it's supposed to hopefully stop you dying, and anyone who can't see that is an idiot, I don't care what their excuses are - you go out, you put yourself at risk, fine by me. Just make sure you're the only one who gets punished for it.


With that said, obviously, a speedy recovery for you because you're still ill, and whether you're jabbed or not it's not your fault if you get ill, only if you get more ill than you should've been. All the best.

Edited by Lavigne
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You probably have the flu. Losing sense of taste/smell is a sign of radiation poisoning. Viruses are created within your body to cleanse toxins and is actually very good for you! (so long as your immune system is good and you dont get killed). You naturally don't eat (fasting/autophagy), your body heats up to kill the toxins (you sweat toxins), and allergies are cleansing your gut microbiome (flem). You'll be fine, just remember the same people selling you poison(vaccines are just heavy metal toxins that make you sick, mercury, aluminum, etc. just look at the ingredients...) are the one who claim they can treat you! Not one single virus has been isolated outside of the human body, because they are dead entities inside the body and only activate when toxicity is too high as a defense mechanism. Look into Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory and validate the claims for yourself though. The Coronavirus has also been described as the common cold since the 1970s btw, just google old research papers. Good luck!

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1 hour ago, Justinlol said:

You probably have the flu. Losing sense of taste/smell is a sign of radiation poisoning. Viruses are created within your body to cleanse toxins and is actually very good for you! (so long as your immune system is good and you dont get killed). You naturally don't eat (fasting/autophagy), your body heats up to kill the toxins (you sweat toxins), and allergies are cleansing your gut microbiome (flem). You'll be fine, just remember the same people selling you poison(vaccines are just heavy metal toxins that make you sick, mercury, aluminum, etc. just look at the ingredients...) are the one who claim they can treat you! Not one single virus has been isolated outside of the human body, because they are dead entities inside the body and only activate when toxicity is too high as a defense mechanism. Look into Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory and validate the claims for yourself though. The Coronavirus has also been described as the common cold since the 1970s btw, just google old research papers. Good luck!

What in the name of retarded did I just read


Guess the tide pod challenge really did have a lasting effect on some 



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3 hours ago, Justinlol said:

You probably have the flu. Losing sense of taste/smell is a sign of radiation poisoning. Viruses are created within your body to cleanse toxins and is actually very good for you! (so long as your immune system is good and you dont get killed). You naturally don't eat (fasting/autophagy), your body heats up to kill the toxins (you sweat toxins), and allergies are cleansing your gut microbiome (flem). You'll be fine, just remember the same people selling you poison(vaccines are just heavy metal toxins that make you sick, mercury, aluminum, etc. just look at the ingredients...) are the one who claim they can treat you! Not one single virus has been isolated outside of the human body, because they are dead entities inside the body and only activate when toxicity is too high as a defense mechanism. Look into Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory and validate the claims for yourself though. The Coronavirus has also been described as the common cold since the 1970s btw, just google old research papers. Good luck!

Copypasta for sure. Nobody is this much of an ape.





Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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