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5 minutes ago, Embraceanger said:

I guess I should rephrase this whole question; 


Olde's DI pulled a 'Weekend at Bernie's' with the corpse of DI, pretty much continuing everything that was set up previously with very little change. It was obvious that it was going to go nowhere, and I was surprised it lasted as long as it did. That leads me to believe that the issues that led to DI dying were around before Olde's DI.


What issues do you think there were that caused DI to set down the path towards closure? As leader, I'm sure you knew where the shortcomings were and how to best work around them. 


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You'll probably find answers to that here:




To keep it brief the things that went "wrong":

Lack of callers - Joko was really our only caller. Paul was busy with school.

JCup not happening - this led to a lack of direction. As you can see on the direction topic not all ranks were on the same page.

Core members quitting RS and not being replaced with new blood


In summary what went wrong and what could have fixed it was choosing between being an F2P or P2P clan. The choice would have been P2P but that would have resulted in losing more members.



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1 hour ago, david said:

Thanks for doing another ama. Working with you when you was brought into the officials team has been an honor and made me appreciate the things you do on the effort you put in and all the things you do behind the scene. 

i honestly thought I would’ve been able to fit into di when I did join if Paul kurt n Ashley was more active but it was just that every time I’m on TeamSpeak it was all politic talk so that pretty much burnt me out of the community.


I still wish your FA went better than it did btw, I needed you later on lol.

  • Haha 1






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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34 minutes ago, Embraceanger said:

Can you find flush.webm for me? It won't ever load on di-rs.com for me, but I forgot my login and that could be the reason why.

If you know of a post where it is then I can probably get it. Embeds stopped working but the URL is probably still there when I go to edit


Nvm, it's dead. It was hosted on Harveys site and that's dead



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18 minutes ago, Brian said:

Dream job would have been pilot but costs too high


Can't see myself changing careers at this stage

Most pilots borrow money for their courses, why did you choose not to do this?






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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3 minutes ago, Lavigne said:

Most pilots borrow money for their courses, why did you choose not to do this?

When I would have been the right age, the economy was dead. Don't think too many banks would have been willing to hand out 100k or so at that stage.



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Is there a Mrs. Ghjjf in your life?


How long was your longest RL relationship?


What was life like growing up in Ireland? I think you're at most 2 or 3 years older than I am, but I wonder how much different the US and other parts of the world are in terms of nurture and environment growing up.


If someone visited Ireland today, what would be the one thing you would say they couldn't miss seeing or doing?

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Which calling line-up from the entire of OSRS DI (Limit of 4) would you take as an "MVP line-up" for an important fight if DI was to fight ROT this weekend.

You mentioned last AMA there was a way to tell how a screenshot was taken based on everyone having a unique forum display, can you detail this a little more?

Was there another private officials IRC outside of warroom? Was it active if so?

You mentioned Oldee overanalyzed, can you provide an example of how that went down or a specific situation?

Why did we allow the EoS mass-join?

What was the aftermath after I left?






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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1 hour ago, Brian said:

The official war with DS was the first time we fought them. That was September 06. After that we comfortably won the next few run ins, I think we went at least 6-0? and that took us into early 2007. That was when they started to win. On F2P quality didn't mean much so there was no advantage/disadvantage on either side there really. The major reason we lost our top spot to them was simply the fact they had very few Europeans and 40+ AEST members. DI on the other hand was pretty GMT/EST based. There was simply nothing we could do when they set out to outlast us. After they closed we regained number 1 spot for a bit but after that it was really anyone's game. A major reason behind that is most DI were in DI for P2P and not F2P. I think people just got burned out on F2P and the desire wasn't as strong as it used to be. Wasn't too long after they removed wilderness and everything changed again anyway.


No particular reason for the chain and full helm other than to keep the identity. Like certain people wore coloured boots etc.


Yea he was a strange guy. Wasn't the only one obsessed with me like that though. Generally I took no notice of them.


You're probably thinking of MTA. TD got him on vid logging from them. He was head warlord at the time. Praying was one thing that probably could have been "dealt" with but logging was really hard to justify since I think even TD frowned on kind of thing at the time.


I don't think any clans apart from maybe RoT had real identity during OSRS. Everyone was kinda the same and had nothing unique to offer. That's often something we talked about, what our unique selling point would be, but we really didn't have anything different to offer than anyone else.

Yeah that reminds me of back when it was sort of considered NH to return? Then at one of the fights what separated Di from the hundreds of people there killing them was not only your members returning but in full rune to chaos dwarfs and trying to keep the fight alive. That shit was insane, I was like how can they be sooooo rich?? Killing a Di member, was awesome, could go buy a h'ween mask or a santa lmao.


I try to think about what the main difference was between the old days and now. Why did I enjoy it more then? Maybe age, maybe it was more new to me, but I came to the conclusion that it was standards{agree/disagree?}. If you ran from Dm's you could be declined from joining a honor clan. Now? You can scam people, join the same clan that you scammed people from 6 months later. I even remember how people like Themario, Xxhotshot x and shit would be at MB, they were the jokes of the clan world because they would pray 1v1 in dhides and a whip, while calling you a bunch of racist shit lol. Eventually that group of people turned into the modern day Rot. That persona of being rebellious, not conforming with the honor code that most clans abided by, really gave them the identity they still have to this date. While at the same time it dragged down the entire community and we got to the point where hacking forums was cool, hacking accounts was acceptable and etc. What's your take on it?

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Are you still working from home?


Are you vaccinated?


You pretty much religiously would not be home on Friday nights (I remember masshlgate [RIP] was on one of those fateful Friday nights). What did you do on Friday nights during the pandemic when the bars were closed?

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There were a few officials who were kicked, like Woodly or Yoeni...  Did any of them you kicked ever try to find a way back? I guess from a member point of view it was always surprising to see an official kicked, especially when it was like Woodly skipping for tribalwars 


e:  We never really had many Aussie/NZ members, why do you think we had such a challenge recruiting from that timezone? It's not like we were inactive in that timezone, especially with GMT magebank trips etc. I remember Roger Selma and Kazamastyle (? was he an AG spy in the end?) and maybe a few others but beyond that....  Other clans seemed to always have more, and they didn't even do events in that timezone... 

Edited by Josh



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23 minutes ago, Embraceanger said:

Is there a Mrs. Ghjjf in your life?


How long was your longest RL relationship?


What was life like growing up in Ireland? I think you're at most 2 or 3 years older than I am, but I wonder how much different the US and other parts of the world are in terms of nurture and environment growing up.


If someone visited Ireland today, what would be the one thing you would say they couldn't miss seeing or doing?

Not currently. Wouldn't be putting the hours into RS I do if there was lol


Not long


Even in the 90s the church still had a strong influence here. Mass every Sunday kind of thing. Divorce wasn't legal until 96. We were afraid when the priest was coming to visit us in school. People didn't have a lot of money but no one was going hungry. Life was a lot simpler. But it was fine. All of that changed towards the late 90s though and suddenly everyone had money. By the end 2000s I'd say not much different than the US in a lot of ways.


I'd say to see all of the country rather than just Dublin. Even though Ireland is small each county is unique. Probably go to the all Ireland Hurling Final. It's often listed as one of the top sports events you should attend before you die even though most people have no idea what hurling is.



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11 hours ago, Bobicles2 said:

I completely forgot about that Dark Magi guy, like Dark Magi500 or something, that entire clan DB was desperate to be like Di. I'm sure he intro'd/apped to Di and got declined once. 


He reminds me of Veto/Bles whoever his real identity running that Spartans clan 

Good comparison.



Brian -

What are some lessons you feel you may have learned with a different operating staff in Tempest than in OSRS DI? If you could transplant some staff & members from here back in time, who would you take to OSRS DI?














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40 minutes ago, Lavigne said:

Which calling line-up from the entire of OSRS DI (Limit of 4) would you take as an "MVP line-up" for an important fight if DI was to fight ROT this weekend.

You mentioned last AMA there was a way to tell how a screenshot was taken based on everyone having a unique forum display, can you detail this a little more?

Was there another private officials IRC outside of warroom? Was it active if so?

You mentioned Oldee overanalyzed, can you provide an example of how that went down or a specific situation?

Why did we allow the EoS mass-join?

What was the aftermath after I left?

Presumably in F2P then I'd say Alex, Joko, You, Paul


It was actually the pips that used appear below the avatar like you can see here:


Basically Eric had some way of putting a bit of code into one of them and he'd know when some took a picture of them. Presumably this only worked with the printscreen key like other clans were doing in later years. Screenshot tools weren't as popular then.


We did have a di.leaders channel but it wasn't really used after inf stepped down. It was more so like an open DM between me and Foyboy if anything.


When Foyboy left for example I think me and Olde had a conversation that basically went along the lines of him trying to get into Foyboys mindset and stuff. I dunno, it was just weird. Like people left he was taking it like he personally did something wrong.


With mass joins I was always willing to give everyone a chance as long as each person was treated as an individual. It didn't work out but I don't think it did any lasting damage. All it led to was the creation of bears and we know how that ended (If I have my timelines right?)


From a few officials I think there was a sense of relief because we kind of felt like you were a bit of a ticking time bomb at that stage, so it was better for all concerned.



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