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Everything posted by Juri

  1. Welcome to forums, our events do come as priority to any pure clan thing ?
  2. Juri


    What childhood sports did you take up and why? Handball from 10 -13 years old and basketball 13-15 years old Did you ever make it far in the chosen sport? Handball club was very successful at the youth tournaments and the basketball club was just created and we were the first and oldest age group there, so we all started it super late. But the club itself have now been running 15 years and produced talents who have made it to Real Madrid basketball academy and so. Are you currently still doing any of the sports you did and how often? I have been going to gym for past 5 years now. Proudest accomplishments - In terms or sports not much yet, but in the past 5 years I have lost around 45kg and building my fitness up again ? Pretty proud of that. Biggest regrets? That I didn't have many opportunities to try different sports at youth, but it was 90s and we were very poor.
  3. Juri

    2k Total

    Big gamer mode there ?
  4. Basically every Tempest member having a confidence boost at yesterdays fight..
  5. Juri

    Guess What?

    Strong level Victoria! ?
  6. Thank you for the fight Ancient Fury and bad fight RoT for funding Jagex with the bond you spent on those bonds .)
  7. How do you move your camera: Arrow keys Age: 28 Do you use F keys?: no
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