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Everything posted by Krystal

  1. Good lord. Was it just.. a common thing in DI where someone would step up and give a speech before a fight or something? "alright bois it's tom's turn to get people rallied. what you got today tommy boy?" Feel like there's been a few I've heard now since I came back loll. @Brian never talks, so I guess someone's gotta do it eh? Anyways, welcome to the forums, Tom 😛
  2. Welcome to the forums. Must be alright if you're Ashley's best friend. 🙂
  3. I'm always open to hearing other people's perspectives as long as their reasoning makes sense. Like I can understand why people are nervous about jumping into getting a vaccine that was put out pretty quickly. And I can understand why someone like your pregnant co-worker or people with underlying conditions would be hesitant as well. These are valid reasons imo. I do get frustrated with people who are just anti-vax in general though. They *do* work. Hello polio? Where you at, boo? Oh right. We got that shit on lock because of vaccinations. *shrug*
  4. If anecdotes work as "proof" that something does or doesn't work, then let me chime in with my own: I've been taking the flu shot every year because it's provided for me for free from working in healthcare. So I don't really see the harm in having it. My husband has caught the flu a few times over the years because he hates shots and is stubborn about getting the shot. Meanwhile, I have NEVER caught the flu from him. Therefore, from my own perspective, the flu shot is effective since I've evaded it despite living with someone who has caught it a couple times. It should be noted that there are many strains of the flu; however, and the shot is (from my understanding - I could be wrong) only targeted for what they believe will be the ones that you are most likely to catch that season. So yeah, it doesn't protect from *all* strains, but to say it's not effective at all is false.
  5. I've already gotten both doses in Dec/Jan and haven't had any issues. None of my coworkers had issues either. So far no one's gotten Covid since the vaccine so it seems to be working? Prior to the vaccine, it seemed like there was always someone out of work because of it.
  6. Have only played Diablo 3, but I'm sure it's good. I love that they spruce up their old games sometimes 🙂
  7. Krystal


    Happy birthday! 🙂
  8. Big congrats!!! What a cutie 😃
  9. Balance through Guthix ❤️ Grats!!!
  10. Have always preferred F2P simply because the gear is simple, and it's cheaper per death in F2P than it is in P2P lol.
  11. "Are you interested in joining?- i can't really tell right now as i've got a quite busy work/uni schedule, plus i don't really play the game actively anymore" I was once in denial as well. You'll be apping within the month, don't you worry. 😋 Welcome!
  12. Krystal


    Huge grats!!!
  13. Krystal

    anotha one

    hell yes. nice one!
  14. Lol so that's why it seems like you live at that bank. Grats!! =]
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