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Everything posted by Krystal

  1. We try to only order out twice a month. When we didn't have a proper kitchen for the month of May-June, we were ordering out almost everyday though loll.
  2. Nothing I have holds a candle to what you've done since I'm not a professional or have a fancy camera, but I do enjoy finding lovely picturesque moments I can capture on my phone during my travels or just simply my cats lol πŸ™‚ Some favorites: Panoramic Grand Canyon Big Sur 1000x more beautiful in person for sure Panama City Beach Honeymoon Sears/Willis Tower, Chicago Cacti in Phoenix, Arizona botanical gardens. The symmetry is mesmerizing lol Ducks in San Francisco Seagulls at Alcatraz I'm also blessed with photogenic cats. Got sooo many but here are a select few lol. They love the camera. Love a good silhouette
  3. I love photography but I don't have a professional camera so the pics I take are no where near the level of yours lmao. Really awesome pics! Thanks for sharing!!
  4. Krystal

    Yoto32- AMA

    Hahaha I totally agree with this. That rivalry was extra spicy and there were always big flames firing off from both sides. Every time I saw a DFvCor topic, I'd think "oh boy here we go" πŸ˜‚
  5. Scrubs, Working Moms, Loki, and Peaky Blinders
  6. THIS. I hate the heat. How I survived 23 years living in southern Alabama is beyond me. I much prefer cooler temps. And when I do visit home, I like to book a couple days at the beach.. in December when the beaches are emptied, discounts on hotels are abundant, and the water is still warm enough to swim in. 😎
  7. Krystal

    Yoto32- AMA

    I vaguely remember doing some dungeons with him back then but we weren't in the same guild or anything. I do see him logged into Battlenet sometimes so I'll see if I can get his attention and will reference this AMA to try to get him over here haha.
  8. Honey I shrunk the foreskin! Foreskin bound Wonder Foreskin Foreskin Revolutions Foreskin Reloaded
  9. Krystal

    Yoto32- AMA

    Yoto gave me permission to chime in for RSC stuff so I just thought people would love knowing that these days W13 is a doctor who enjoys skipping rope in thunderstorms. Total badass.
  10. Krystal

    Yoto32- AMA

    I think the real question on everyone's minds is: What age were you when you discovered self-sodomy was your preferred route? But for real, I gotta say, when I later found out you ended up becoming a Sr Mod I was totally not surprised. You were always one of my favorite modding companions. ❀️ PS we totally gotta attempt to raid again someday and hopefully you won't have to carry me as much πŸ˜‚
  11. Krystal

    Marvel series

    Yeah that was a damn good one for sure Agents of Shield is also a great one imo
  12. Krystal

    Marvel series

    Loved both Falcon & Wandavision. At first I thought Wandavision was a bit strange and didn't make sense for a Marvel universe show but it all pulled together in the end and I enjoyed it. Started Loki and it seems okay so far. I enjoy it when you have series and movies that all tie into one universe because it's fun to explore several angles, perspectives of the same timeline.
  13. I was only with them for a few months so unfortunately my memory is fuzzy and I can't recall that name 😞 Yeah idk it's just weird that the person knew I was Gladz, EH, and more recently Tempest yet didn't know I modded RSC for a year. Colored names popped out a lot on those forums and I had to keep private off back then because of the spam I'd get from people bugging me to delete posts or whatever. So it's just a weird oversight lol
  14. 1. Are you motivated to clan by -> "positive" things, like warring skills (honing & using), gaming with friends, gameplay, the thrill of competition; or -> "negative" things like giving bad people what they deserve, demotivating your opponents, weakening / closing bad clans, or your enemies' impotent hatred towards you? (And if both, which one chiefly?) I am definitely more motivated by positive things like warring, the community, competitiveness. 2. Which type of motivation ("positive" or "negative"), if any, do you perceive as having better driven clans to succeed? I think you need a mix of both to be a well-rounded, successful clan. I moderated on RSC during what I feel was the clan world's peak ('06-'07) and from what I could tell, it seemed like the best clans overall had a mix of these traits. Unfortunately, it felt like the ones that were driven more by the "negative" ones seem to gain more momentum from their members and therefore were overall more successful in battle. Hatred/vengeance are indeed excellent motivators when it comes to rallying up people to annihilate your enemies. But for a clan to keep that momentum long-term, it's best to have a solid community as well or else internal drama will ensue and the clan will fall apart pretty quickly. 3. What are your moral (ethical) and psychological (health-related) thoughts on these types of motivation – in RS and life in general? Really think it's messed up to be driven to weaken/close clans you dislike since it just ends up weakening the clan world in general by having less opponents, less variety in the clan world. Also did not like it when clans resorted to IRL flaming since that can have psychological impact on those who are on the receiving end. One never knows what internal battles another person is facing, so while it's nice to have a good competitive rivalry with other clans to keep the game juicy and interesting, it's not okay to allow that to seep into IRL - leave it within the game.
  15. LOVE this game. Been meaning to play it again but haven't had time.
  16. Love me some GOT so that's where I'll do my comparisons πŸ˜‰ This was fun! @true is Littlefinger. Owns a whorehouse yet doesn't seem to get laid himself? (don't think he has time to if he's making wikis of 1.4k+ people tbf) @Brian is Tywin. Strategic, wise, will do anything for his family/clan. One of the most respected yet feared leaders in the kingdom. @Flukejiver is Renly. Was hard for me to find a character for him because most characters in this show are dicks, but Renly's a pretty nice, genuine guy like Fluke seems to be ❀️ @Woot is Margaery. Sweet, smart, well loved by all ❀️ @Vanzant is Jeor Mormont. Old bear. Leader of the Black Knights = Leader of the Nights Watch (aka "Taking the Black") @Scleritis is Theon Greyjoy because he is just.. a special guy πŸ™‚ @MILAD is Ramsay Bolton. Idk. When I thought of the absolute batshit crazy guy on the show, my mind went to Milad. πŸ˜‰ @The End is Tyrion. Strategic, wise, always thinks through plans thoroughly. Probably is a good drinking buddy too I'm told he doesn't drink. Bummer! Still fits as Tyrion though. @david is Oberyn Martell. Maybe it's the accent, but I just think it suits him. Skilled yet cocky fighter. πŸ˜‰ @Vanuckle is Jon Snow. Sweet guy. Bit of a pretty boy but nevertheless skilled in battle! @Gochance1 is Robb Stark. Leader on the battlefield and I could totally see him having a big direwolf fighting alongside him
  17. Welcome. We need more pies around here for sure πŸ˜‹
  18. I have a page but it's not accurate. I was never in Shadow Elves lol. After EH, I was in Moriquendi and Scarlet Empire. And it's weird that they didn't mention that I modded RSC Clan Discussion? That's honestly where I became well known / more social. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Weak wiki. Probably not an old schooler since on top of that, there's no mention of my pixel sigs.
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