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Everything posted by Kura

  1. Kura

    VERY Important.

    Idk if sweet corn is a thing outside Brazil but def my favorite
  2. I like the one with that big ass dragon spitting fire everywhere talking like louis armstrong very s1ck the rest I don't remember
  3. That big cancer fest you mentioned could be the starting point of new main clans or at least new members joining the main scenario due to their pure alliances In this case I can only see benefits if this means more pvp action, either on pures or mains. I dont think there's anything much worse than a dead wilderness quite frankly — and by that I'm ignoring no honors spying/ddosing/doxxing/etc, for their presence on both scenarios.
  4. Lmao I though it was that two taiwanese building a bamboo mansion in the woods type of thing Nice tho!!
  5. Gzz!! Noice house tho
  6. Nigga did 12-3 lmao that's some whole mike tyson shit right there gj Nice work organizing something like that. I bet it wasnt easy at all noice 👍
  7. Rod didn't pull out 33 people. They do multi logging, so they actually always have even fewer real people than ingame, which is even more embarrassing. It's like playing ping pong with yourself bc you have no frens L
  8. It probably would be Bella Scabbia with the actual two b's but too many characters F
  9. Kura


    I would love to spend a week visiting the northeastern region of Brazil. Not that I care what the criminals and mass murderers who run the WHO have to say about my natural rights, but I'm not at my best financial times to go there right now. Paradisiac beaches and beautiful faces with nice chilling people everywhere ❤️ just google Jericoacoara and tell me I'm wrong
  10. Kura


    Do you blame people for using these clients? No, people usually are not to blame for resources Jagex allows them to use. Especially in warring you can't really paddle against the tide when every other clan is using all those clients. We've tried to do that and it's absolutely disgusting how human mechanics can't even come close to compete against plugins. So you kinda have to give in so you wont be left behind. Do you think Jagex should ban 3rd party clients? Yes How do you find these clients effect your game play? Do you find yourself using or even depending on them? Or are you someone who perhaps finds themselves getting piled or sniped a bit more often than preferable because the opposing clan can highlight you or use friend finder to find where you are, even in a mess of 100+ people, with very little effort? I dont depend on them but as I said if everybody is using then you certainly cant go otherwise, so they kinda force you into it which sucks. I got back to the game for the nostalgia so it kinda ruins all the fun for me :s What do you think needs to be done to the base client before they ban 3rd party clients? Is it fine now? What features (from runelite or otherwise) do you think would be necessary or close to it if no? Agreed with u What do you think are the worst features of 3rd party clients that need to go? What is the most damaging? The PvP ones for sure. If the whole idea is a player killing another player to decide which one is more skilled then it makes absolutely no sense letting robotic mechanics do the player's job. It's not only unfair but very anticompetitive Are you concerned with the J cup coming that clients will have a significant effect on the outcome of certain fights? I'm not very "concerned" since I'm pretty sure there's nothing we could do but very... indifferent (?). Whoever wins there won't be the same level of joy and achievement from the victories as before, just as whoever loses won't get the same feelings of disappointment and failure. Everything will be blamed on the clients (I dont judge). I feel like everyone will be pushing more and more OP plugins to win the cup which IMO will diminish drastically its value as a real competitive tournament. But just like a good hypocrite I will participate in it anyway lmao
  11. I wish I had that editing skills 😭 Good video btw and gratz seemed intense
  12. Que pasa cabrón, bienvenido weyy te iba gustar la gente x acá dale
  13. Fist of Guthix items Dungeoneering items If not removing snare then adding an option on CWA settings to turn it off Rest option
  14. It gotta be either USA or the british empire not only because the exploitation/wars/mass murder themselves but mostly because it seems that a big part of those people thinks that every other country that doesnt follow their cultural/political and even linguistic trend is a shit hole filled with ignorant people, maybe I'm wrong Idk but it feels that way
  15. Good luck evryone big prize there
  16. Do you find drama and beef enjoyable to some extent or would you prefer everything to be nice and respectful? It depends on whether all the hateful drama is directed at... attacking other clan's performance is ok, attacks on a personal level, based on race, gender, religion and stuff are not only disrespectful but criminal and very autistic coming from people over 20s~ Where do you draw the line? Is talking shit and flaming ok? As I said if this flaming gets personal to the point of an emotional, sexual or even physical abuse then definitely is not just a virtual game anymore How do you think this effects how PvP is viewed amongst normal players? I have no clue. It seems most of them dont really know or care about what happens in the scenario which is fine What's been your favourite drama, beef or rivalry of the years? Any stories to tell? COR x DF very thiccc WL x TCL probably the best ever WL x HA crash war was a pain in the bunda since they were not going into the wilderness not giving us a chance to payback but they wouldnt let us in peace too What's the dumbest shit you've seen another clan or individual do to someone else? Probably some well known clan threatening to doxx a portuguese based clan like yoooo nobody in this country speaks foreigner nor care lmaooooo Was anyone else surprised at how well my AMA went lmfao? Well deserved champ ^^
  17. OSRS: I've spent 46 days in the world since I arrived 5,219 days ago RS3: 188 days, 9 hours
  18. Seems that the rats are busy learning portuguese on duolingo L0000000000l Good clean fight bois!! xD
  19. Meehh not that I'd leave Brasil but If I had to I'd go either to Mozambique or any other south american country First one cause my father actually lived there for a couple of years and the people there are very warm-hearted, carrying, helpful and welcoming just like brazilians. Second option because latins are extremely easy-going, a very passionate people, brave and probs the most funny too
  20. Richhhhhh noice !!!!!! Gratzz I'm still on this battle aaaaa
  21. Kura

    Religious debate

    not event religious people should get insurance cuz God only allows bad things to happen since by the sin of men evil entered the world o.o
  22. The most funny shit I've seen in a long time is when we saw RoT tryin to spy on a brazilian country clan r0fl like broooo whats ur duolingo level L00000000000000
  23. Kura

    This or That

    Rain Beer or cigarettes
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