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Everything posted by Vanuckle

  1. As the title would suggest
  2. Pumped for you, go get it big boy.
  3. Nice to see you working hard Eric.
  4. Twitter | Forums | Discord Tempest -vs- The Rising The late summer air breezed lazily upon our faces, as Tempest stepped into the ring against The Rising. This was our first true test against TR; we wanted to make a lasting impression to ourselves & our opponents in the Clan War Arena. The Plateau was set for an epic three rounds of fighting, and as the bell rang, the binds shot out and war was waged. Round One Tempest had a strong pull as usual and had to drop a handful for TR. Our start was sleepy, and we immediately fell down by four. As the intensity of the round wound up, so did our performance. Tanking and great awareness at critical moments aided our cause, and by the end, Tempest callers were picking out the targets we needed in order to sustain victory. Ended 25-23. Round Two This round started off better for us. A quick few KO's allowed us to build a slender lead... But TR refused to give in. They managed a storming come-back, delivering a few strong kills back to back in order to take hold of the fight themselves. With a steely determination and off the back of some wonderful tanking from GMT-unit leader @Ells, Tempest fought to the very end and managed to snag victory from the jaws of defeat. Ended 25-23. Round Three TR put forth an excellent performance and managed to grab victory by half a kill. Ended 25-24 (For TR). Thank you for the close battles TR -- I'm sure we will once again clash steel. Shout-out to all the Tempest members who came out & made this event at an earlier time than normal. A strong performance with nerves of steel to make come-backs in both round 1 and round 2. Tempest wins again!
  5. Love this big achivement.
  6. Good rounds out there, gf Zu.
  7. Vanuckle

    Le 124

    You makin money moves hat
  8. Vanuckle


    Congrats, big time.
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