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Everything posted by Vanuckle

  1. Pumped we got the sweep, gj guys.
  2. Hey JayJay, remember you from the Cor days for sure.
  3. Hey Rish, you're in TR as of now?
  4. Hey Leo, nice to meet you. If you're serious about potentially joining, make sure you post about in forums and stay active in our discord!
  5. Grats Eric boy should be PvMing. ?
  6. Great read Derek, wouldn't expect anything less from you. Thanks to all the leaders for agreeing to get together and participate. Remember it all like it was yesterday. What a time we all spent together.
  7. Vanuckle


    Nice one big boy.
  8. Couldn't make it but thanks for the action WM.
  9. Lot of old clans in there, welcome to the community.
  10. Couldn't make it, thanks for the action TA.
  11. Lotta laps but very cool pet, so worth.
  12. It'll take time but I'm sure you'll get solo trips down no problem.
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