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Eternal Honour's AMA (3lite, Grug, Slaughter17, Xero)


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About Eternal Honour:


Eternal Honour was formed following the closure of Sacred Templars in August of 2006 by Broski, Lord Grug, Ommoht, Pt37, and approximately 70 starting members. The members jointly voted on the name for the clan, which we felt embodied our goals, morals, and what we wanted to achieve in the clan community. Initial ranks (other than head leaders) were chosen by member voting and we quickly gained a lot of attention within the clan world. Eternal Honour grew quickly, prompting us to close recruitment on several occasions, and was known for 80%+ attendance rates in the early days. With just over 100 members, we pulled our first 300 option PK trip against Dark Slayers.


Over the years, Eternal Honour had its ups and downs. There were periods where the clan was performing well, contending for rank 1, and periods where EH was in a slump, dropping to around rank 7. It was an exciting time to be in the clan world, where competition was rampant and fights were large.


As a clan, we placed a high value on honor and the integrity of the clan world. We were the last major clan to cave on the "anti-dragging" rules of 2006 that set the boundaries of fights between the Member's Gate rocks. Unfortunately, we won't have any juicy stories on spying, as that is not something we ever took part in. We were always good for an AC, no matter who was involved in the fight and we had strict rules against our members on flaming on RSC (we had to warn, temporarily ban, or kick several members for this).


Another thing to note is that while Eternal Honour's main focus was on pking/warring, we held an unusually high number of community events for a pking clan. There was a strong emphasis on community with there generally being multiple non-pking events each week. Violent Resolution liked to use the quip "Go back to the fishing trawler" on us during battles, which we enjoyed thoroughly and embraced as an internal slogan/joke.


Eternal Honour's leadership structure differed from many other clans, with there generally being a three leader "triumvirate", though there were occasional periods throughout the clan when there were four or two leaders. Head leaders were generally focused on a particular area of expertise. 3lite led tactical planning and on the battlefield. Broski led clan direction, moral code, and grand vision. Islamia (and Darkpaladin9, Islamia's predecessor) led community efforts and internal clan administration. Lord Grug was an exception as he dabbled in all areas, helped to fill in if there were periods of inactivity with other leaders, and helped to discuss important decisions.


EH closed in the fall of 2009 following a joint decision from the head leadership team as 3lite was admitted to post-graduate studies, Islamia was admitted to medical school, Broski was retired, and Lord Grug's activity had decreased. I have a lot of fond memories from those times and couldn't have asked for a better set of members to play alongside.




Hello everyone, my Runescape ingame name was 3lite.  I joined EH as a founding member and Commander (PK leader) in 2006.  In 2007, I was promoted to Holy Commander (Warlord) and then later that year to Grand Officer (Head Leader).  I remained a Grand Officer until closure in 2009, though I did have a period of inactivity in 2008.  The head leadership team in EH worked well because the leaders complimented each other's strengths and weaknesses.  My strength and role was primarily as a tactician, battlefield leader, and fight planner.  I felt fortunate to lead alongside Broski, Islamia, Lord Grug, Ommoht, and DarkPaladin9, all of whom were intelligent leaders that brought something to the table.  I also feel fortunate to have been a part of a clan that I felt was a really positive force in the game and that I was able to share so many good moments with a diverse group of members.


After EH closed, I was inactive for a lengthy period in Runescape and have only returned recently.  I'm looking forward to this AMA and will do my best to answer any questions folks might have from a time very long ago.

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Lord Grug


Hey everyone, my RuneScape ingame name was Lord Grug. I was one of the founders of EH after the closure of ST. I was Grand Officer from opening in 06 until our eventual closure in 09. I started my journey in the clan world in Rune Mob back on classic when pretty much all clans used Avidgamers as their website. I eventually ended up in the original DS before moving to ZF after it's closure. After the closure of ZF I joined ST was one of the founding members before eventually founding EH after the closure of ST.


Being apart of all these great clans made my time playing RuneScape really enjoyable.

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Hey everyone, I'm Xero!  A little background on me: I joined Eternal Honour during it's inception as I was a Future Templar in Sacred Templars when they closed.  EH was my first significant venture into a serious PK Clan in the glory days of the clan world.  I was a member of Eternal Honour from it's genesis in 2006 until sometime in 2009 when I retired.  I retired at the rank of Commander (PK Leader).


Eternal Honour was something I took a lot of pride in being a part of.  We had an extremely strong core group of members that carried us through highs and lows.  This core group was always very skilled and allowed us to have a significant impact in an extremely competitive environment.  Early on I caught the bug for clan PKing and wanted to do anything I could to help our clan succeed, which led to me becoming more outspoken and helping to support calling when PK leaders were either piled or returning.  I have always gravitated toward leadership positions in my life and this was no exception.  My skill at calling, coupled with my desire to lead and help my peers win, led to my eventual promotion to Commander, which I took a lot of pride in.  I personally think my strengths were focused around quick reactions, I excelled at transitions, especially early on in CWA when teams were just getting started with operating with limited fall in leaders and no longer having the ability to return and I brought a lot of energy to the fight.


The removal of the wilderness led to some dark days in the clan world but I feel a sense of accomplishment in knowing that I was able to help carry EH through the Bounty Hunter era and CWA era until I got burnt out and hung up my scimitar.


EH was always home for me and I look back fondly on my relationships I formed during those years.  My goal was to have fun, and I truly think I did that.  And if I was able to help others succeed and grow while doing so, then I consider that a win.  So let's do this!  Ask me anything!

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I'm Trevor, known formerly as Slaughter17. I bounced around a few clans before finding a home in Eternal Honour. I joined in February of 2008, knowing that EH was the clan I was always meant to be in. I suffered through the removal of BH multi in my third week of being EH. I suffered through summer of 2008 - the glorious age of... Matched option fights and full out wars in the CWA Arena hahaha. EH went through highs and lows during this period, but always remained fairly steady. We were never in danger of closing but never threatened for #1 either. 


Jagex released the Run In option for the CWA Arena. EH thrived in this era, however short-lived it was. We managed three wins in a row against SE, DI, and VR. Due to a lack of active Commanders (we struggled with motivation to play in that era), I led the majority of these fights with 3lite, despite the fact that I was only a member. My calling was the subject of some praise from a members. After the DI fight, where we managed to snatch a win in the last few minutes, a member named Cartman made a topic saying that he would quit if I was not promoted to Commander. The topic garnered huge support for me and I was promoted to trial Commander. 


During my trial, Jagex introduced the replacement version of PVP wild in Runescape. I did some silly things and didn't adapt super well right off the hop. I was put up for member voting, and passed with the lowest percentage I could possibly get, as several leaders pushed for me to get in. :495994341_: After months of mediocrity, we hit a wave, and snowballed into the (arguably) #1 position by May of 2009. We managed to beat every top clan ahead of us, including DF in two major fights -- who were the undisputed #1 -- before we fell to them in a week prepped Saturday scrap.

After this, we slid down the ranks and I attempted to shift the focus of the clan. I figured that if we kept losing Saturday fights we might as well win something, so I pushed for a quality over quantity campaign with the goal to eventually beat SE in a matched options fight. MAN FOR MAN @Eric``! It worked and we were soon beating TT and RSD with ease (no offense anyone from those clans!) as I focused exclusively on tactics that would beat clans in matched options fights. This helped me improve my calling and I was awarded for my efforts with the "Best Fall In Leader" award. I think the is what led to being promoted to Holy Commander shortly after, a rank I held until our eventual closure in November of 2009. 


I'll forever look back with fond memories of my time in EH, and I'll always have respect for the mentors who guided me to be the best person I could be. It goes without saying that Broski and Islamia held massive influence over me in the way they spoke, their charisma, their general leadership style, but I looked up to 3lite for his master strategies in deciding who to fight, and when, as well as Nullusion and Xero for their great calling and abilities on the battlefield. So many other great members and ranks who I'm sure will come up in the thread.

Looking forward to everyone's questions!

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12 minutes ago, Grug said:

Lord Grug


Hey everyone, my RuneScape ingame name was Lord Grug. I was one of the founders of EH after the closure of ST. I was Grand Officer from opening in 06 until our eventual closure in 09. I started my journey in the clan world in Rune Mob back on classic when pretty much all clans used Avidgamers as their website. I eventually ended up in the original DS before moving to ZF after it's closure. After the closure of ZF I joined ST was one of the founding members before eventually founding EH after the closure of ST.


Being apart of all these great clans made my time playing RuneScape really enjoyable.



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What is your all-time favorite EH victory?

What was the biggest loss in EH's history?

What made Islamia a great leader?

What were your personal biggest strengths/weaknesses?

What are the biggest strengths and weakness of everyone else you're doing this AMA with?


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For Trevor:

What were your thoughts when I first spoke to you about Tempest? Has this clan met your expectations? Did you ever want to be involved to this level ever again?

What about 3lite and Xero made them great callers?


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