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AMA - Mat K

Mat K

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Do you agree or disagree with jagex hands off approach when it comes to people getting scammed hacked etc?


for example if someone gets hacked and all their stuff taken they’re just out of luck, but in games like wow the gms usually will recove your items and ban whoever stole them or the account.


i feel like this would have discouraged a lot of the phishing/ratting/hacking if they knew jagex would recover the account and ban the people who took them.

OAKcWeK.pngFree VenomOAKcWeK.png

~Tempest Since Day One~













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Hi Mat K,

Firstly, thank you for your immeasurable enrichment to our lives with all that you did. I loved the way you led the OSRS team, and I loved your work long before that too.

Second, my question: Why did you not take stronger measures to de-platform/refuse to publicise Reign of Terror in the game, knowing that this clan would hack, spy, DDoS and troll other players? Do you not think that remaining neutral was implicitly an endorsement of that behaviour?

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Do you support a football team? If so, who?

Do you have any influence on runescape even though you are no longer working for them?

What would you like to see in OSRS in the future?

Edited by Kieran
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I second the footy team question.

Are you able to name any of your pre-EOC clans during your time in clanning? Were most of them RSOF clans?

What is the biggest headache the clanning world has caused you? Other than anything involving ROT or AF.
Which clans from the RS2 era were you most fond of, if you followed any at the top?

How much influence did Andrew have on content updates after the Gowers no longer held a controlling stake in the business?

Speaking of Andrew, what's he even up to these days?






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games. Now too busy.



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Were you surprised how long OSRS has lasted and the surge in popularity since the initial opening in 2013?

As a follow-up to above, how long do you anticipate OSRS will continue to thrive?




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Thanks for doing this, should be really interesting.

  1. How are you doing during the pandemic? Hope all is well and wish you good health.
  2. What has been your favorite update to OSRS since the launch?
  3. Are there any particular updates you wanted to see that never happened?
  4. Favorite era of RS and why?
  5. Do you think the 75% poll requirement has created issues within the game (ex: wilderness refresh/clan based updates hard to pass)? Do you think more updates should be done without a poll?
  6. Did you/Jagex ever consider making party hats, Santa hats, etc. “rare” in OSRS? If so, was the idea rejected immediately and why?
  7. What do you think of events such as DMMT?
  8. Want to join your fellow boomers in this here clan?

Also, you're hilarious:


Edited by C6 Chris



If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. – J.R.R. Tolkein

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Hey man. I was in Df when we fell in on you for the rush in a f2p pkri. Having trouble remembering the year,  maybe 2008?

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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How was the feeling of your first runefest? hosting? did you have butterflies?

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The hottest rapper of 2020. ?


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  1. Do you think PVP activity being split between 3 different types (PVP worlds, wilderness and bounty hunter) should still be happening when the wilderness is as dead as it is?
  2. The introduction of Clan Wars resulted in a drastic drop in F2P wilderness fights. What was the thinking behind bringing CWA in and could you ever see a time where it gets removed?
  3. Do you think the Jagex staff currently is a true representation of the different types of players that play their game? In other words are skillers, pkers, pvmers iron men etc all equally represented?

Thanks for doing this ?









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Hi Mat -

do you still catch up with the Gower brothers? 

Best memory during the early years of runescape?

What are you focused on now days? 

Pineapple on pizza yes or yes?

Did you ever get shitty with the RS community and just think "Fuck this community" if yes, how did you deal with that / what kept you going?

Cheers man, Thanks for everything you did for RS


It’s always who built the pyramids and never how are the pyramids ? 



Leader / Founder at: 


~ Clans & Teams ~



Satan's Men | Sorrow of Knights | Chivalry Legion | Australian Army | The Neggas Clan | Anarchy | Prodigy | KCR | The Migrants | Agony | TuF | Infliction | Ronin | Damage Incorporated | Violent Resolution | Divine Forces | Chivalry Legion 2.0 | Divine Kings | Cutthroat | Currently Chivalry Legion |


Hitsquad - Founder / Leader - Retired/Left

Ayuda/CommunityPk - Officer/Council (Yeah, I did that) 

Bad Intention - Warlord (Closed)

Team X - Moderator (Closed)


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So I'm a Rs3 player now adays, played osrs when it was actually late 00s, like how RS3 advanced after I got used to EOC, anywho.

If you could answer, maybe  you don't know, maybe you can't say. 

-Why did Rs3 switch how they did content release? It seems years ago it was every week or two at least something came out, thus far in the year and the year prior it's gotten very little update, it feels like it's on a scale with OSRS which to my understanding as a much smaller Dev team.

-I'm honestly shocked that OSRS hasn't integrated MTX into the game, I feel like the Chinese big brother/owner would consistently be pushing for it, how has OSRS kept it out of the game thus far. (I'm personally glad it hasn't happened, even though I don't really play OSRS anymore, I just feel it would hit OSRS pretty hard, I wish it was removed from RS3, but I know that's a pipe dream).

-I'm sure this has been answered before, but why were previous DC rares like Phats, not added to the game in the same function (dropped once or twice and then just a DC item). 

-What are the actual active player counts for both games.

-Would OSRS ever upgraded graphics to bring it into the present, ala RS3 but without the EoC. 

Edited by Kiwi

DF 11/7/06 - 12/31/16

ahri sig.png

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Why hasn’t there been more content added to the wilderness? (There has been some however the risk isn’t worth the pay off)

Is there a reason to why jagex have sat back and witnessed PvP clan’s dwindle away without putting any effort in to save them?

Why are most mods so distant to their players? 

And finally, why can’t jagex step in when people Dox and ddos? Surely that brings the game into disrepute when it happens.




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