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2 hours ago, Nick said:

Are there any current members or ranks of present day VNG that you would take in tempest? If so who and why? 

@Josh 221 - Solace council ofc.

@Joshpaul - DI legend and former VnG Advisor. 

@Thomas - New to clans but he's proven to have an extraordinary amount of potential as a rank. He's insane tho and lives in cox.

@Bekkaw - No offense to Vanguard or Terminus, but Bekkaw has a lot of potential and they just kind of let her exist there. If she was to get really involved in a community I bet she would love it and be a pillar of the community. But it seems like they never reach out to teach her scape, etc. I know that would be different in Tempest, although wilderness wars may not be her cup of tea.

Angry - People may be surprised by this but I would want him. He has a way of bringing the community together. He's a bit of a simp, but whatever I can be too lol

RSMJ - Would love to see his interactions with @true and @Sir Severed

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I tried to keep tabs on Vanguard and follow along with your progress as best as I could - it was one of the most intriguing clans I’ve seen, given the circumstances and environment of the time, and I probably would have joined had I stayed active after the spectacular failure of the Ronin/Exodus merge. In this alternate timeline where I join Vanguard in early/mid-2017, how do you think things play out differently? Would I have enjoyed myself? 



The Titans Officer

Ronin PK Leader

Tempy Legend

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2 hours ago, Nick said:

What are your thoughts on the addy alliance of RoT and Sv?

What the heck is their plan? I guess they are hoping to outlast the slump and hope one of the clans clearing them turns on each other to create breathing room for them.

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7 minutes ago, Dickus said:

I tried to keep tabs on Vanguard and follow along with your progress as best as I could - it was one of the most intriguing clans I’ve seen, given the circumstances and environment of the time, and I probably would have joined had I stayed active after the spectacular failure of the Ronin/Exodus merge. In this alternate timeline where I join Vanguard in early/mid-2017, how do you think things play out differently? Would I have enjoyed myself? 

It depends. We were in desperate need of a vocal leader. They probably would have really looked up to you and we would have relied on you for most PvP events, but we could be a very corny group. So, it depends on how much you like corny.  What era were you thinking of joining? That will tell me more. 

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15 minutes ago, Dickus said:

I tried to keep tabs on Vanguard and follow along with your progress as best as I could - it was one of the most intriguing clans I’ve seen, given the circumstances and environment of the time, and I probably would have joined had I stayed active after the spectacular failure of the Ronin/Exodus merge. In this alternate timeline where I join Vanguard in early/mid-2017, how do you think things play out differently? Would I have enjoyed myself? 

Oh 2017...... By God we needed you. We didn't have Mike or Nolan. We had great members but no caller besides RSMJ who was learning on the fly. We mostly did P2P and the wilderness was super active with small teams our size. Every trip turned into a 20v20. If you joined at this time you would have been looked at by the members as a savior lol 

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58 minutes ago, Nick said:

Are there any members who’ve joined tempest so far where your first impression was wrong about them and they turned out to be great members? 

Maybe @Mohd cuz when he joined VnG he was big flamer with fsk lol

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2 hours ago, Venenatis said:

 If you joined at this time you would have been looked at by the members as a savior lol 

Ronin part 2 eh @Wee Man

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The Titans Officer

Ronin PK Leader

Tempy Legend

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Thoughts on some of the current rivalries/clan beef? 





Rev/af think this one has mostly just been verbal though lol



Is there anyone you're particularly happy ended up here that hasn't been mentioned yet or that you were happy to bring here yourself ?


As far as "honor" clanning goes in 2021 aka basically no out of game BS or blatant cheating, what clans would you say are honorable?








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What would you want to see with the (presumably) upcoming dmm, jcup and future pvp events / tournaments? Would you want to see the wilderness wars return or whatever it was called with clans keeping a dedicated person alive ?


What advice would you give to new clans looking to get started in 2021+? (May have asked this already sorry hard to check on mobile at work sitting around since they have nothing for me to do atm lol)


What sort of events do you think will be best / are best for bringing in new blood to the clan world that they may find appealing ? What about bringing old faces back?


Anything else you think clans should prioritize or encourage to bring in new blood or bring back old faces ? 


In your opinion when is it better to reopen a clan vs. Starting a new one? Or is one always more preferable ?


What clan do you feel has the most respectable or notable legacy on osrs ?


Why is EST superior to GMT?








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On 4/29/2021 at 9:20 AM, Adam_ said:

Thoughts on some of the current rivalries/clan beef? 





Rev/af think this one has mostly just been verbal though lol


  1. DR is weird, if Vanguard was around in its max capacity I could see DR being our main rivalry. They are a mix of ex-explicit and CT, both of which hated VnG. I'm hoping for PD on this one.
  2. VR only has hope against DF through open CC out reach to bolster numbers. 
  3. A strange rivalry but I think AF would win this one if 1v1.
  4. VR is awful, so I am cheering for PD.
  5. Haven't really looked into this much.
  6. Not really a rivalry just some ex Tempy members in VR trying to rally VR against us. VR will try to appease new recruits at any cost, so they will just go with it. VR has always been that way for example VR crashing VNG because DK joined. Vanguard never had issues with VR, but to appease their new recruitment pool they followed Gotenks. VR leaders need to grow a spine and have some conviction as to not be led by applicants and gaining numbers.
On 4/29/2021 at 9:20 AM, Adam_ said:

Is there anyone you're particularly happy ended up here that hasn't been mentioned yet or that you were happy to bring here yourself ?


@Dunkz @Creep @Pur3 Str0ng2 @Wee Man @B4uz


On 4/29/2021 at 9:20 AM, Adam_ said:

As far as "honor" clanning goes in 2021 aka basically no out of game BS or blatant cheating, what clans would you say are honorable?


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5 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What would you want to see with the (presumably) upcoming dmm, jcup and future pvp events / tournaments? Would you want to see the wilderness wars return or whatever it was called with clans keeping a dedicated person alive ?

I feel like they milked DMM dry. I'd love seeing things like wilderness wars, that was dope. You can bet your left nut Tempest would join. 


5 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What advice would you give to new clans looking to get started in 2021+? (May have asked this already sorry hard to check on mobile at work sitting around since they have nothing for me to do atm lol)


  1. Have a goal or clan philosophy - stick to it.
  2. No shortcuts - UNK a clan very similar to Vanguard took shortcuts through multi clanning which led them right into a crash war.
  3. Find at least 4 other people who support what you're doing and make them staff.
  4. Put your core member base above power. Don't make mistakes like VR who would sacrifice core community for DK members.
  5. Don't listen to others and don't let the flames bother you.
  6. Don't give up when things go south.
  7. Avoid cwa. The gap is too big for new clans, it'll just demoralize. 
5 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What sort of events do you think will be best / are best for bringing in new blood to the clan world that they may find appealing ? What about bringing old faces back?


PvM and skill comps, p2p pks.


5 hours ago, Adam_ said:

In your opinion when is it better to reopen a clan vs. Starting a new one? Or is one always more preferable ?


New one otherwise you will always live under a clans shadow. @Bles


5 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What clan do you feel has the most respectable or notable legacy on osrs ?


Unbiasedly, probably RoT if you count the entire length of their OSRS reign. They won a lot of tournaments and people don't forget that easily. 


5 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Why is EST superior to GMT?

I think GMT is, members active throughout the day really helps build a clan. Both are crucial, though.

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This AMA has been a blast. I loved answering questions regarding my past and core beliefs. I appreciate @true for giving me the opportunity and I appreciate everyone who took the time to read and ask me questions.




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