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Jebrim AMA


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The End kicked my butt in Connect Four, so your clan leader says I have to do an AMA now.


I have 1b Agility Xp across 5 accounts done one at a time. 17k of my 24k hours on RS have been spent doing Agility. I was the first to 99 Agility in OSRS and won 4 of the top 5 slots in King of the Skill for Agility. I put the lifetime membership reward onto my Jebrim I account that is now the permanent rank 1 Agility on the RS3 hiscores. I also completed an additional 140m Agility Xp in RuneScape Classic on the side as I worked on my 1b Agility. It is not counted in that total since I do not count multilogged Xp.


I was also the first player to all 99s in OSRS.


I am 30 with 2 degrees: an AAS in Computer Simulation & Game Development and a BS in Software Engineering with an Application Domain in Computer Imaging. I have 4 years of professional working experience as a software engineer that specializes in 3D graphics programming. I work in the aerospace and defense industry writing code for the GPU. I don't reveal my current employer, but am fine with revealing past employers. I worked as the Graphics Developer behind the RealFlight X R/C flight simulator for Knife Edge Software. I just left my job of the past 2 years at Lockheed Martin doing geospatial visualization. I am now working 3D graphics on the visual systems for full scale flight simulators for both commercial and military aircraft.


I am deeply involved in the conservative tea party movement within Texas politics and know all the big players. That activism dominates my social life and my financial giving. I also love country music and dancing. I am a Southern Baptist. I was not raised this way (I grew up in a Catholic family in Rhode Island), but I chose this after a long journey of many mistakes. I used to be an anarcho-primitivist and moral nihilist in my teenage years. I've changed quite a bit; the polar opposite in many ways.


Feel free to Ask Me Anything.



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how many hours did you spend a day doing agility?


whats a "sad" story of you neglecting personal care for agility?


thoughts on ace2cool?


whats your biggest achievement in-game apart from the 1b agility exp?


any regrets spending that much time planning?



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what do you know about pvp/warring clans? do you have any favorites or ones you are familiar with?


do you think snowden should be pardoned?


whats your favorite movie?


are you getting the covid-19 vaccine?


thoughts on The End?


favorite RS twitter user?


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Favorite Agility content/course?


Thoughts on RuneScape Twitter?


Have you ever explored the PvP aspect of the game?


Thoughts on Beto O'Rourke? 




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2 minutes ago, Jebrim said:

I used to be an anarcho-primitivist and moral nihilist in my teenage years. I've changed quite a bit; the polar opposite in many ways.

Can you explain what you mean when you say this? What caused this change?














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Just now, Vanzant said:

Have you heard of The BlacKnights?

Yes. I think I knew their leader and used to pk with them many many years ago. I was with the Dark Legion that was run by Metal Adidas. I used to be The1general. I don't recognize your name though. I think it was Bats---- something?

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