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Just now, Dickus said:

He still said you’re a threat to society at large - comment?

He didn't. Here is a disgusting hit piece the Washington Post wrote about us. It's full of misinformation, but the key point here is that Ted Cruz is still standing with us. I am also friends with his father and his niece.


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34 minutes ago, eggshell24 said:

can you come to the ge w481 and buy me 2k 4 dose super energies and 11k amylase? i'll pay you back ofc


rsn: china dog

i could also come to 415 if i have to

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5 minutes ago, Jebrim said:


The Bible is clear on this. All sex outside the confines of marriage is immoral. People should be married before they engage in sex. Once married, they give up rights to their own body and have a conjugal duty to each other. You consent for life when you marry. Read 1 Corinthians 7.

What should the age of marriage be without parental permission, and what should the age be with parental permission?


Is there ever an excusable reason to be violent to your spouse? 



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Would you say your views are much different than most you meet in your every day life?


Has it made it difficult to make friends/form relationships?


Thoughts on Papa John being canceled?




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11 minutes ago, Jebrim said:

He didn't. Here is a disgusting hit piece the Washington Post wrote about us. It's full of misinformation, but the key point here is that Ted Cruz is still standing with us. I am also friends with his father and his niece.


He did though. He texted me. Do you have access to my phone? Hacker?



The Titans Officer

Ronin PK Leader

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If @true were to step down as leader and asked you to lead our wonderful clan of boomers do you think you could handle it?


if so, what kind of rules/policies/changes do you think you would make from the start? 

what kind of goals would you have for us as a clan? 

what kind of impact would you like to have on the clan world? Good, bad, otherwise. 

would you want people outside of the clan to respect you?


what kind of leadership could we expect from you? 


@etheroxx on Twitter for GFX needs 🙂


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28 minutes ago, Jebrim said:


No medical treatment should ever be mandated by a government or business as a condition for participation in society.


I'm confused, the first part of your sentence says treatment and the latter participation in society.  I've never heard of anyone advocating people on medicine shouldn't partake in society, in any country and that includes China where diseases such as hepatitis B are rather taboo. 


If you're talking about vaccinations, they are not a treatment. They are preventative.


So by that logic, do you also not believe it should be mandated by Government to be sober when driving a car? Or do you advocate for drunk people to partake in society and drive a car?

How about smoking indoors in public spaces? Or anything else legislated to protect the wider majority?

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11 hours ago, Sir Severed said:

(ignoring the assumed backlash to Biden coming and looking at the more medium-long term for these questions)


Do you think the new MAGA/populist movement emerging in the right will be good for conservatives in the long run? As you said the rest of the developed world tends to be more socialist/liberal than us and will continue to influence us culturally and through immigration, so it seems like a losing battle unless conservatives are willing to compromise more to capture people towards the middle. I understand you said you don’t necessarily consider yourself aligned with the MAGA/moderate factions, but it seems to a lot of people that without working together with them conservatives are doomed. The previous ruling neocon faction didn’t exactly appeal to anyone who wasn’t rich, and their actions faced backlash culturally and electorally. Whereas this new faction has broader appeal to people towards the middle and especially to younger voters who typically skew liberal, while also retaining some beliefs of more traditional conservatives. Or do you see a completely different faction taking the reigns and leading the party to success?


Thoughts on USA as a whole turning blue?
You said you care more about state politics than national, but if the majority of the country tilts blue by a decent margin, that will almost assuredly trickle down to state politics. As a socially liberal but right leaning moderate I can’t help but feel the GOP (at least until Trump) failed to represent people like me and countless other right leaning/independent young adults. While I disagree with a substantial amount of things the Democrats do, there are some things of theirs that I do support and feel strongly about which the Republicans, specifically old conservatives, seem set in stone on and willing to die on those hills. Are you happy to stick to your beliefs even if it means the impending death of conservatism as we know it or do you think they should compromise for survival? There is a risk of shifting the Overton Window if the far right move to moderate right, but would that not be better than eventual complete liberal domination where conservative hardliners are simply considered archaic?


As housing prices (amongst other issues) spiral out of control across the country Texas has become a top destination for people more liberal than Texans to flock to. How do you plan to keep your state conservative when people like Californians (who even conservative Californians tend to be more liberal than Texans) are moving in droves? Especially with Austin rapidly becoming the new liberal mecca of the western US? Texas is a big state outside of the main cities, but that doesn’t guarantee conservatives will be able to hold on forever.

I see the populists as allies, just as I see the libertarians as allies, even though I have some disagreements with both.


I think you misunderstand my focus on state politics. We are very well aware that the rest of the nation leans blue. That's all the more reason why we double down on state government. We may not win national elections, but we do win state elections. Ultimately, most laws that actually affect people's lives are laws determined at the state level, contrary to what media coverage might suggest. It's okay if conservatives of my views alienate you because the laws we push here in Texas ultimately have nothing to do with you. You'd be far better off in a state like Ohio that already represents your values.


We conservatives are actually huge supporters of shifting the Overton Window to the right. It's the only way we are going to get our elected officials to actually govern the way we want them to. Moderates undermine that.


I consider the most important fight within Texas to be zoning density. This might seem strange, but it's actually hugely important. Once you build high density residential housing, you permanently shift the political culture of an area to the Left. All of these New Urbanism projects are attracting liberals to move into them. What we need instead are more sprawling McMansions on large (half acre or greater) lots, with strip malls and office parks to complement them. Attract the conservatives and alienate the liberals by building the type of family friendly communities that conservatives want to live in.

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7 minutes ago, Josh said:

I'm confused, the first part of your sentence says treatment and the latter participation in society.  I've never heard of anyone advocating people on medicine shouldn't partake in society, in any country and that includes China where diseases such as hepatitis B are rather taboo. 


If you're talking about vaccinations, they are not a treatment. They are preventative.


So by that logic, do you also not believe it should be mandated by Government to be sober when driving a car? Or do you advocate for drunk people to partake in society and drive a car?

How about smoking indoors in public spaces? Or anything else legislated to protect the wider majority?

I oppose mandatory vaccinations, as well as mandatory masks.


I oppose substance abuse. Not mandating that people receive certain drugs does not mean the same thing as allowing all drug use.

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11 hours ago, Joni said:

What about those +32m cases and +500k deaths caused by covid-19 in states since the pandemic started? Also, whats ur opinion on BLM and multiple school shootings every year?

There is no evidence that lockdowns or mask mandates have actually reduced COVID deaths. The greatest deaths within the US still remain in the Northeast region that had the strictest lockdowns. It was never going to be possible to control the spread of this virus. We would've been far better off just accepting that fact from the beginning and not destroying our economy and freedoms in the process. That was a total waste.


BLM is an evil Marxist terrorist organization. Nobody should support them.


School shootings can be prevented by having more guns in schools. Gun-free zones are what attract shooters.

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