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Jebrim AMA


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Why are you against marijuana?


What kind of sentence would you think is appropriate for a marijuana user?


and what kind of sentence for a marijuana dealer?



Forsaken Immortal

Each step you take reveals a new horizon.

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10 hours ago, Joni said:

Would u ever kneel during national anthem?



I do prefer the Texas State Pledge though.


Honor the Texas flag.

I pledge allegiance to thee,


One state,

Under God,

One and indivisible.


We say this at every one of our monthly political meetings.

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How's your social life? Did you manage to keep one during all that grind? Do you wish you spent all that time with something else?


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Thoughts on Alexander Hamilton?


Do you believe moving away from the Articles of Confederation was a mistake?




don't be the third whale

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9 minutes ago, Jebrim said:

I oppose mandatory vaccinations, as well as mandatory masks.


I oppose substance abuse. Not mandating that people receive certain drugs does not mean the same thing as allowing all drug use.

But do you oppose drink driving? Do you believe the Government have a moral obligation to legislate against DUI to protect society? 



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8 hours ago, Scleritis said:

what do you think the world would be like if constantinople never fell

No clue.

7 hours ago, Adam_ said:

You are against botting and cheating but @The End is an ai and you willingly played runelink against him. Thoughts?

Was he really using an engine? I hadn't considered that.

7 hours ago, Howl said:

How very anti-libertarian of you

I have never claimed to be a libertarian. I think libertarians are wrong. They reinvent an entire moral system out of thin air based on what they call the Non-Aggression Principle, an axiom that has no Biblical origins and no reason for one to even accept aside from the fact that it enables them to justify everything they already want to do. They rely way too much on theory and reinventing society in accordance to their theories, rather than relying on time-proven concepts. In this regard, they're little different than the progressive Left.

7 hours ago, Josh said:

As you don't believe in Psychology, what do you think he 700 victims of sexual abuse at the hands of the Southern Baptist church leaders should do to overcome their trauma?  



You will find problems in any segment of the population. I was go as far as to suggest that the non-religious have an even greater problem in this regard. The moral decay caused by atheism is actually the biggest cause of death in this world. Abortion is the leading cause of death in America and tens of millions have died from it here alone. A hundred million people died under the godless communists in the 20th century. Atheism leads to a lack of respect for the value of life. It also leads to a great many sexually deviant behaviors. The LGBT community in particular has a massive problem with this. It won't be long before they start campaigning for pedophilia. We already see it with people like Oslo today.

6 hours ago, Josh said:

I just have a lot of questions for a runescape legend and I'm writing a report on your answers? I know psychology doesn't exist, but I'm trying to understand how a moderate like yourself thinks. Most my questions were taken on the basis of the DHS no fly list criteria.


How about gnomeball? What are your thoughts on gnomeball and have you ever tried to make an e-sport team for gnomeball? 



Why call me a moderate? I'm anything but a moderate. 😂


Gnomeball would be cool, but maybe they ought to improve the mechanics of it to add some extra challenge.

6 hours ago, bomb said:

interesting thanks for participating jebrim

You're welcome. 🙂 

6 hours ago, Dickus said:

Do you sympathize with H.A.M.?

Hmm, maybe. It was certainly true that the goblins they had experiences with were savages.

5 hours ago, Joe said:

Have you ever been approached by Scientology? 


I found a lot of usefulness in dianetics and I'm a big fan of L. Ron Hubbard, a lot of what he said makes a lot of sense. I was wondering your thoughts. 

Nope. Never been interested in that.

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11 minutes ago, Josh said:

But do you oppose drink driving? Do you believe the Government have a moral obligation to legislate against DUI to protect society? 


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5 minutes ago, Jebrim said:

There is no evidence that lockdowns or mask mandates have actually reduced COVID deaths. The greatest deaths within the US still remain in the Northeast region that had the strictest lockdowns. It was never going to be possible to control the spread of this virus. We would've been far better off just accepting that fact from the beginning and not destroying our economy and freedoms in the process. That was a total waste.


BLM is an evil Marxist terrorist organization. Nobody should support them.


School shootings can be prevented by having more guns in schools. Gun-free zones are what attract shooters.

I dont live in states, so cant be 100% accurate, but looking at social media it looks like literally no1 follows the restrictions anyway, maybe 50% use mask and thats it. All i've seen is ppl partying non stop and no1 giving a fuck about social distancing etc. + lockdowns have worked at the most countries. You really think having some restrictions that are set to protect you mean you dont have freedom? Thats so fucked up selfish. You can see whats happening in Brazil and India when you dont follow restrictions at all


Not sure if trolling or not.


And lets just say thats so murican thing to say. Should children, lets say +16, have rights to carry a gun? States had over 19k ppl killed last year in mass shootings and firearm-related incidents and you think bringing out more guns would be good idea?

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5 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Thoughts on Mormonism and Utah as a state?

I like Mormons. I consider them strong allies, especially in the fight against substance abuse. I just don't agree with their particular theological views. Utah is also another booming state, although it's a bit more expensive to live there than it is here.

4 hours ago, B0rntowildy said:

Pretty ironic that you claim to not believe in psychology and simultaneously seem to suffer from a mental disorder. Also find it ironic that, as the jesus nut rider you are, you're in support of Israel rather than Palestine (where your idol jesus was born) which is home to millions of fellow jesus nut riders (in case you didnt know there are also many palestinian christians). You said you don't care about foreign policy...maybe you should refrain from talking about it entirely since you're clearly braindead on matters relating to it xD.


I whole heartedly condemn bullying, but for some reason if you admitted to being bullied that'd be the least shocking thing mentioned in this topic lmfao.

My great grandfather was actually a Palestinian that came from the West Bank. He married an Italian Catholic in America and his kids were raised Catholic. I am very much well aware that race does not determine your religion seeing as I am living proof of that.


The fighting that is going on between Israel and Palestine is religious in nature. Christian Arabs actually do support Israel. What you actually see happening is a war of Muslims attacking the Jews. They religiously oppose the Jews.


Evangelicals are huge supporters of the Jews. We recognize that it is their homeland and that certain prophecies of Jesus returning do not go into effect until the Jews regain the Holy Land. One should also recognize that, in an incredibly short time, they have created a prosperous modern civilization in what was an otherwise empty desert. They are surrounded by degenerate barbarians that have failed to accomplish anything of the sort. Why would I side with those that embrace failed ways?

3 hours ago, Mohd said:

Hey Jebby outrageous life story you got there bud!


Care to elaborate why you hate Islam and why are you against palestine?

See above.

2 hours ago, Killaz said:

didn't really answer the question, literal political ramble lol, want to have another go at it?



ignore federal politics, can you confirm if you are Islamophobic? are you pro white supremacy?

See above.

2 hours ago, Wee Man said:

Including black lives?

Yes, but not criminal lives. You do not have the right to resist arrest. Law enforcement have the right to use whatever force is necessary to conduct a lawful arrest. Every incident of supposed police brutality that I have ever seen has always involved a suspect resisting arrest. Law enforcement acted professionally and were justified in their actions.

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3 hours ago, Dickus said:

Ah yes well if the state wants it then slavery is chill, ty for answer

The best thing that ever happened for Africa was when Europeans colonized it. They brought civilization to it. Everything went downhill once they kicked the Europeans out and reverted to their old failed ways again. They dug their own graves on the matter.


Do you know what European justification for invading Africa was? To end slavery on the continent.


Does that mean you support European colonialism?

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13 minutes ago, Jebrim said:


So the Government have a moral obligation to protect its citizens from reckless behaviour, such as DUI.  Glad we agree on that


But the Government doesn't have a moral obligation to protect its citizens from reckless behaviour, such as spreading preventable disease? 


Why should DUI be banned to prevent unnecessary death but vaccinations shouldn't be banned to prevent unnecessary death? Both are preventative measures. You say your views are consistent, but reading through this it's anything but (e.g you're for religious freedom, but you're against Islam)



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Say you found your ideal partner, only to discover you were infertile. Would you allow another man to impregnate your wife? What moral and/or genetic requirements would this individual have to meet?

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2 hours ago, Joe said:


I'm glad somebody said it.



3 Best and worst things about Texas?


If Florida decided that killing white people was completely lawful and acceptable, would you have a problem with that?


Which country or state has the purest breeding stock?


On a scale of 1-10 how pure are you as a breeding stock?


The culture, politics, and infrastructure in good parts of the state.



The culture, politics, and infrastructure in bad parts of the state.


You can literally overlay a precinct voting map and see how everything worsens in quality the more blue you get. All of the areas people are moving into are the affluent red areas, not the poor blue areas. I can drive straight south into blue Dallas from where I am now and watch as the roads and housing go from high quality down to trash the more I enter into blue territory.


I don't think Florida would do that. They're controlled by conservatives. You're much more likely to find such behavior coming out of a state like Maryland.


I do not care about breeding stock. Genetics are of no concern to me. What matters are people's values. These are things under your control.

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