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The Call of Legends AMA - King_Obina - Aiorya - Frank - Victor


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To talk about TCL we must take a step back a bit to explain about the biggest Luso-Brazilian Rivalry of Old Wilderness era SOG VS WL.

WL was the #1 clan, and they were really cocky, I mean REALLY cocky. Always looking down to the other small pt-br clans with superiority, their red kingdom, the “WL Supremacy” is what made the blue empire rise.

I (Aiorya) was one of the first 10 members of the Swords of Glory clan, and at the start we were all about growing our community and have fun. As we started to grow on numbers and having more warring experience, Wilderland started to see us as easy resources, where they could “steal” good members. They then made a fake good impression of older brother, at this point SoG was at an all time rise, so whenever they felt we could be a possible threat, they would invite some SoG members over as friends, just to steal them.
On the forums they were all good and friendly, but that wasn’t what was happening for real. We started to get mad, getting hit and not hitting back. Until there was a time we called'em to a full out to straigthen things out. 


It was historical to our scenario. Both clans pulled huge numbers, but at the end of the fight Wilderland won. We’d have vids from some of their members returning, but we never asked to an official rematch since we knew they would break all the rules to bring the win to the forums. After this SoG practiced more, and more, got stronger at a point we fought TT(at the time they were #10 on the Raw or something like that). 

After that We started to hunt Wilderland every weekend, we decided they would never step into the Wilderness again without our say so. Every weekend we had no event against other clans, was all about hunting Wilderland on pk trips, no rules this time, no cap, no mercy.


As these things started to get usual, at the end of 2007, our leader Seu Polaco had personal reasons to quit the game, and had the clan close with him quitting.

Without SoG on the cenario, Wilderland came back stronger than never.They were back as cocky, as they were the time before they get smashed by SoG.


We couldn’t see this, and just sit there watching...


Most of SoG members had quit, the few left joinned diferent brazilian clans. Where we were, we’d try to make our new country clans leadership’s head to react to Wilderland agressions to the other small clans. But none of them had the balls to do that, I mean MMA tried once or twice but they didn’t have the warring spirit that is needed to bring a bigger clan down or at least make them sweat.
It was time, to call back all the Legends...


The Call of Legends – Early 2008 - Mid 2013

The Call of Legends was a Luso-Brazilian clan, founded in early 2008 by former SOG (Swords of Glory) members Caio Lost and Zid4ne0, with the objective to be the best Luso Brazilian clan around, and of course beat the crap out of WL. 

Both Caio and Zid stepped down shortly after the clan opened due to IRL shenanigans, and passed the leadership to Marorio4 as leader and U_K__REI as Co-Leader, who proceeded with a plan of building a solid core of members.
With a quiet start TCL focused in inner development and community in order to build a solid core, also in nurturing a good relation with the rest of the Brazilian & Portuguese community apart from WL (who at the time, already had engaged us in a flame war in all boards LOL). Mostly through 2008 TCL fought LG and MMA from the Brazilian Scenario, and clans such as Luna, TBE, DragonWood, Liths, etc.


2009 was the year TCL had a huge bump in numbers, with a mass join of Arcane Army (another small brazilian clan) members, also the acquiring of Chaos Legion as our junior clan (Yeah we kinda bought them) and having secured solid wins against MMA,TCL had secured the TOP #2 with no dispute. 

Aiming to dethrone Wilderland we scheduled our first official week prep fight against WL, TCL pulled around 90 and WL pulled big 130 people, this fight was a huge cluster fuck and WL won, (Sniper cap was completely ignored by WL's leadership at the time). However we were very proud of our performance specially being outnumbered by roughly 40 people. After this fight, the focus changed to quality. With the leadership taking a toll Uk_Rei decides to step down, going back to Pk Leader status. Aiorya and Goodwar15 both took front as the heads of the Legends household and solidified the clan under a 3 year tenure.


From mid-end 2009, to the end of 2011 and beginning of 2012, TCL kept rising, with quality and numbers going up. We were able to go toe to toe with clans like, Solace, RSD, EOS, COR, TT and Fools when TCL was at its peak. 

With a established leadership, TCL absolutely dominated the Luso-Brazilian scenario with little to no losses to the other Brazilian foes, beating them when they tried to work together.



When they outnumbered us:



We even baked them with our chef's hat one time





2012 was a rough year for the clan world and specially TCL. Both our long lasting leaders went inactive, and some key officials left due to not agreeing with the new leadership chosen at the time (Leofontes77 & Zid4ne0 coming back from the dead), that generated a mass leave mostly by the former Chaos Legion members, the clan was pulling around 30-35 and moral went downhill. In an act of despair and trying to restore the clan's unity and numbers, former leader Goodwar15 applied a coup d'etat and invited the officials that had left back into the clan. However the old core members reacted to that and left, the result was a small change in numbers and a dive in quality and dedication towards the clan was noticeable.

This new TCL 2.0 as it was called by the brazilian community at the time, proceeded to exist under the Leadership of RMD, Moska and Mrlolz (Nathan), and finally closed by the mid-end of 2013.

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Ex The Call Of Legends (2008 - 2012) - Intro - Fa - Legend - Senior - Motm - Fa Manager - Council

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I’m Aiorya i’ve been clanning since 2004.
I’ve always believed a country clan could be as fun and skilled as a big international clan. Thats where my story beggins
I was one of the first 10 members Seu Polaco recruited to star the Swords of Glory clan. Was there until it closed.
I was on the reunion ex-SoGs made few months after that, which resulted on the opening of The Call of Legends. Not sure if I was lucky or not( lollolol just jking)
The thing is, my reason in this game turned in to make my country clan, a clan of respect to the international community. And since the day one i’ve been very fortunate on finding amazing people who had the same dream as me. Getting a Country clan to challenge the best.
The difficulties on recruiting people that knew nothing about warring, never heard about forums, mIRC or TeamSpeak and turning them into skilled members was huge and constant to a Country Clan survive and grow. 
Looking back, thinking about it, I truly believe we achieved a lot, on a short period with SoG first on 2005-2007 and then having my bro Goodwar15 by my side as leaders we did even a better job with TCL 2008-2012.

And i’m really proud of every single person that made part of this journey.
To Wilderland, i’m very thankful to you guys. Without you we’d never get out of a lot of slump moments, where we need that trash talk. And the taste of the victory over you was always the best! 

About my experiences on international clanning
2007- TRWF
On the first days there was a dude “Boggmonster numbers” or something like that that went racist on me, and I just quit the process on turning member.

2010 – Rejuvenation
What a good clan, i mean was for a short time but i really enjoyed! Good community and really skilled members.

2012 - The Tians 
Joined at the pre-eoc era when I decided to leave TCL (since it was taken, it did not made any sense to be there right?). And tbh I was quite inactive already, so was there only for fun. They had a really good community, had some good moments on their TS! Stayed there a few months until quit the game completely.

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Hello, My name is Victor! Im 29 years old and I have been playing runescape for almost 15 years.
I'm a Engineer who knew how to code and now I'm working as a Software Engineer.

About my Runescape Experience and Clanning:

I started clanning as a kid with some CC clans when I was too young.

My Real first clan was Legends of Glory although I have fight with SOG in some fights in the past and even pked with some DS members. In LG I had my first REAL experience.

Love from the first sight.

The clan was great but was never a top tier clan. When the time came I was leading LG (was one of a few who had a mic) and was actually enjoying it a lot.

I was leading LG and being their first caller for 1-2 months when a massive brazillian cluster happened. We joined on TCL server/side and start to fight for like 3 hours against WL + HA (I GUESS)

I don't remember why but in some point we hadn't any TCL callers, someone (Aiorya if I'm not mistaken) gave me caller permission and thats when it all started and changed(in my head at least) I had lead the cluster for like 1 hour and everyone in TCL liked my style (Was a kid and used to be very "energetic") after that 6 months later LG decided to close due their leaders joining the army and we mass joined TCL, which was the clan we had sympathy as LG members. I was ready to become a big boy and go for the "big tier 1 in Brazil scene"

It didn't take long I became  Pk leader in TCL (Same as Rider/Captain) and some time later I was beating clans like COL, CR(Hello @true), UBH(Also @true), Fools, CL, Solace, Exodus and being important as a caller in TCL. Some Brazilian forums used to say that TCL had the best PK leader team and I was TCL main-ish caller although the team was really good (I would say that if we spoke English we would be the best leadership team of runescape you can ask any Brazilian from that time even WLs who were our biggest enemy said and knew we were 1,2 or 3 steps further)

Eventually I became Warlord.

Being Warlord was a massive responsibility and I was hungry for knowledge.

I joined COR to understand and learn from English speaking leaders how to be better.

was in cor for like 1 or 2 years and to be honest learned some stuff but nothing too fancy( as I said we knew a lot of stuff in TCL but we weren't speaking in English that's why we never became a powerhouse) 
Cor was an easy option cuz they were mass recruiting to fight EH for some reason and I had a good friend in COR named Felipe Prieb.
After some time I decided to part ways with Cor and look for new things as clanning style. Decided to join RSD but my English level was really poor at the time plus didn't make any friends and wasn't accepted.
In the past double clanning was a OKay thing and I stayed in TCL and COR at the same time
I also pked with TMC and Dethmoon although I've never been a official member but I used to lead pk trips(In TMC) who eventually became events but was never a Official thing so Im mentioning it as a side story 

That's pretty much it.
I've made so many friends some of them are my friends until this date like Obina and many others. I'm really grateful to be a part of TCL and for what it has done to me I always will be a TCL member.

You can ask me whatever you want.

Edited by Victor
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Hello every1, my name is Frankventura and most of you know me from recent wars or back from Divine Forces. I started my clanning experience back in 2005 and most of my clanning was with country clans. 


My first clan was a small Portuguese clan called Thunder Knights. Then I joined Massive Demolution (portuguese/brazillian) in 2005-06 where I was a council and then leader for the last months. Start of 2007 I was at one of the most iconic country clans ever, Swords of Glory, only for 6 months. Late 2007, former members of SoG decided to open The Call of Legends.


This might have been the most important clan experience in my career. Was a starting member of TCL and wasn't a member for like 6 months in early 2008. Then I came back from a quitting RS, rejoined then recruited 20 Portuguese people. Since then, the rivalry with WL was real as our numbers grew strong and members learnt how to perform. In 2009 I became TCL Warlord and the funniest part of it was the 1st Jagex Cup, trying to find out that random clan with weird timezones to schedule a war at inconvenient time. But we were drafted RoT at early rounds and that was it. At that time I stepped my staff roles because of my other 2 Portuguese RS projects, Team Portugal (I was leader for a year and half) and Portuguese community (admin for 4 years and official jagex gold fansite). But i kept fighting for TCL until EoC and I can recall so many stories of how we were the best country clan at that time. Like following Jagex Cup we had 85 people against 100 Hell Armys and we won with like 50 people left, or the uncapped against WL that lasted for 12 hours with endless WL regroups by the fishing spot. We fought almost every clan there was, often with 300 opts, despite being a war we knew we wouldnt stand a chance, we would fight it anyways.


OSRS became a reality and I decided to train my stats just to be able to comeback to clanning like old times. At 2013 I joined my first osrs country clan called Retaliation. But people wouldn't care to train their osrs accounts so that clan stuck with rs3 legacy fights. In 2014 Exotic took its place, this time at osrs clw and wild and I was a part of it until the end back in 2016. Then I realized I couldn't let my career go without an international clan and I decided to join Divine Forces, still in 2016, until the end of 2017. DF was a clan where I perfected my warring to all levels. Was clanless for 3 years, dedicated to the portuguese community (until nowadays). In June 2020 i decided to put aside a old rivalry and join WL, until last January.


Clanning was my rs history and im still available to learn from it. Even met some people irl and had some beers. In 2010 I had a meeting at Aveiro and I was drinking with Goodwar15 (TCL leader at that time) and Shadow Mix (WL leader at that time). We had a TCL vs WL the following day, Goodwar attended but Shadow Mix didn't just to drink beers for another day! ❤️

Edited by Frankventura


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Hello Guys, I'm King Obina. You can call me Thiago if you want since that was already "leaked" anyways LMAO. 
I'll try to keep this brief since this topic is already a gigantic wall of text.
I have been playing runescape since 2006, only got into serious clanning with TCL only in 2008.
I was in TCL from mid 2008 to late 2012, had the ranks of Fa Manager and later Council for around 2 years, from late 2010 to late 2012, and had the time of my life. 
I recall most things, since my job as an Fa Manager and Council, had me talking with every single member in the clan. After all I've passed and the effort put into that clan, I can say TCL will be always on my chest.
There I made life long friendships, even tho the clan has been closed for almost 10 years I still talk to the boys on a daily basis (lixas).
I had passages through some clans on RS2 and some of you might know me from those. I had a brief stint through ROT as a FA Member, also was in DF when they had @true as a Warlord, and lived the rest of my RS2 days in TT, from 2011 until rs2 ended on 2012.
On OSRS I had a stint on DF from 2016 to 2018 and left as a senior member, due to IRL projects keeping me away from the game.
I then joined WL mid 2020, and helped @D96 and @Vitor the way I could, on their project of bringing WL to a level to compete with the rest of the clan world. Had a passage as Council and currently hold the immortal rank (aka glorified retired).

Feel free to ask me anything, and I'll try my best to respond on a timely manner.

Edited by King_Obina


Ex The Call Of Legends (2008 - 2012) - Intro - Fa - Legend - Senior - Motm - Fa Manager - Council

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Who was a better clan: TCL or WL?


Biggest differences between TCL and WL?


Who is the best caller in TCL history?


What international clans do you feel like were similar to TCL?


Who are your favorite main clan callers?


Whats your thoughts on current day WL? Thoughts on D96 as leader?


Who is the best TCL official doing this AMA? What made them so valuable?


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Who were your allys and who were your enemies?


What were your thoguhts on smaller brazilian clans like Monocromatic Brazil?


If you each had to pick another BR clan to be a part of and leave TCL which clan would it be?






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31 minutes ago, true said:

Who are the best members to go from WL to TCL? What about the other way around?

Leofontes77 used to be a Fa Manager in WL if I remember correctly, he was a pretty good Warlord in TCL and was our final pre takeover leader as well.

Now members who were in TCL and went to WL, RMD went WL->TCL->MMA->TCL I think LOL

Edited by King_Obina


Ex The Call Of Legends (2008 - 2012) - Intro - Fa - Legend - Senior - Motm - Fa Manager - Council

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Unbiased, please power-rank the following country clan scenes in order of best to worst (you've played long enough to see every scene I think) - rank any I missed out but I'm pretty sure this is everyone.









Happy for all of you to answer btw

Edited by Lavigne






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games. Now too busy.



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