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Pro Life or Pro Choice?


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So I don't really know a ton about this topic and the arguments both sides use especially since I imagine not everyone on each side of the argument agrees or has the exact same beliefs / etc. as one another and that limits my capability to include as much information as i'd want to, but anyways


As far as i'm aware there are main two arguments when it comes to abortion, or sides, or whatever you want to call them


Pro Life - against abortion and generally believe it should be illegal as far as i'm aware. seems to often be based on arguments of morality and that it's committing murder. Hard to say if it's a chicken/egg thing with people claiming morality arguments saying they hold this belief because of them, or they hold the belief of being pro life and just work the morality arguments in as "supporting" arguments. I'm sure there's some of both, if someone wants to they're welcome to elaborate


Pro Choice - not necessarily "for" abortion but rather in favor of giving the woman the right to choose what is done with her own body, including the ability to get an abortion. i have seen more extreme arguments such as rape / incest scenarios where understandably giving birth could do more harm than good especially on a psychological level, and also heard of there being studies to counter the "murder" argument saying the 'baby' isn't actually alive at whatever stage, don't really know specifics, anyone is welcome to elaborate or provide information for what i may have gotten wrong or to just add on


Questions to you all:

Do you side more as pro life or pro choice? 


Women: Under what scenario(s) if any would you find yourself considering an abortion?

Men with female partners or interest in female partners: If your partner were considering an abortion, how would you feel about it? What scenarios would you be more okay with the consideration/possibility of an abortion in? 


Would you be open to a discussion on the matter with your partner? Do you think such a discussion would change you feelings whether they be more pro life or pro choice, when it's someone you care deeply about being considered?


How do you feel about legislation in favor of one side or the other?



My answers:

Do you side more as pro life or pro choice? 

More pro choice, i'm largely in favor of people being able to do as they please with their bodies as long as it's not permanently harmful aka serious drug abuse alcoholism self harm etc though those are all quite unrelated things and different topics. No argument i've seen for pro life has really swayed me an incredible amount and I went to catholic school for a number of years so be sure i've heard at least some mostly in theology courses when I could be bothered to pay attention because theology was boring


Women: Under what scenario(s) if any would you find yourself considering an abortion? 


Men with female partners or interest in female partners: If your partner were considering an abortion, how would you feel about it? What scenarios would you be more okay with the consideration/possibility of an abortion in?

Hard to say for sure. It's easier to guess than it is to actually be in such a scenario. I would absolutely be open to talking about it. As I said above it's ultimately her choice, though if I was against it for whatever reason and she decided to do it anyways, i'm unsure how I would feel about that. It would largely depend on the circumstances but presumably as the father to not have a say would also not sit right with me I feel. That being said, it's perfectly likely depending on the scenario or the discussion that i'd be supportive of it as well. Not really sure what scenarios i'd consider the line but obviously if something seriously out of whack happened like rape/incest I previously mentioned or some serious genetic mutation or the risk of the baby being born seriously fucked up for one reason or another I think i'd probably see no issue.


Would you be open to a discussion on the matter with your partner? Do you think such a discussion would change you feelings whether they be more pro life or pro choice, when it's someone you care deeply about being considered?

As I kind of mentioned above yeah, would almost always be up for the discussion. Since I am more leaning towards pro choice I think the discussion would go rather well, since if they decide to keep the baby, that really isn't the same thing or the same discussion, there may not be a discussion at all because it's essentially just having a kid and there are other entirely separate considerations to be made there. If I were more pro life leaning i'd like to believe I would still be open to the discussion when it's someone I care very much about but hard to say since it's all hypothetical not reality.


How do you feel about legislation in favor of one side or the other?

There are some seriously harmful things that aren't regulated or have minimal to no legislation policing them that I think are worse, though that's not really on topic. I find it weird that some are regulated and some aren't basically based on what people feel like policing or a number of other factors which are also probably too much to get into on this thread. I don't think they should be able to make abortion illegal in places since that's more interfering with what they can do with their own body, whereas legislation legalizing it I feel is more of just allowing what should perhaps be a right anyways. 



Obviously i'm also American and a guy so I can't get pregnant nor an abortion so expecting a lot of different perspectives both from actual women and people that may be from other countries or feel differently from me, assuming they care to contribute. Let's see what everyone has to say








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Way too much to read but it’s pretty simple isn’t it 


if you want an abortion have an abortion? No one should be forced to have a kid they don’t want or can’t look after it, surely that’s common sense wot the frig 

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congrats on ur dumbest post yet


if ur "pro life" otherwise known as "anti choice" please PM @Tika191 to ask why you should have been aborted

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ROT MotM April 2011

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abortions are going to happen whether they're legal or illegal


make them legal so they're at least safe

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don't be the third whale

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I'm pro-choice.

I dislike the idea of ppl having abortions because they were careless.
I'm completely OK with ppl having an abortion if there's health complications or due to sexual abuse.

If my spouse wanted an abortion for a reason other than her health (assuming I'm the father), I wouldn't be able to stay with her personally. Trust would be broken and it'd just eat away inside of me so best to just pack the bags and go at that point.

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In my country (Portugal) you can do an abortion up to 10 weeks.

I've been working for years in the social area and this is an interesting topic.


There are still differences between being a father/mother or being a parent. To be a parent you just give birth a child, to be a father you need to be able to provide everything that child needs.


And even tho abortion is legal, there are alot of parents but few are also a good father or mother. Ofc you can teach them how to, but are they willing to 1st accept they dont know how and 2nd accept they need to learn?

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5 minutes ago, Joe said:

congrats on ur dumbest post yet


if ur "pro life" otherwise known as "anti choice" please PM @Tika191 to ask why you should have been aborted

not sure why it's a dumb post when I pretty clearly stated I am not pro life, mostly curious to see what the % split is on who goes with what as well as perhaps get some more information on the subject I don't have. considering i'd largely agree with what you said unsure why you're taking it as if we're on two different sides of this discussion lol








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Just now, Adam_ said:

not sure why it's a dumb post when I pretty clearly stated I am not pro life, mostly curious to see what the % split is on who goes with what as well as perhaps get some more information on the subject I don't have. considering i'd largely agree with what you said unsure why you're taking it as if we're on two different sides of this discussion lol



not because i thought you were "pro-life" but because this is a runescape.com warring forum 



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ROT MotM April 2011

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if you’re pro life i don’t wanna ever hear about you eating eggs again


in all seriousness, this is a hot debate in the USA always and we are supposed to be a secular government, so i don’t know how the supreme court can uphold that it’s unconstitutional to have an abortion 

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