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The Rising AMA - Clugred, Des Troyer, Hscrusader07, Monkeyfbi135

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7 hours ago, 3lite said:


For HS: You mentioned disappointment from the lack of PK dedication in "The."  What was your opinion of Germs22?


For all: When Sooz was in EH, I was not her biggest fan.  I felt like she was a manipulative person who was more interested in her own advancement/popularity than the success of the clan.  She was an intelligent individual, but I felt like she used that intelligence to the detriment of EH when she did not get what she wanted.  Do you have an instance that you can recall that she tried to leverage her popularity/others in the clan against the leadership's decisions?


For all:  I feel like TR was a clan born slightly too late.  There were a lot of people in the Alliance that were desiring a more PK-oriented experience around 2006 and dispersed to other clans.  If formed slightly earlier, it is possible that TR would have captured a lot of those folks that went elsewhere.  Additionally, around 2006, EH, VR, and DF were all pulling around ~60 people (still fairly low).  They really built off each other through competition and rivalry.  TR could have also grown off that competition.  Do you think TR might have looked different if formed a year earlier?


For all: What do you think TR's greatest strength was in PKRIs?

For all: Pre-EoC, how was TR's relationship with CL? A clan that was generally of similar size and perhaps of a similar situation (often limited to a certain style of fight due to timezone).

For all: Pre-EoC, how would you characterize your rivalry with The Red Devil Clan?  @Dubbel Drank and I were talking about the TR-RDC rivalry recently.

You all should be proud of the mark TR made in Runescape.  TR started at a time when making a new clan was tough and stood the test to time relative to many others created in the same period.  Respect to you all and to TR - Thanks for doing this AMA!

Germs was and is a solid guy and caller/warlord/whatever. Even during our rivalry I felt like Germs and I always got on well. Allow to me to explain my comment on the lack of Pk-ing. Coming off that loss to DS in our war(190 vs 130 or whatever) and we lost, I remember people in 'The' were really upset and wanted to get more active in Pking. We had a mandatory sign-up for a PK trip, we were going to take on a top clan and really show the world our strength. Despite a long sign-up/prep I think we only got like 60-70 out of like 150 and despite it being mandatory, no one was kicked for not being there. When that happened I knew I wanted to try something else.


Your take on Sooz matches mine to the letter. 


I get what your saying but in 2006 when The Alliance would fight DS we could get like 200 people on and fight them for hours so I don't think we wanted to leave where we were because 'The', Gladz and TMRD were all doing so well during that time.


We were really organized, out numbered but never out gunned type approach.


SHIT I forgot about RDC!!!! Really respected that group! They were a force in GMT



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Hey all nice to read the story of my old "rivals.


Being in RDC from 2006 / 2009 and in TRWF 2009 till 2011 its to say the battle's in GMT we had were quite fun.


@Clugred i still miss you!


Question for everyone: 

Thoughts about RDC. do you think we were #1gmt in the 2006/2009 ERA?

Being undefeated in CWA for years and won every category in the CJ tourny, is it fair to say RDC was the best "countryclan"? (despite we weren't a countryclan that allowed sharing members, but instead only allowing dutchies in)


Edited by Harmr
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Posted Image

Hi guys, thanks for doing a TR AMA.

Here are a few links that might help with your ama:


2007 Memberlist:
2008 Memberlist:
2009 Memberlist:

(All) @Des Troyer @Clugred @HsCrusader07 @Monkey

Who are the best mages in TR history?
Who are the best tanks in TR history?


(For Hscrusader) @HsCrusader07

Why did you never train your prayer?

Did you have any desire to lead in the top 5? Why / Why not? -> In my opinion if you were in a top 5 clan you easily could have become the #1 fall in leader

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Corruption High Council -> Syndicate Leader -> Exodus Warlord -> Violent Resolution Warlord

16 hours ago, VirgoVaca said:

When I was in 'The' Clan in 2011 I noticed some tension between the older 'The' members and officials and any mention of "The Rising". Could you explain what may have caused this scoffing and animosity?

When THE reopened in OSRS it was with some original TR members including Destroyer who became ranked officials,  it was not long after this that they reopened TR taking officials and members from THE. This definitely caused some friction with TR over how it happened and the position it had left THE in as it was not done with any discussion or compromise.


It was not all THE officials and members though and there are some strong ties between some individuals now 🙂

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It's really good to read the history of a clan I've never been a member of but have spent many an hour with 🙂 thanks Dan, Claire, HS and Monkey for sharing


Nice to see some very familiar names on the topic


ps - had to double post as forums wouldn't let me edit the post before!!

sig pic.png

2 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What are some things you think its crucial for clan leaders to know in the modern day ? Knowledge you dont think should be lost essentially 


How do you want to be remembered as individuals ? How do you want your version of TR to be remembered ?

Having absolutely nothing to do with RS or the clan world now, I couldn't say what's important knowledge to retain. In the years I was involved clans evolved so much.


As an individual I have no real desire to be remembered for anything. I guess I hope I would be remembered as a positive influence, but I only ever went into the clan scene with the intention to enjoy myself and fight with likeminded individuals.


I never set out to be well known and the whole purpose of starting 'The Rising' was so we could have a good clan for both community and PKing, that we could feel comfortable in. I enjoyed the hard work and challenge that went into getting the clan started and mainly I'd like our TR to be remembered as a good clan, with positive ideals.


45 minutes ago, D2master12 said:


Those member lists brought back so many memories and many names I have not recalled in years. They  will definitely be useful for answering some questions. 

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9 hours ago, 3lite said:

I remember Des and Clug from my time in Gladz - wanted to start by saying I'm glad to see you both around and hope you've been well.


Wanted to say hi to Monkey as well.  We didn't have the best relationship in EH/after EH, but I hold no grudges from a long time ago.


For Clug: I was always really impressed by TMRD while in Gladz, and then later when TMRD had wars/capped PKRIs with EH.  I felt like TMRD had greater activity and desire to be involved in PKRIs than the other alliance clans.  Did you find that there were a disproportionate number of TMRD joining TR relative to the other alliance clans?


For Des: Why do you think TR was such an appealing option for many ex-DS members?


For HS: You mentioned disappointment from the lack of PK dedication in "The."  What was your opinion of Germs22?


For all: When Sooz was in EH, I was not her biggest fan.  I felt like she was a manipulative person who was more interested in her own advancement/popularity than the success of the clan.  She was an intelligent individual, but I felt like she used that intelligence to the detriment of EH when she did not get what she wanted.  Do you have an instance that you can recall that she tried to leverage her popularity/others in the clan against the leadership's decisions?


For all:  I feel like TR was a clan born slightly too late.  There were a lot of people in the Alliance that were desiring a more PK-oriented experience around 2006 and dispersed to other clans.  If formed slightly earlier, it is possible that TR would have captured a lot of those folks that went elsewhere.  Additionally, around 2006, EH, VR, and DF were all pulling around ~60 people (still fairly low).  They really built off each other through competition and rivalry.  TR could have also grown off that competition.  Do you think TR might have looked different if formed a year earlier?


For all: What do you think TR's greatest strength was in PKRIs?

For all: Pre-EoC, how was TR's relationship with CL? A clan that was generally of similar size and perhaps of a similar situation (often limited to a certain style of fight due to timezone).

For all: Pre-EoC, how would you characterize your rivalry with The Red Devil Clan?  @Dubbel Drank and I were talking about the TR-RDC rivalry recently.

You all should be proud of the mark TR made in Runescape.  TR started at a time when making a new clan was tough and stood the test to time relative to many others created in the same period.  Respect to you all and to TR - Thanks for doing this AMA!

Hi 3lite!


I don’t have anything that comes to mind regarding a time Sooz tried to leverage her popularity against leadership. By the time I was promoted, she was already council, so I would have been completely in the dark about anything that happened. I did have a lot of experience leading alongside her, which was certainly difficult, but for other reasons. Even when we both had the title of “leader”, it never felt like she viewed me as an equal. If I did something she didn’t like - no matter how small - I was chewed out for it endlessly. On the other hand, if I disagreed with her, she’d tell me that she had lots of people agreeing with her privately and I should just drop it. This happened all the time and ultimately led me to step down from leader to be second in command, which probably should have been the plan anyway. She had a very specific idea of how things should be done, and there wasn’t much room for dissent.


But I don’t want it to seem like she was a detriment to the clan. Her loyalty to The Rising was unquestionable and she was the lifeblood of the clan for the last few years. For all the complaining I did about her stubbornness, that was also what kept us going when everyone else was ready to give up. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it was a mixed bag - she was difficult and often frustrating to work with, but she kept the clan going well so clearly there was a method to her madness. 


Anyway, on to your other questions…


I agree that TR was created too late, although I’m not sure how much difference a year would have made. There would have been more wilderness opportunities, which would have worked in TR’s favor. But it’s not like absurdly long fights weren’t happening in 2006, so that still would have made it hard to break into the top clans.


Our greatest strength in PK run-ins… I’m not sure. I always felt like we were good in all areas but not the best in anything. I can tell you that our weakest area, at least for a few years, was snipers. We did not have a great sniper unit (to put it lightly) in 2009-2010 or so. I don’t remember if we improved it or just stopped bothering to send snipers.


Our relationship with CL was pretty good, but we didn’t fight them much. I remember fighting AA more than CL, but maybe that’s recency bias. 

The RDC rivalry was interesting. I remember them hating us a lot. I don’t remember why exactly, but I’m sure they had their reasons. But I always felt like it was a bit one sided in that we didn’t feel quite so strongly about them, but they absolutely could not stand us. I recall 2m and RDC hating each other as well, and a lot of 2m joined TR when they closed, while RDC mostly went to TRWF after their closure. This, of course, added fuel to the TR/TRWF hatred.


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10 hours ago, Valaraz said:

I don't have a question right now but good to see old names still active in the community.


Oh wait I do have a question: are you in touch with Håkan still? (The Swedish dude who moved to Ozzies.)

The only Håkan I ever knew in TR was Flummbullen. I am not in touch with him and didn’t know he moved.

4 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What are some things you think its crucial for clan leaders to know in the modern day ? Knowledge you dont think should be lost essentially 


How do you want to be remembered as individuals ? How do you want your version of TR to be remembered ?

As an individual I don’t really care how my time on RS is remembered. I hope that I acted in such a way that those who knew me can remember me in a positive light. I know that won’t be possible for everyone, since I sometimes let the stress get to me and ended up saying some things that I deeply regret to this day. To those people (hi @Yorick) I am truly sorry.


As a clan, I hope we can be remembered for our unwavering commitment for leaving everything on the battlefield (and maybe the RSC topic once in a while). We had some great success without involving ourselves in a lot of the toxicity that was growing more common in the clan world.

2 hours ago, Harmr said:

Hey all nice to read the story of my old "rivals.


Being in RDC from 2006 / 2009 and in TRWF 2009 till 2011 its to say the battle's in GMT we had were quite fun.


@Clugred i still miss you!


Question for everyone: 

Thoughts about RDC. do you think we were #1gmt in the 2006/2009 ERA?

Being undefeated in CWA for years and won every category in the CJ tourny, is it fair to say RDC was the best "countryclan"? (despite we weren't a countryclan that allowed sharing members, but instead only allowing dutchies in)


Is your question whether RDC was #1 GMT the whole time from 2006-2009? I’m sure you reached that point for a while, but I don’t think it was the whole time.


The award for best country clan would either go to you guys or Fools and it’s hard to know who would win since your periods of dominance didn’t overlap. Fools at some points was pulling 300 options and they probably could have given RDC a run for their money (or won outright).

2 hours ago, D2master12 said:

Hi guys, thanks for doing a TR AMA.

Here are a few links that might help with your ama:


2007 Memberlist:
2008 Memberlist:
2009 Memberlist:

(All) @Des Troyer @Clugred @HsCrusader07 @Monkey

Who are the best mages in TR history?
Who are the best tanks in TR history?


(For Hscrusader) @HsCrusader07

Why did you never train your prayer?

Did you have any desire to lead in the top 5? Why / Why not? -> In my opinion if you were in a top 5 clan you easily could have become the #1 fall in leader

Thanks for digging up those member lists!


Best mages - Wnt was pretty good, so I’ll just give him the credit since I don’t remember who else used to mage.

Best tanks - This one is tough since I mostly remember the people who sucked at tanking. I remember our Polish unit (Zahus and Piotrek) being pretty good tanks.

52 minutes ago, EoMeri said:

Thoughts about Fools/CU and TR rivalry? Thoughts about me?


All my questions are directed to @Monkey don't hold anything back!


I'll reply/ask more later!

Ok, so let me preface this by saying I don’t hold grudges for what happened all those years ago and I’m trying to answer this objectively, as you requested. FOOLS and CU were clearly great clans, but it would have been a lot easier to respect them if they hadn’t been so insistent on crashing us. And I’m pretty sure that imperative came from you. You would tell me that you guys were only crashing us because we wouldn’t fight you, which in my opinion was a very poor attempt at justifying your actions. It seemed petty to me, like you had some sort of bone to pick with us and got some sort of amusement from crashing us.


I understand that RuneScape is just a game that can be played however you want. But my opinion has always been that if your idea of having fun in a game is going out of your way to make sure other people don’t have fun, you’re kind of a dick. And that’s not directed solely at you - that’s how I feel about everyone who goes out of their way to crash, ddos (this one doesn’t apply to fools/CU), or whatever else people are doing these days.


I didn’t think very highly of you as a person for these reasons, but your ability as a leader manifested itself through the success of Fools/CU. 

Edited by Monkey
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3 hours ago, D2master12 said:

Hi guys, thanks for doing a TR AMA.

Here are a few links that might help with your ama:


2007 Memberlist:
2008 Memberlist:
2009 Memberlist:

(All) @Des Troyer @Clugred @HsCrusader07 @Monkey

Who are the best mages in TR history? I remember Yorick and Thomas(Claveler) being good. Tweakn & Koa I feel like always hybrided Avfc was a good mage before he became a General
Who are the best tanks in TR history? I am going to say Doumat just because he made me laugh


(For Hscrusader) @HsCrusader07

Why did you never train your prayer?

Did you have any desire to lead in the top 5? Why / Why not? -> In my opinion if you were in a top 5 clan you easily could have become the #1 fall in leader

Who are the best mages in TR history? I remember Yorick and Thomas(Claveler) being good. Tweakn & Koa I feel like always hybrided Avfc was a good mage before he became a General
Who are the best tanks in TR history? I am going to say Doumat just because he made me laugh


Why did you never train your prayer? Honestly I was always broke! I remember Lucas(FM11) was so mad I was still 123 he bought me the bones for 124 because I was lowering our avg lol

Did you have any desire to lead in the top 5? Why / Why not? -> In my opinion if you were in a top 5 clan you easily could have become the #1 fall in leader -- I appreciate the nod for my calling. I was approached by various clubs at various times but never went for it. I think if I had stayed in RSD a bit longer there could have been an opportunity there for me.

3 hours ago, Jules said:

When THE reopened in OSRS it was with some original TR members including Destroyer who became ranked officials,  it was not long after this that they reopened TR taking officials and members from THE. This definitely caused some friction with TR over how it happened and the position it had left THE in as it was not done with any discussion or compromise.


It was not all THE officials and members though and there are some strong ties between some individuals now 🙂

Completely forgot about that!! Very true. But as you said, on good terms now

1 hour ago, Monkey said:

The only Håkan I ever knew in TR was Flummbullen. I am not in touch with him and didn’t know he moved.




Flumm is in the EH discord and also has an account on these forums.  @Flummbullen @Valaraz

Edited by 3lite


20 hours ago, S3lvah said:

Thanks for doing this AMA. I remember some quite heated wars in 2010–2012 between TR and Fools; in many of them, you outpulled us and we got a nice challenge out of fighting outnumbered. I don't recall that we'd fought the second iteration, but it might have been due to numbers difference and/or clashing time zones.


What are some of your most significant memories fighting other GMT clans?

Top 5 GMT clans in your opinion? (Free choice of time-frame & whether to rank them 1.–5.)

Best/favorite TR callers?


Small side-note: we did beat RoT a couple times in F2P CWA during their OSRS prime, including in a player-organized tournament match. They didn't really fight there often as a clan, so didn't get many opportunities, tho.

oh TR vs Fools one of the best memories for me. It was big rivarly especially for me when me and my brother Tonberry1 (rip) joined to Fools from TR.

@Monkey Honest opinion for that? I know ppl were angry but what did u think about that?


Edited by Lander
3 hours ago, Monkey said:

Ok, so let me preface this by saying I don’t hold grudges for what happened all those years ago and I’m trying to answer this objectively, as you requested. FOOLS and CU were clearly great clans, but it would have been a lot easier to respect them if they hadn’t been so insistent on crashing us. And I’m pretty sure that imperative came from you. You would tell me that you guys were only crashing us because we wouldn’t fight you, which in my opinion was a very poor attempt at justifying your actions. It seemed petty to me, like you had some sort of bone to pick with us and got some sort of amusement from crashing us.

I understand that RuneScape is just a game that can be played however you want. But my opinion has always been that if your idea of having fun in a game is going out of your way to make sure other people don’t have fun, you’re kind of a dick. And that’s not directed solely at you - that’s how I feel about everyone who goes out of their way to crash, ddos (this one doesn’t apply to fools/CU), or whatever else people are doing these days.


I didn’t think very highly of you as a person for these reasons, but your ability as a leader manifested itself through the success of Fools/CU. 

As a reply from someone who also was a Fools official for most of the 2010s –
Can't comment on the crashing since I don't know or remember the origins of it. (Starved of GMT action?)


But for what it's worth, after CU closed the last time and Eomeri (and later RKoF and NG members) rejoined Fools, I don't recall us partaking in that anymore – except maybe some retaliatory instances with RoT. So, for most of its existence, Eomeri's Fools eventually became as "honorable" as was reasonable for a large clan in the clan world of the time.

Edited by S3lvah
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Fools / CU / DI / FF / Elu Warlord – TT Captain – TKO / TB / Desc / Tempy Member

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