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[SPOILERS]UFC 264: McGregor vs Poirier


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Any MMA fans here?

Was a pretty wild card - obviously I don't think anyone expected the main event to end the way it did


How bad was the break?

Do you think it was from the checked kicks like Poirier said?

Do you think they'll rematch that or do you think that the hype train for McGregor has officially come to a halt?


I think Poirier was dominating that first round tbh but you never like to see something like that happen to either fighter, I think that's maybe the 4th major injury we've seen on a main card in a row or something?







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38 minutes ago, Null said:

Any MMA fans here?

Was a pretty wild card - obviously I don't think anyone expected the main event to end the way it did


How bad was the break?

Do you think it was from the checked kicks like Poirier said?

Do you think they'll rematch that or do you think that the hype train for McGregor has officially come to a halt?


I think Poirier was dominating that first round tbh but you never like to see something like that happen to either fighter, I think that's maybe the 4th major injury we've seen on a main card in a row or something?

Not a big fan tbh but watched most the events last night


Hard to say but I think the checked kicks contributed to potentially "weakening" his ankle  which contributed to that eversion of his foot after the punch




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1 hour ago, Null said:

How bad was the break?

Do you think it was from the checked kicks like Poirier said?

Do you think they'll rematch that or do you think that the hype train for McGregor has officially come to a halt?


I think Poirier was dominating that first round tbh but you never like to see something like that happen to either fighter, I think that's maybe the 4th major injury we've seen on a main card in a row or something?

- Definitely a full break

- It's really hard to say. Seems kinda weird that all it took was a little twist and body weight to fully break a bone.

- I dont think McGregor wants to go out like this. I think losing outright by KO would of been easier for him to swallow instead of having it stopped


Poirier was dominating. McGregor has 0 ground game, which is why he loses pretty much all of his fights.












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personally, if I’m Poirier i just tell conor fuck you and your rematch. called his wife a whole bunch of shit and threatened him with some intense stuff. he dominated that first round anyway, you can see he’s the better fighter. he’ll fight Oliveira, get the belt and retire. for Mcgregor, his shot at gold is probably done. you can’t just keep losing fights and expect a shot at it, but then again, it’s the ufc and dana white we’re talking about so who knows. Conor will probably go for the money fights like the Diaz trilogy, a Masvidal bout down the line and stuff like that. 




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Missed out on this one as I wasn't home. Saw the replay right before bed though. I think Conor is and needs to be done. He's washed up and needs to move on

Edited by Mitch








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I've only seen the injury picture and if I were him I would never use my legs ever again LMAO good luck getting as confident as he needs to be


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Any MMA fans here? Recently yeah, I only used to watch main card fights but I've grown to really like the undercard recently and watch it more for that now than the main event. The recent boxing circuses have made me come to appreciate how genuine UFC is so much more.

Was a pretty wild card - obviously I don't think anyone expected the main event to end the way it did I did lol.


How bad was the break? As someone who plays sports, awful. I wish they didn't replay it 50 times and most athletes on twitter agreed. I play American Football, bloodying and bruising doesn't phase me anymore Nate looks like a double machete homicide victim after every fight and it does nothing. But the most gruesome thing ever is watching a limb break, I can't handle it it looks fucking horrendous and is aside from pain the scariest thing anyone could experience in sport because it could be the last time you've played. I know JJ Watt on twitter was like "enough of showing it"

Do you think it was from the checked kicks like Poirier said? No. McGregor's an idiot and kicking the cage padding is just extra wear he didn't need, but he exerted himself a lot with kicks at the start and definitely fucked himself somewhere. But I think the most damage he did to it was during the guillotine grappling. For all I know Poirier broke it during that. 

Do you think they'll rematch that or do you think that the hype train for McGregor has officially come to a halt? The hype grows everytime McGregor loses, which is really an issue for him he wins either way. Look at Nate, he has a pretty low WR in UFC for the level of fighter he actually is but he is the golden child of America, people will watch any fight he threatens to smash someone in, he lost to Leon and it's not gonna hurt him in the slightest. For as long as Conor is a circus he is invaluable to the UFC and gains more attention. But if he loses badly again it could be retirement (for the 5000th time). Age is nothing in the UFC and Connor is an insane grappler, and grapplers only tend to get better with age we're seeing it with Figueiredo in Flyweight he's an animal. But Conor's strength is kickboxing and he's very much a one trick pony when it comes to grappling, and kickboxers in the UFC do not age well, even when uninjured. 


Edited by Lavigne






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not watched ufc in some years but its always felt like despite being pretty good mcgregor's ego was a bit bigger than his skill warranted and it seems like now he's kind of getting the shit kicked out of him so lol


no doubt a really talented fighter but dunno if he'll ever be back up to where he used to be 








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5 hours ago, Frankventura said:

I know MMA is "for real" if we compare it to WWE cause its just "entertainment". And I perfer to be entertained ahaha But I watch neither so

To be fair, they hype up MMA in the same way as WWE. There were plenty of other UFC fights you could watch, but they always pick one and hype it up to the extreme, so it's not that far off from WWE outside of not being rigged with heels and what not. 










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