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15 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Is there anyone who didn't work out / ended up burning out in Tempest which you were surprised at? Is there anyone you expected to go that way but they've stuck around? 

I was surprised @Teemodidn't last long. Thought he might last a bit longer than he did. I'm not really surprised that people have "lasted" as long as they did because it's really not hard to stay around. There isn't really activity requirements other than not being dead, so it's pretty easy for people to stick around even if they don't enjoy the game.

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15 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What are your feelings on shared members with other clans/teams who fight in similar brackets? Country clans? Pure clans?


What do you think of other brackets of clanning? (pures and whatever meds/zerks refer to their bracket as now)


Pretty sure you were known for at least some pking in single at mage bank. What do you think of current single teams ? Do you feel mage bank pking is basically dead content at this point?


I think KKZ (Take/w/e frontline leader guy) was in Di for some time. What did you think of him as a member? 


What did you think of Barnes as a member? As a rank? Are you surprised at the reputation (which many would say is negative) he's gotten himself over the past few years? 

If it works for both sides then I don't mind shared members with country clans. For a long time DI/Fools arrangement worked out cause of timezone differences. Most of them were active in both communities. Obviously then Eomeri decided to take a different direction with Fools and things couldn't work out anymore so that was the end of that. I didn't have a problem with people being in Vitality either because again timezone differences worked out. I guess if there had been like for example an "American" country clan then it would have clashed timezone wise and not been workable.


As for teams they only really became a problem when there was like 20 teams and they were making it difficult for clans to get CWA fights with. Rather than just being against all teams I was against certain teams for various reasons. Some teams were just a way for RoT to try recruit people. Others were just used to target weaker minded people. So in summary I guess it depends.


In DI we never really had people in pure clans so it wasn't something that came up. The lines are a lot more blurred now because it's a lot more intertwined. It's like teams again, it depends on the pure clan. In general though I don't mind people being in a pure clan as long as Tempest is their main focus.


I never understood the enjoyment in pure clanning. I've tried out the trips myself and they're a lot different. I guess they benefit from guaranteed action since the trip times are set but dunno, the fights aren't proper and the risk especially in F2P just isn't there.


When I single pked at mage bank tank was the meta. The only maging was tbing and range was only used in multi. So it was a hell of a different than anything now. I've got no interest in single pking and haven't really since like 2006. It feels like the problem with single now is the skill level required for it is too high for new people to get interested in it. If something like Edge W18 was to still exist where anyone could just rock up and start a fight it might revive single, but it's all about getting switches off and stuff now.


He was DI then left for Dynasty/Bearz/whatever it is. I told him if he left he could rejoin DI and he did, but when he introed I done him. I think he went all weird after that like copying my posts on his forum or whatever. Seemed quiet when he was in DI.


Barnes was pretty young when he was in DI but you could tell he wouldn't fit in long term. I don't know what he did over the next few years.

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15 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Di forums has a topic about "operation community outreach" http://www.di-rs.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=118006&pid=3386587&st=0&#entry3386587 which basically outlines attempting to recruit people from different areas of the game. Is this something you've thought about doing with Tempest? (Seems like almost everyone here was from a previously existing clan, but also seems like there's probably a lot fewer people from these other communities wanting to make the jump these days)

It's not something we've attempted because it wouldn't work now. Remember this was prior to the Mod Jed incident and people didn't have the image of clans that they have now.

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15 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Are there any people you kicked over the years you regretted or thought you could've handled a bit more lightly? 

I could have handled MHL gate a lot differently but I think the majority of these people didn't even care about or play RS anymore. So not like most of them leaving/being removed made a difference in the long run. That kind of drew the line in the sand where we were going to be a serious clan from there on in.


I could have de-escalated a lot of situations like with @MILAD, @Sir Severedfor example, but when I got hot headed about something I normally never backed down.


There's an argument that if I was less strict then DI might have achieved a lot more but on the other hand it might not have either.

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15 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Does @True 2k8need his ass beat? Does Firehands? Who else in the Tempest community needs their ass beat? What about the clanning community in general? 

The assassination of Bill Clinton was the only time I ever felt like beating someones ass. I'm too laid back these days to get annoyed at anything.

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15 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Thoughts on TR? (og and OSRS version(s))

I heard stories about how TR was run in and around 2020 with stuff like them not caring about multi clanning etc and just not being run like a proper clan in general. It seemed like Hotgun was pretty emotional and had to be babied into giving us fights and then they'd end up pulling like 20 and we'd have to do no overheads. Depressing times.


I don't really remember OG TR, not a clan DI would have interacted with much.

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15 hours ago, John said:

what are your thoughts on @Steikasand how bad does he need his ass kicked?


always heard lots about Ghjjf and DI how much of mystical creature you were bc you never spoke on TS/Ventrilo and you were just at events and did a lot of behind the scenes work. 


Glad to be able to clan with you bazza even tho we don't really know each other. :fingergun:


He's the kind of guy I'd definitely go for a few cold ones with.



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Was there anyone who leaked or spied that you were surprised at ?


How did AF and Di start beefing ?


A few years ago someone showed me what was allegedly logs of af Kyle posting a ton of di ips in like IRC or something. Was this real to your knowledge? You mentioned AF ddosed you guys quite a bit. How did they get your guys' ips seemingly so easily?


What happened with countymad? I am told he was an official or something and spied 








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15 hours ago, Adam_ said:

5 worst officials in original Di then original Di? 

Original: Lets just say post 06 here cause there was so many god awful ones prior to that



Suffocate V


Greatest808 (even though he was only like mod lol)



Kaochinx (lol)


Guggiey (nice guy though lol)


Joko (V1 only, V2 was good)

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15 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Who were the easiest clans to deal with and the most annoying clans to deal with? 

Over original and OSRS:







Most annoying:



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