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4 hours ago, Gravety Bomb said:




Russia relies on two pipeline networks, one in Belarus and other in Ukraine to transport natural gas to EU.  Their motive is to take control over these in order to avoid transit fees.

I can see how this is part of the reason for these actions. But going to war for something like this are the actions people took 100-200 years ago. The high tariffs among other things could have been completely prevented had Russia as well as the EU swallowed their insane obsession of power/money and reluctance to play together. I'm not knowledgeable at all about Russian / post ww2 history. However I am certain that it is their own actions over the last say 60 years that put them in this predicament. The USA / EU played a role in this as well but a country is still governed by people and it is their (re)actions and shit attitudes/characters that led to this shit show.

The insanity of Putin's obsession with the 'USSRs' restoration of power (I believe this was / always has been his motive / dream correct me if I'm wrong) is simply destructive for everyone. The same could be said by the war actions the USA / EU takes in their attempt of 'democratic stability'. China and India have similar obsessions as Russia and are no better for it either.


The Russia situation reminds me of a story Jordan Peterson told about raising kids. As a parent one of your main goals for your kids should be that other people like them. If someone doesn't like your kid you've done something terribly wrong. Russia of today is like a kid that nobody wants to play with. What's worse is that many actually despise or even hate Russia. The fault ALWAYS lies with the parents, the governing bodies (elected by the people) of the USA + EU and Russia, who lived at the height of the cold war. Both failed to raise Russia into a reasonable adult. While I understand the difference between statecraft and individuals being raised, it is still ultimately individuals whom are unable to play with others that are ruining it for the rest of us.


Unfortunately Russia today continuously chooses to exert force to get their will (the worst option) because they believe this makes them look strong and independent. Or maybe they feel like there is no other option but to exert force to be recognized / respected. Either way instead, in my eyes, it makes them look weak and immature. There's nothing of strength, nothing heroic about starting a fight, let alone a war, or invading anything, let alone a country, no matter what way you look at it. I also extremely dislike any images of Putin being portrayed as a hero or receiving any type of glory (similar to many other Leaders old and new). Exerting full force is an act of cowardice; that's true now as it was for Germany in WW2 and the USA / EU when they invaded Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran,..and all the other pointless wars, but also for any individual who chooses this path.


Any death in this conflict is a waste of human lives, animal lives, plant lives and of resources.

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The good old days



Tempest 1.png

~ By B4uz ~



~ By Ace ~

The only thing louder than the war right now is China's crushing silence. If Putin is allowed to just take Ukraine without paying a steep price, Taiwan is going to follow soon enough – and lest you think none of this applies to you: much of the world's CPUs and other chips powering computers, cars, appliances etc. are manufactured there.


Finland is being hit hard by the economic downturn from this (Russia has been vital for trade and as a fossil fuel supplier). And of course, if Ukraine keels over to Russia ezpz, it's only a matter of time when their focus turns on the next formerly possessed country that isn't in Nato.

And given that the US can only be trusted to give Nato its reason for existence when it isn't being led by a nutjob, the only long-term solution I see is better military co-operation between EU countries themselves. Unfortunately, this is only the latest and most blatant demonstration of the Kreml's willingness to inflict unspeakable suffering to gain power. That's how they got into power in Russia in the first place.

Edited by S3lvah
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Fools / CU / DI / FF / Elu Warlord – TT Captain – TKO / TB / Desc / Tempy Member

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