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The End

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Everything posted by The End

  1. Haven't done recreational reading in over a decade, but something I'd like to get back to for sure. Last stuff I remember reading that I liked: Crime & Punishment (old Dostoevsky work) Bartimaeus Trilogy (apparently Google says it's a children series, but I remember it being in the YA section back in like ~2007 -- don't recall it much, but I liked it -- was fantasy genre I think) Tess of the d'Urbervilles (was probably last novel I read, was required for one my classes in high school, but I actually liked it)
  2. Hey welcome to the forums. We didn't interact much in DR, but I liked your attitude and thought 'Xmas Bandit' was a sick name.
  3. Thanks for the fight Unk
  4. The End


    very nice, big gains.
  5. Grats. What are those spaced out, crystal looking seeds?
  6. Very nice. Surprised you know about Open OSRS.
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