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Everything posted by Krystal

  1. Definitely gotta have the right people for it to be entertaining. I've had both bad campaigns and good ones. Folks in my group have taken improv classes, were in drama club, one was a model, etc, so they make it a lot of fun because of their ability to roll with everchanging situations and get into character so easily. I'm the weak link tbh because I don't have an acting background like they do, but I must not be too bad since I keep getting invited to do these lol. Tis fun. Also I find it funny how the stereotype of who plays D&D are like virgin neckbeards, but that's not my group at all lol.
  2. Always cool to see familiar faces from the old days. Welcome!
  3. RIP to another legend. Had loads of fun watching Jeopardy even if I didn't know half of the stuff they put up there. He was an awesome host. ❤️
  4. Grats Vegeta. Your power level is over 9000 for sure now. ?
  5. Many funny chats I had with that one. Pretty sure he was high 24/7 now that I think about it lol.
  6. Since others are saying screw it to the 1st rule, I decided to play along. ? This was hard since I had the pleasure of interacting with many people in the clan world during my RSC mod days. Tried to match people I had good interactions with to their appropriate ranks. Leaders: Ghjjf Broski Rafi Warlords: 3lite Germs22 Radicalsurfu Officers: Me Lliebenau Lkg Sabre PK Leaders: Unbrokenxero Bowhunter65 Majin Wouter Jester [Comic Relief (LOL❤️)] Veseble Marqouth1 Lord Grug
  7. Definitely gotta party at your place now ? Big congrats True!
  8. Let's put it this way.. I've spent years figuring out what the hell is right for me haha. When I originally played RS in '06, I was in nursing school but dropped out because I hated it. Explored so many careers after that and finally settled on this one. I find that Cytotechnology is the perfect blend of my love of both art and science, and I am so happy to finally have a job where I enjoy coming to work. Feel free to add me on Discord. Krittles#4986 Always nice to find other folks to chat with who work in the medical field ?
  9. Was a nursing assistant for 13 years but JUST graduated as a Cytotechnologist. and been working as that for the last 2 months so far. In short, I help obtain biopsies of folks then I look at them under the microscope to see if they got cancer or something else going on! Dietitian is pretty damn cool. I almost went that route because I found Biochemistry to be a very interesting subject. Learned a lot about nutrition.
  10. Sweet, fellow hospital worker. Welcome to the forums ?
  12. What a crazy coincidence; I love to eat chicken too! ? Welcome to the community. ?
  13. About to start a new campaign soon actually. My discord pic is my cat sitting in front of our DM screen lolll.
  14. Share your herbs plz Grats ?
  15. Krystal


    Prayer seems to be a common theme today. Big congrats!!
  16. Krystal

    80 Prayer

    Yeah it's nice to have friends watching your back. My buddy @Mkm2384 fought off some folks for my earlier levels. I definitely wouldn't be bothered to do this method without help because it's so damn annoying having to swap worlds so much to avoid PKers meh.
  17. Krystal

    80 Prayer

    Decided to take a break from NMZ to get some prayer levels. Special thanks to @Brian for helping me out and fighting off PKers (he's not in this pic actually cuz he was chasing someone off lol ❤️) #Roadto126
  18. Krystal

    96 con

    Party at true's house!! Grats ?
  19. Grats! You're an inspiration to me knocking all of this out in NMZ haha. ?
  20. Welcome to the community! ?
  21. Krystal


    Thank you! They're my passion. I do enjoy making them ❤️
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