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Everything posted by Krystal

  1. Been some nice nostalgia all around from seeing familiar faces here ?
  2. I actually was going to say that also. I do think it was me joining them that triggered his post lollll.
  3. My grandmother was a big Elvis fan and would always throw on his Christmas album, vinyl ofc! So I always gotta play that album every year for the sake of nostalgia and tradition. ?
  4. OMG I remember Brad saying that and us having that dilemma sometimes since we were supposed to stay off our clan's topics, so modding EH topics became a challenge. I had to pester non-CD mods to help out, and they hated modding CD. Ahahahaha. Funny thing is, I actually became a RSC cl when in Gladz and then joined EH after buddying up with the other EH cl's, so I didn't help with this problem. =X
  5. EH AMA hellllll yes. I am so excited to see this AMA from the folks I spent some of my most enjoyable times in RS with!! I look forward to reading through all of your responses! I apologize in advance if any of these questions have already been asked. I tried to do a quick glance through the topic to avoid repeats. Unless otherwise specified, all of my clan-related questions are focused on when I was in EH which was 2006-2007. @All: 1. Do you think @true is going overboard with the amount of questions he’s asking? I mean, good god, dude, save some questions for the rest of us. LOL. 2. Were there any clans that stood out that you would have loved to have had as official allies? People often joked about EH & DF being buddy buddies and some even called us “Eternal Forces”. Could you have seen them as actually being a good clan as an ally, basically a clan that you felt shared similar sort of ideals as EH? Fun vid I recorded back then of having a Deathmarch with them <3: 3. Brian mentioned that DI had a 13-hour PKRI with EH one time. Was this the longest PKRI that we had or is there one that comes to mind that was even longer? For each of you, I would like to know what your personal best marathon was – the longest that you stayed awake continuously for a PKRI? Any struggles that you had? Crazy stories like having multiple bottles of pee piling up beside you as the night dragged on? ? [If only it was that easy for us ladies…] 4. Eternal Honour stressed maintaining a positive “honorable” image in the clan community, and one major place to do this was on RSC. Conveniently, EH had many moderators on RSC that could assist in maintaining this image.. My question is, did you ever take advantage of our mod presence (I think there were like 5 of us at one point – I seriously almost made a pixel sig of our mod unit lmao) to help maintain this image? Such as requesting flame posts to be deleted (could’ve been against our own members or from opposing clans that would post things that made EH look bad) or even doing something like pushing to get people banned to eliminate them completely. If you did try to abuse them, were there any naughty EH mods that actually did delete posts for the sake of protecting EH’s image? @3lite ❤️ My oldest RS friend. ? I am curious to know what other names were in the running when deciding upon the clan name. Did Eternal Honour win by a landslide? Was there another name that the clan almost adopted? Who originally proposed the name? My memory is fuzzy. I obviously remember we were in Gladz together in 2004, but when did you depart Gladz? What clans were you in before EH? How did you find your way to EH? Also, would you agree that green cape > all? ? @Grug GRUGGLES MY FAVORITE AUSSIE ❤️ How many pounds of vegemite do you consume on a daily basis? What the hell does vegemite even taste like? Is it sweet or salty? And same question I gave 3lite about the name: Just curious if there was another name that we almost had. ? @Xero Hiii friend ❤️ As a leader on the battlefield, I’d like to know if you can think of a fight that you feel like you made a huge impact which contributed into EH being victorious in battle. I know it’s been years, but perhaps there was a time when our fearless leader 3lite fell to the ground, and you seized the opportunity to organize our forces and keep the momentum going in his absence. @Vanuckle Sup Trev? ? I am sad that I didn’t get to see you rise to Holy Commander! I would like you to compare and contrast Tempest & Eternal Honour for me, in various ways. Could be wildy prowess, could be the community, ideals, etc. (Way to drop the ball on letting them pick blue cape btw; should’ve been green, man!)
  6. I used to go all out but I'm kinda a loner these days lol. I only really decorate if the family invite themselves over but I think we're driving to them this year (no one seems to care about covid sooo ugh) so I don't really have a reason to decorate. Would love to see pics of your festive decorations though! ?
  7. Wtf why are there spoons?? But sure lol
  8. I love their gobble sounds hahaha
  9. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! In the spirit of Turkey Day, I thought I'd share a bit of what my home life is like.. we have very regular visits from these feathery friends. Even got a pic here of when they were babies. So damn cute. They don't seem to be a nuisance to our garden or anything, so I welcome the sight of them. (And no, we did not shoot one for today lmao). Pardon the bent fence. A huge limb from the oak tree fell on our house recently and also nailed our neighbor's fence, but I guess they haven't bothered to fix it yet? lol. We're getting concrete poured for a new driveway next week, annnnnd I hope these folks have a system to block off critters because I'd rather not have turkey footprints on our driveway even though it would be hella cute lol.
  10. Thanks! I feel like I've made tremendous progress for this account to only be a month old. =]
  11. Hugeeee grats! This was one stat I never could push to 99 on my original account. Takes sooo much time! Well done =]
  12. T'was a productive morning for Prayer, it seems. Got another one in. ?
  13. #RoadTo126 Feels good to have high enough Prayer to get 125 now at least! ?
  14. Starting to slow down a bit, but still chugging along little by little ? Productive morning for Prayer; just got 91 =]
  15. Yeah, if you gotta go, you gotta go. I actually had a situation where there was this bathroom at some park that didn't have a door to it wtf lol. Had my husband guard the doorway so that he'd let people know I was in it lol.
  16. Man I guess I really don't understand how urinals work if you're supposed to be able to actually use that lol. ?
  17. Hey Matt! Welcome to the community! ?
  18. I mean. Might be a bit soggy, but yeah I guess lol.
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