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Everything posted by Krystal

  1. Krystal


    Omg I love this ? Nice art! Looking forward to seeing more.
  2. LOL yeah, actually most of my gains were from last week. During my first week, I was messing around with doing quests. Then I died to the boss guy from Tree Gnome Village (And was bitching at @Xero about it) and decided to just focus combat instead hahaha. It really is so easy to afk. Last night, for example, I was playing Overwatch while doing NMZ. So easy to just click a pot every few minutes. I've also been messing about with sigs while I do it lol. It's a beautiful thing. Pre-grats on 99 mage!
  3. Yeah I've had friends that have donated money/gear to me to help out. Obby set's been working out pretty well for me so far!
  4. Thanks even though I know you disapprove haha. ? Slayer has to wait for now. Gotta get into Tempy!
  5. Excuse you. My hashtag is #Roadto126 because only losers stop at 120 ? (But I was wondering if someone would say that LOL)
  6. When I introed here on the forums 2 weeks ago, I had no intentions of playing this game again. But enough people convinced me that leveling combat would be easier this time around, sooo... I caved. Exactly 2 weeks later, I hit 100 Combat, and hopefully I'll be able to stick to it.. I'm so thankful for NMZ so that I can afk it lol. Maybe I'll get to hit up Tempy after all someday? Bonus: Within 24 hours of making the account, I got 72 prayer which I just had to take a pic of since I feel like it's hilarious that of all stats to be in the lead on a brand new account, I'd never thought it'd be Prayer lol. #Roadto126
  7. Just finished Community. Currently working through: Arrested Development, The Good Place, Shameless.
  8. I am both confused and amused by this topic. Thanks, Mar. ?
  9. I joined EH to get into the PKRI scene since it looked exciting and then ended up leaving them because it turns out doing 12 hour PKRIs all the time and constantly putting your money to sets.. wasn't that fun! ?
  10. ❤️ Germs ? Yeah I wasn't sure if "The" got into the PKRI scene or not, so that's sorta why I asked haha.
  11. Oh my gosh! It's so wonderful to see you guys here!! Back when I was dating Fbk, I considered "The" to be a 2nd family to me. I think at one point, I was actually close to joining "The" even lol. Orange Ownage! ❤️ I am terrible at constructing interesting questions, but I will make an attempt: For the majority of my time in Gladz [03-07], I think the common opinion was that Gladz was seen as the "powerhouse" of The Alliance. Gladz was known for pulling the big numbers to official wars and bringing home the wins; glory to The Alliance! However, "The" had quite the system going on having a whole separate clan, TF, designed to produce loyal members to join their warforce as well. Did this prove to be effective in developing a stronger clan over the course of time? Or did you find that many people who were in TF went on to join other clans instead after they could have joined "The"? Additionally, did "The" ever reach a point where you felt like it overtook Gladz as being powerhouse of The Alliance? I ask this for my own genuine curiosity because in my last year of Gladz, there were many opinions that Gladz was dwindling in power and becoming more casual, less of a force to be reckoned with. If this was the case, did "The" ever get their time to shine and be the face of The Alliance?
  12. Yet DI didn't show up to that one fight against them.. hmm.. ? Okay maybe "rival" isn't the best term but STILL. We were always across the battlefield from each other. ?
  13. 100% Ghjjf. Almost drew his decapitated head no lie lollll. I was always in clans that rivaled DI back then. ? Yeah I'm glad you understand why I'm not doing an official shop. I could very well change my mind later though.
  14. Threw this together in 2007 when I was messing around with recording stuff. EH & DF had a pretty good relationship and people joked about how we should be allies or merge or whatever lol. Did a deathmarch together back to Edge for lulz.
  15. Yeah, Brian's took about 10 hours, and this one took even longer lol. Part of it is I need to practice; I'm really rusty since I didn't have time in the past 5 years to do any art at all.. so it's been difficult. If I ever get to the point where I can reliably draw stuff faster, then I'd consider selling regularly.. but right now, it's so tedious. ?
  16. Kinda felt naked not having a sig of my own, so I decided to make one lol. Kinda tricky to make a sig representing yourself when you currently have a brand new, nooby account, so I just got creative with it. I might update this over time like if I were to get into Tempy (lol), I'd add a blue cape. If I started doing PvM, might add monster heads or w/e. We'll see how things go over time lol. P.S. Had some folks ask about if I'm opening shop for sigs.. I'm not officially opening shop because these take so long to make. If people are super interested and want to make an offer (RL $, not rs gp) then I'll think about it, but no guarantees. I also may consider rs gp later down the road, but it would be a rare occurrence since I just don't want to be overloaded with requests. Just wanted to make this note so that people understand where I'm coming from! ?
  17. Fellow old school Gladz ? fuckin dnd cut in. name reminds me of D&D ?
  18. Welcome to the community. I'm also hoping this place sorta turns into being popular like the old DI forums too. Hope to see you around. =]
  19. Your RSN is Shewasnt19 and your preferred name is Creep. I feel like there's a story here somewhere. ? Either way, welcome!
  20. This is very true. I remember seeing an old post by you on DI forums comparing the state of the clans back then. I remember it said Gladz was like 250 members but had 115 Combat average while DI was in the 100s for member count with a 122 Combat average. Big difference. We definitely recognized that and started pushing people to level up, but yeah. Yall had the levels on us for sure!
  21. When I was in Gladz [2003-2006], it was a common occurrence for us to pull 200+ *people* to official wars. We had several folks who were busy with RL, so they couldn't make every little event, but they would always commit to showing up to the official wars. It was quite epic. The DS war in 2006 was one such war that I can remember where we had almost 300 people there. DS lost, but they pointed out how many people we had to water down our win a bit. Either way, it was still quite epic that we could pull that many people to a war! Good times. ?
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