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Everything posted by Krystal

  1. Krystal

    2 more..

    Nice!! Getting so close, Eric! ?
  2. Yes. At least it has a seat. Some parks just have a concrete slab with a hole in the middle that I've used before. :I
  3. Lol my choices are a little.. deep compared to others on the thread, but these are the ones that resonate deeply with me, especially the first two. The last one is more of my "current situation" song; might stick for a while, might not. 3 Songs for my life. Childhood when I dealt with domestic abuse & alcoholism and just my thoughts of how I felt about that household lol. Extra bonus points for being Southern and depicting the actual typical weather there too lol: After moving out of said abusive environment, pulling myself out of depression, finding out who I was & wtf to do with myself: I needed a new song for beginning my new chapter in life super recently. I'm kinda in a "Put myself first, do what I want, yolo" sorta mode right now. So this is the current one that sings to me. ?
  4. Thank you for responding because I actually was genuinely curious haha. I can still hear that crazy guy's voice saying "PEEEEEEEQUUUUU PEQU PEQU PEQU PEQU" like oh my god he was so hyper. I loved it though, he was a fun friend to have. ?
  5. Welcome to the forums. I wish you well in finding a career path that fits you. I just recently swapped careers a couple months ago and I'm so much happier for doing so. Just take time to reflect upon what you enjoy, what your strengths are, and what career can work with that. Good luck! Welcome again to the community!
  6. Oh I totally get it. Teacher? Professor? I have a few of my old professors added on FB and know about their struggles and their desires to sip wine while grading papers haha. What do you teach if you don't mind my asking?
  7. I actually have a question for once, and it's a super serious one! ....Was Veseble high 24/7 or was he just a silly guy? ? I gotta know. Dude was nuts, at least when we chatted on msn/ts, and I'm really curious lol.
  8. Big congrats! ? Also, good luck with Finals!! This is my first year [after 5 years] of not having to worry about Finals anymore, feels weird/good to be done lol.
  9. Hate: Spicy food. Barbeque (when overloaded with sauce), Non-chocolate Candy Love: Seafood, Brussel Sprouts, Dark Chocolate, Oreos.
  10. Hello, can you hear me? Not much of an intro there, but welcome nonetheless. ? Since you're from Australia, I shall assume that you ride a kangaroo to your job, which is lassoing spiders the size of cows. Also. Get an account from someone? Weak. I started a new account from scratch a few weeks ago. Tempy's worth the grind tbh.
  11. I am very amused by your trolly spams lol. Tempy ❤️
  12. I'm definitely missing something here, but that's okay. I just... hope all is good? Lol. ?
  13. I guess I'm the only one who reads out what it stands for lol. Like the actual words. If I had to pick, probably le-mao. ?
  14. Krystal

    What a week

    Keep it up! Grats ?
  15. Desert Fog went to play WoW with us! As did Floridaguy. Yeah, we hit it off really well with the RSMVs. Wanted to do MVs for WoW but never got around to it. Oh! We got to meet Hans IRL too. I can't remember his RSN. He was from the Netherlands and he came to the States for some of his studies, was only a few hours away so we met up with him. So much chatter for a level up thread, but man I wasn't expecting to ever see anyone from SE here since it was such a small clan! What a pleasant surprise. You're one of the few who knew me in the early stages of my relationship with my husband. ?
  16. Oh shit really? Lol. Me & Earwing are married irl now. And Anguswaflle came to our reception. ?
  17. This isn't nearly as impressive as any other topic here (mad props to 1k total on the Ironman account) but I'm pretty happy with my progress after creating this account a little under a month ago. 96 Strength & 1000 Total. Hit 87 Prayer today too, so that's pretty sweet. Trying to get to lvl 50 on my non-combat stats to try to quickly boost the account to 1500 total because I feel like a sad puppy sitting in the rain outside of Tempest's Home World, wanting to be let in. ? #Roadto126 AND #RoadtoW420
  18. Krystal


    Nice, Eric!!! Grats ?
  19. It is! Hope all is good with you as well! ?
  20. Speaking from the outside... yeah, kinda sucks. Oh well. Someday I'll be worthy. ?
  21. Nice to see a long-time clanner; much respect for sticking with one clan through the years. Looking forward to seeing you around the community. ? And grats on your engagement!
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