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I'm La Hire 44 - AMA


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1) Thoughts on BK and why they were able dominate ?

2) Thoughts on men who carry phones in their back pocket?

3) Big spoon or little spoon?

4) Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

5) You carry a lot of the convos on TS, usually a sign of a very social person, But I suspect it's cocaine. confirm or deny? 

6) If you could fight any Rs'er you've know, who and why. 

It’s always who built the pyramids and never how are the pyramids ? 



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1 minute ago, Andy said:

1) Thoughts on BK and why they were able dominate ?

2) Thoughts on men who carry phones in their back pocket?

3) Big spoon or little spoon?

4) Pineapple on pizza, yes or no?

5) You carry a lot of the convos on TS, usually a sign of a very social person, But I suspect it's cocaine. confirm or deny? 

6) If you could fight any Rs'er you've know, who and why. 

1. They were dog shit

2. Gay

3. Big Spoon

4. No but if its there I'll eat it

5. Drug free baybee

6. LegodaPedo cuz hes a spastic

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What clan do you have the lowest opinion out of in all your years around the clanning community and why


And what was the most overrated clan you've come across

Edited by Adam_








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10 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

What clan do you have the lowest opinion out of in all your years around the clanning community and why


And what was the most overrated clan you've come across

1. RSD, they would literally never accept a challenge, ever.

2. TT

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3 minutes ago, true said:

Did you consider going to DI with the Rads

No, and hindsight I wish I had of tbh, Di seemed like a place where Brian was super in controll of everything, and that didn't appeal to me at the time, but knowing what I do now I think I woulda liked DI.

2 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

I see you earlier said you weren't entirely a fan of Murray's vision for DF but it works. Why aren't you a fan in particular? 

I don't think DF Staying out of the clan world is the play, I think they need to be leaders right now.

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Just now, Eric`` said:

No, and hindsight I wish I had of tbh, Di seemed like a place where Brian was super in controll of everything, and that didn't appeal to me at the time, but knowing what I do now I think I woulda liked DI.

I don't think DF Staying out of the clan world is the play, I think they need to be leaders right now.

It's always seemed to me like they weren't really outside of the clan world (at least as of recent) as they do show up to fight RoT/etc. It just seems like they didn't really have an interest in getting involved in all the 40+ hr long rag wars and the doxing/other bs. Though I guess that could be a more recent development since I definitely remember a few years back (2017-2018) I think I barely heard much of them

I guess I hear less about them nowadays than RoT/Rev/AF/etc, but that could also be because they care a bit less about propaganda, which seems to be a huge factor in the clan world currently. 








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3 hours ago, 3lite said:

I can't remember if we were in Gladz at the same time or if you were in "The" by the time I was in Gladz.

1.) I would agree that what did a lot of damage to Gladz was differences of opinion of the focus of the clan within the community. I don't know that I agree that what caused the rift in Gladz was trying to compete with DI.  Gladz and DI were extremely different clans and I don't personally think that any members of Gladz were having serious aspirations to topple DI in PKRIs.  A high proportion of the Gladz members were there for comunity and were not interested in long PKRIs, being active in the wilderness for non-planned fights, or for returning.  For the most part, Gladz only really seemed to care about warring.  I believe the loss to BK in a war had a much bigger impact on Gladz morale than any PKRI lost to DI (shout out to @Vanzant).  There were cliques in the clan that went off and did their own pking thing (e.g., the Ewhenn/Geezerpunk P2P single pkers, the P2P multi pkers that hung around with The Devilz, the Sal Bandini/Echo69x F2P pk group) in small groups rather than as one big clan.  I think the rift was caused by Gladz not knowing what it wanted to be, competing interests, and a leadership that wasn't working toward a unified/progressive goal.  From the outside, it looked like the issues with "The" are similar.  What do you think the key differences were?

2.) Again comparing Gladz/"The", would you consider yourself to be the Finaltank of "The"?

3.) You mentioned that prior to going to Corr, your choice was DF or Corr.  Most of your discussion about why Corr was good was due to their strength - something that was shared by many clans during that period, including DF.  How do you think your experience would have differed if you chose DF rather than Corr?   Do you think that today you'd have a lot of pride as an ex-DF member who had many distasteful memories of Corr?  Probing to try to find what was special about Corr for you.



I would agree. 

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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4 minutes ago, Justyn said:

How would you rate EoS?

As a total package? 8.5 one of the best group of lads ever

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You talked a fair bit about the clans you enjoyed being in the most - most notably Cor and EoS. Was there ever a time where you wanted to leave and why? What clan did you consider leaving for? 








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6 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

You talked a fair bit about the clans you enjoyed being in the most - most notably Cor and EoS. Was there ever a time where you wanted to leave and why? What clan did you consider leaving for? 

Never considered leaving eos and I did leave cor but for no clan in particular more like extreme in clan circumstances 

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2 hours ago, Ssj said:

I honestly can't remember haha I just remember you had 99 defence vs bv1s botnet 

That's simply untrue.

  • Haha 2

Best Runescape Caller February 2013 - Present Day

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Why did you edate Luxus?






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



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An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games. Now too busy.



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