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'THE' & 'THE' Futures with Germs22, Valaraz, and Moombatamer5


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1 hour ago, true said:

Thoughts on @Eric`` aka La Hire 44? ?

Eric was a Wild Child. My comment made in the initial post "I got some great, but crazy, PK Coordinators and while I had to do some damage control with one of them… " was in reference to Eric! ?



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4 minutes ago, true said:

Back on topic... maybe ?


What are your favorite fights from THE's history?


Favorite fights/events from The Alliance?


Favorite and least favorite clans of all time, outside of THE and TA of course ? 

I can name two. 

THE vs TRWF steel war. Idk why it was steel but who cares. It was prob 240 opts vs 240 opts and it came down to 1 person surviving and that was freaking Yogosun.

THE vs DS just from the hype of it. We had been #4 warring at that point just behind DS, Gladz and DI and we challenged DS for their spot and I just remember the hype for it. We had over 120 yes sign ups just on the first day. Eventually we would have over 220-240 people show up but King Cj had set up the rules with DS that was very unfavorable to us.

Favorite fight with TA? Gslax birthday which happened to turn into TA vs DS. Pretty sure we made DS regroup in every corner of the wild through the sheer amount of people we had, but alas they outlasted us.

Favorite: TT, TRWF, DI, EH, RSD

Least: VR, ROT, EXO, Downfall, Adelais 

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Yeah it was the right call to not let me lead or even join the council. No hard feelings. ?

I think with Adrian's comment in particular I was pretty much winding down to the end of my RS days at the time. AION was tickling my pickle, and I had a new Alienware I got for free by chance and it felt dumb to use the power of that on Runescape lol.

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I'm not sure if you but Gladz are still alive and well over RS3 with a pretty big community.


Apart from I believe TMRD/Jagz hanging around with smaller communities of their own, what do you think about Gladz has allowed them to stay active and poppin through 2020? 




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10 minutes ago, RagingPanda said:

THE was definitely a clan of prestigious and rich background. What do you think was the main reason THE declined in it's later years? And would it have been something that can be prevented? 


@Moombatamer5 when will you be joining TT Discord? 

THE declined because RuneScape declined. Our strengths were we were able to train members from a really low level stage through TF and when there's less and less new players on RuneScape much less those that was to spend 10 hours to pkri then it's all a cause and effect.

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Just now, Gslax24 said:

Yeah it was the right call to not let me lead or even join the council. No hard feelings. ?

I think with Adrian's comment in particular I was pretty much winding down to the end of my RS days at the time. AION was tickling my pickle, and I had a new Alienware I got for free by chance and it felt dumb to use the power of that on Runescape lol.

I remember you trying to get me to play aion with you at the time lol.

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Nice to see you guys! I tried giving TF a shot after Phobia closed but you guys weren't into pking that much and the majority of TF was very hesitant about the ex Phobia (rightfully so). I did meet a few members who were extremely chill (Bobman/Micro/Saxo). 

I was just wondering if you guys kept in touch with Lethal Axe?

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1 minute ago, Lesbaxp15 said:

I remember you trying to get me to play aion with you at the time lol.

We need more 09 'the' representation @Lesbaxp15




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2 minutes ago, true said:

I'm not sure if you but Gladz are still alive and well over RS3 with a pretty big community.


Apart from I believe TMRD/Jagz hanging around with smaller communities of their own, what do you think about Gladz has allowed them to stay active and poppin through 2020? 



There's some old Gladz members like Rafi that just refuse to close up shop. I think it's partly due to being stubborn and also because they still enjoy each other.

Us THE members are content on flaming Adrian on discord, we don't need a forum for that. ?

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1 hour ago, Saxo said:

@Germs22 @Moombatamer5

Hi , long time no see. Didn't know you two were still around lol

Both of you were some of the biggest pk oriented people in the clan. What were your thoughts on the split between skillers/pkers and the flat out skipping of pks from skillers? Did you ever consider joining a more pk oriented clan and if so what clan and what stopped you?


Thoughts on the force graduation program led by xerowings in around late 06? I've mentioned on another thread I believe this to sadly be the downfall of TF/The as everyone seemed to leave for DF/Cor/EH/Adelais after being forced to graduate and disliking how THE was a lot less pk focused than TF, would you agree with that or do you think the downfall was for other reasons?


Most memorable war for both TF and The?

Biggest regret?

Who would have won between TF and 'The' in a Pkri at Tf's peak? Was it ever considered to have a fight between both clans?


@Jess specifically: Where did the o.O come from and why do you still use it? Lol


Saxo!!! Hello! ? Yes, I am on Discord and got hit up to do this by Eric.

I mean, 'THE' was not by any means a strict PK/War clan like DI/DS so while it was annoying when we needed more numbers in a fight it was understood that the skillers really wanted no part of the wildy.

Being in TF became my "PK oriented" clan since skillers really wasn't a thing in TF. If it wasn't for TF, I probably would have went to either TMRD or to a PK oriented clan.

I 100% agree with you, but the whole purpose of TF was to supply 'THE' ready to PK players who learned how to PK through TF so its kind of a grey area. There was an issue when I was Warlord/Leader with TFers capping out at the highest level they could be without graduating because they wanted to stay in TF. There were so many TF graduates who entered 'THE' and were not impressed and left. You painted the picture perfectly as to what really hurt 'THE'. There was internal drama too and some ranked people abusing power that also caused some issues and forced people to leave.

My memory is pretty shot, I know TF had many more good wars/PKs than 'THE'. Overall, I had more fun with TF.

I would have rocked 'THE'! Germs was too lazy and never bought a mic and the people who would call for 'THE' on TS did not do a good job in our normal PK Trips.

No clue! I wanted something unique to me I guess when I was a kid. Since it's been my forum signature for the RS world, I'll keep tradition going. :classic_blush:


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4 minutes ago, RagingPanda said:

THE was definitely a clan of prestigious and rich background. What do you think was the main reason THE declined in it's later years? And would it have been something that can be prevented? 


@Moombatamer5 when will you be joining TT Discord? 

What do you mean by later years? In 09 it was fighting TRWF and getting smashed (we won on opts but it felt nothing like a win). Then we fought SE and that was when it really hit us.  There was a big push from the pk oriented players to want to be better and focus MORE on warring but we would have had to have our overall membership get better at warring and we would have needed more competent callers.  We started losing members before drama even started because I believe people were just along for the ride.  


I think we got to a time while I was staff where we dropped to 35-40 ml.  The focus was on activity and it eventually paid dividends but it wasnt easy.  I joined TF right around when it was the 1st major drop in ML for THE in 06-07.  I learned slump upon joining and I guess thats what helped me get through the later ones.  I think when I retired from leader the ML was at 60 or 70 but I may be misremembering

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