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39 minutes ago, True 2k8 said:

Do you regret how you closed DI in 2017?


What were your impressions of me as the leader of DF?


What rival clans do you wish you had experienced?


Are you ever worried you might get like recognized on Tinder/IRL? (lmao)

1. No, not at all. I was done with the game and had no friends actively playing it, so I had no ties. Just walked away.

2. We ran our clans very differently than each other. I think you did a good job in what was a lot more challenging of an environment for you to recruit etc when you didn't do P2P etc.

3. Probably RSD in 2004. Was very close to leaving DI for it when I was getting treated badly there.

4. When I started RS I actually played with a couple of rl friends. They all quit before RS2. Few years later one of them said they saw a lot of stuff online about me, but I just brushed it off and they never said anything else about it.



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did you really use to lead wearing p hats in earlies DI pk days?

why have you closed DI in 2009s when you guys were pulling great and almost own J cup this year (I watched the final against TT) 

As a software Developer what do you preffer? Backend or Frontend? do you have a favorite framework?  

Edited by Victor




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42 minutes ago, Wee Man said:

What were the advantages of keeping the simple IPB 2 (I think that's what they are) forums vs upgrading to newer version like 3 or 4?

High technology. The anti spy stuff we had was insane at the time. Posts would appear differently for every member so you tell who leaked a picture. If someone took a picture of a post with my ava in it then it would tell us the account. There's probably some more I'm forgetting.

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19 minutes ago, Brian said:

High technology. The anti spy stuff we had was insane at the time. Posts would appear differently for every member so you tell who leaked a picture. If someone took a picture of a post with my ava in it then it would tell us the account. There's probably some more I'm forgetting.

Interesting, thanks.





Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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41 minutes ago, Dickus said:

What really caused you to close so abruptly in 2009? 

I just felt it was the right time. I was really really tired. I'm not saying I led on my own, of course we had some great guys like Flako, Rad, Sora, Tomisme, but to be a leader back then you needed to give 100% every day and if you missed a single day, something went wrong. I'd been preparing to quit for months but had only told one person and they didn't exactly talk me out of it. I think a lot of the guys I mentioned were also getting tired, but may not of been ready to quit so I just went ahead one day and pulled the plug. I think the game was in decline in a big way around then though so the timing felt alright to most people.



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What are your thoughts on Sir Severed as a individual?


Longest runescape fight you have been apart of and how long were you there fighting?


Was there anyone you did not get along with in Damage Inc that was a rank? If so, who?


Who was your favorite person(was in another clan) outside of the DI community from 2004-2009 and then OSRS?


What was the most no honor thing you have done while clanning?


Most amount of rune sets you have had in your bank at one time?



Edited by Gochance1





















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Back in the old clan scene did you enjoy being the top dog / role model without any real competition? 

Did you ever take part in Di's infamous mage bank pking crew, ladder days and who do you think were your better opponents up there?

And finally. What were your opinions about Oerggs beard?

(Enjoyed my stint in DI 2, always felt it wasn't the same game so understood that closing when you did was the right call).

Pker Nick Pk


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1 hour ago, Brian said:

Yea I was there. He even attacked me briefly but I told him get off and he did. He was a DI fanboy.

Dude I knew this happened everyone said I was making it up... iconic childhood memory for me

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Ex-Envy Leader / Ex-Genesis Council / Ex-Divine Forces App Reviewer / Tempest Legend /






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1 hour ago, Kenny said:

Do you prefer P2P or F2P fights?

What is the most memorable clan fight that you've been apart of with DI & why?

Most difficult clan you've fought P2P & F2P?

What would you say was the worst defeat you suffered while leading DI?

Having watched videos in the past of you wearing a white phat in an F2P PK trip; what is the most you've died for?

What would you say your biggest achievement was with DI?

If you had to start DI over again and could pick 5 officials from any era who would they be?

If you could pick 20 DI of any era to fight with who would you pick?

1. F2P nowadays. Back in the original era P2P was a lot more fun, because it was a lot simpler.

2. Probably DI vs RSD official war in 04 since it was my first and the hype was massive. Nearly all of RS was there including multiple jmods even though it was at the weekend. Official wars were something else.

3. In the original era DS in F2P and no one ever really put it up to us properly in P2P. EH were also difficult because they were pretty determined to beat us but we made sure that never happened.

4. I guess the official war with DS, but we bounced back straight after and beat them in the next 6 run-ins. Then they started winning and with their tactics there wasn't a lot we could do about it. We had like 1 or 2 Australian members where as they had a good 20-30. We used fight them until 6 or 7am GMT which was crazy at the time but we just couldn't do it.

5. Not sure. Nothing major. If I remember right the white p hat would of beat worth a couple of hundred dollars at the time but no one could come near even touching us during that time period.

6. When I took over DI we were in a bad shape due to the way it went down. I turned things around and we went unbeaten for at least 2 years and that was fighting multiple clans (who admitted weren't organised) daily.

7. From the original era it's really hard to pick. I had so many great officials. If I had to pick then in no order: Flako Rlz, Rad, Ekaggen, dkm, Sircoolio. From the OSRS era: Ashley, Olde, Joko, Foyboy, inf, Paul

8. In this case I'm heavily biased towards the original era:

Flako Rlz
Da Master480
Dark Sora100
The Lord88

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1 hour ago, don mcgee said:

Which rivalry did you enjoy the most ? 

DI vs RSD 04. I also liked DI vs BDK in 04 because BDK was a legendary RS1 clan and they were coming back to kill DI. Some people jumped ship for BDK. We closed them within 3 fights.



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1 hour ago, Vanzant said:

On a more serious note. Why did you like to camp gdz in Pkris?

It depends on when you're talking about. If this was after ancients was introduced to the game, then DI had a huge returning advantage at GDS with the majority of our members being able to tele there. Other clans didn't have that.



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