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Lego - AMA


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I started playing RS because it was a game my son played and it was something for us to do together while he was at his mom's.  As time went by and he stopped playing as much, I joined my first small clan TKC (The Kings of Chaos).  After that clan was done I stopped playing RS for a bit.  When I returned, my best RS friend Siwoods was in DF and he encouraged me to intro.  I intro'd and had to wait to app as it right before DF's war with Rune Raiders and member list was locked in.  After that I just became a dedicated member and eventually was recognized and moved into a "Justice" type role (forget what it was called back then), then to Council, High Council and eventually Leader.  The rest is pretty much what everyone already knows at least parts of.  I haven't played RS since I retired and just now got back in touch with many retired DF on Discord and was instantly harassed by True to do this and warned by others not to but here we are.  AMA.

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Really appreciate this Rick. As corny as it sounds, a 15-year-old True 2k8 looked up to both DF and you in my early clanning days. I remember messaging a few high level clan leaders over RSC PM to ask some questions about running a clan, how to prep fights etc. and you were the one that gave me a detailed, meaningful reply that was very helpful for a young True.


Although we didn't serve together in DF, I would have loved it.

  • simp 1


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Don’t think my time in DF overlapped with you much if at all, but thanks for doing this. 

who are some DF members/ranks over the years that stuck out to you and you still remember to this day and why?




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Hey mate.


Not sure if you remember but I was a bit of a dick to you on a personal level at times. I'm sorry, it wasn't cool.


On the question side of things, What was your drive to get DF to the top?

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What can you tell us about your (first) clan (The Kings of Chaos)? Do you still keep in touch with anybody from there? What did members from that clan go on to do in the clan world if anything? 




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3 minutes ago, Dickus said:

Are you now able to admit that TT was the better clan?

smd TT.










J/K, this was never the case while I was DF, but we had some really great battles and yes we lost some of those.  I respected TT for a long time so I have nothing bad to say about TT.

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Holy fuck, been a while lol


You got a lot of shit from us back in the Cor v DF days, did it ever get to you or were you able to ignore it?

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~Tempest Since Day One~













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