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Empire Mind AMA

Empire Mind

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10 hours ago, true said:

Do you think there is tension between Evizu/Mike nowadays?

There's really never been any tension between the two. Mike is more of the frontline caller and Evizu likes to take charge from behind the scenes and make decisions. As many clans do.

8 hours ago, Scleritis said:

It was only a few years ago that 2/3 of the current VR leaders got exposed for saving IPs to ddos for Jcup as well as doxing. Did VR ever get involved in any of that stuff (that you're aware of) during your time there?

Yeah they did. I don't think many clans weren't guility for this. I had no part in it, but knew it was a thing. We didn't start doxing, but weren't innocent also.

5 hours ago, Adam_ said:

If you were starting a clan in the golden era and could grab 1 person from each major clan who you taking?


It seems like for the most part VR end up on pretty good terms with a lot of the people who spy or leak but later regret it or try to correct it (yourself, kaochinx, viet, savageraven). Are there any cases where the person has tried to come back and fix things but essentially been told to fuck off? (Not sure if ruon3bs counts but exclude him either way I guess)

Rsd - Icedrop
ROT - Brian289
Eh - Lil blacknite 
Eos - Allstar049
Df - X Shinobi
Cor - Jay or Starman it'd be close
TT - Kezzab Reds
Vr - Evizu
Can't really think of other clans atm.

There's been a few, like DK Derek tried to come and so did Ktv. We let Ktv in a few times, but after he couldn't decide he got kicked. Most people who did that didn't usually get a second chance unless they did a good thing for VR in the past. I think I got off the easiest myself as I did leak logs and got welcomed back. Kao never was the same, as he did it on a few occasions and the trust was never there. What did Viet and SavageRaven do? I didn't know they did something.

4 hours ago, Kenny said:

Put me in the game coach.


Idk how I ended up getting in an L4d2 lobby with you, EoS Oli & True but I think it helped slightly in convincing you to join DF and the community we at at the time outside RS. I don't blame you for your lack of motivation at the time but it would have been good to be in the same clan as you when you were motivated.  Ty for doing an AMA.

After around 2010 I didn't really care anymore and just tried to be friendly with anyone. I wish I was still motivated as I once was, but after 2009 it became a downhill fall. I mostly joined DF for League of Legends and it soon became noticeable from officials as the game at this era was all the dung/corrupted era and most things were done thru CWA, and I hate CWA with a passion.


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4 minutes ago, Empire Mind said:

There's really never been any tension between the two. Mike is more of the frontline caller and Evizu likes to take charge from behind the scenes and make decisions. As many clans do.

Yeah they did. I don't think many clans weren't guility for this. I had no part in it, but knew it was a thing. We didn't start doxing, but weren't innocent also.

Rsd - Icedrop
ROT - Brian289
Eh - Lil blacknite 
Eos - Allstar049
Df - X Shinobi
Cor - Jay or Starman it'd be close
TT - Kezzab Reds
Vr - Evizu
Can't really think of other clans atm.

There's been a few, like DK Derek tried to come and so did Ktv. We let Ktv in a few times, but after he couldn't decide he got kicked. Most people who did that didn't usually get a second chance unless they did a good thing for VR in the past. I think I got off the easiest myself as I did leak logs and got welcomed back. Kao never was the same, as he did it on a few occasions and the trust was never there. What did Viet and SavageRaven do? I didn't know they did something.

After around 2010 I didn't really care anymore and just tried to be friendly with anyone. I wish I was still motivated as I once was, but after 2009 it became a downhill fall. I mostly joined DF for League of Legends and it soon became noticeable from officials as the game at this era was all the dung/corrupted era and most things were done thru CWA, and I hate CWA with a passion.

I was under the impression viet had leaked a bunch to rot and gone and joined them but quit shortly thereafter (could be wrong)

edit: apparently savageraven didnt echo, kaochinx banned him for something off ts and he tried to say he got gp from rot or something but it was all bs

Edited by Adam_








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51 minutes ago, true said:

Did you ever consider returning to EOS after your original stint in VR?


What were your thoughts on Matt as a leader? How would you compare him to Evizu?



I didn't actually ever consider going back as I knew EOS would never become big if current leaders were in charge as none of them cared enough for the push the clan needed. Buzzcut didn't care afterwards, nor did Cheesy1989. It wasn't until Oli came and had them make a push, but at this time I was content in VR and never thought of going back. There wasn't many clans I ever show myself going too as I didn't feel I'd fit in.

Matt as a leader was almost a copy of Evizu, but more serious. I didn't agree with his way of leading all the time though, he'd threaten people if they weren't listening and made his members feel like any mistake would lead into an instant boot from the clan. It made them stronger I think, but it isn't a way to lead people as alot of ROT were immature. Near the end of ROT for like the last 2-3 months we didn't have forums due to the fact of constant ddosing towards the site so everything was done thru TeamSpeak, and if you didn't have a clique than you didn't fit in. So when I quit I told him through TeamSpeak and I got threatened when leaving, and later on about two months after me leaving and making an intro to VR I started getting doxed. You had to watch what you'd say when in ROT because if you offended a certain person than you'd almost be targeted by their clique so I mostly kept to myself and kept my circle small. They tried to convince me to step up but I told them I didn't feel it anymore and they kept asking, so I always wonder if I stayed longer if they'd of tried to force me to call as after b289 there wasn't too many callers outside of him.


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4 minutes ago, Adam_ said:

I was under the impression viet had leaked a bunch to rot and gone and joined them but quit shortly thereafter (could be wrong)

edit: apparently savageraven didnt echo, kaochinx banned him for something off ts and he tried to say he got gp from rot or something but it was all bs

I had no idea about Savage. I actually kinda remember hearing about Viet trying to join Rot but got laughed at through his intro and he shortly withdrawed his application as he knew he was being used. Not sure if he leaked, I'd have to ask him if he did or not. But he still hangs around and never heard anything take shots at him for doing that.

Kao was really bad at catching spy's and would kick innocent people thru his paranoia I feel. There was a lot of members I thought were innocent that he'd kick saying he had evidence but would never show any of us the proof behind it. I feel if he didn't like them he'd boot them and nobody would say anything.

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You've talked a fair bit about the people you've liked in VR as well as the people you found yourself often disagreeing with or finding rather annoying. Who were some of the people you liked/didn't get along with from your stints in EoS, Corr, RoT, DF, Rev, Brut, AF ?








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Hey Steve,


Saw you around frequently in EOS / VR days when I was EH and at that time (2008/2009) you struck me as a clout chaser, but in my later years (2012ish) and since returning, I've realized you are actually a good dude who wasn't really associated with the savage goons in EOS / VR that I really disliked (Kao, Craigberry, Eli, etc). So my apologies on being quick to judge in those days!


What was your relationship with Nodari like? He always struck me as one of my favourite ranks in VR to deal with and an influential member of their community.


What decisions are you proud of making in VR and how did you personally help to raise them up to the next level?


If your memory serves you, who were your top 10 favourite VR members (not ranks) of all time?

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11 hours ago, Adam_ said:



11 hours ago, Adam_ said:

You've talked a fair bit about the people you've liked in VR as well as the people you found yourself often disagreeing with or finding rather annoying. Who were some of the people you liked/didn't get along with from your stints in EoS, Corr, RoT, DF, Rev, Brut, AF ?

It's actually pretty funny, but I really didn't fight with anyone within these clans, I feel like I've got a good personality and usually people would be chill when we'd be talking. I didn't have beef with anyone in these clans. I'd keep to myself and always found a way to get along with everyone. While in Brut/Rev/Af it was more of a secondary clan where I didn't spend a lot of time getting to know the members as much as I should of. I'd attend fights and go back to Vr teamspeak/Mirc, and didn't commuicate with many of the people without the teams. 

In Rev I found sometimes Ima Scaper took things way too serious, but Rev were on a push and wanted to overtake ROT so I don't blame him. In Corruption I got along with literally everyone, and EOS I found everyone to be the level minded.

ROT I didn't go looking for fights with anyone, and kinda kept quiet as I could tell they were trying to sugar me up and get involved more. But thru ROT there was a lot of times the teamspeak would be down for days at a time, and I didn't say too much in Mirc thru these times. I found myself always disagreeing with people within VR sometimes due to the fact of our actions of things I didn't agree with. While in the other clans I was more of just a member afterwards and didn't know much backstory.

10 hours ago, Vanuckle said:

Hey Steve,


Saw you around frequently in EOS / VR days when I was EH and at that time (2008/2009) you struck me as a clout chaser, but in my later years (2012ish) and since returning, I've realized you are actually a good dude who wasn't really associated with the savage goons in EOS / VR that I really disliked (Kao, Craigberry, Eli, etc). So my apologies on being quick to judge in those days!

I was a clout chaser in these years for the most part. I wanted to get under people's skin, but never meant anything from it. I just tried to better the clan the best I could for the most part, or make it fun. After I realized what type of person I was becoming I took the break to get back to reality and realize I was acting like an idiot.

What was your relationship with Nodari like? He always struck me as one of my favourite ranks in VR to deal with and an influential member of their community.

Me and Nodari were always close, he's always had a good head over his shoulders and would help anyone he could and didn't act out of order. Nodari never got mixed up in the drama and just loved VR but never showed any bad habits. Me and him aren't as close now as he's like myself and focused on reality. He still comes online from time to time. I keep him on social media as do I with a few other people I'm close with so I can see their real life successes.

What decisions are you proud of making in VR and how did you personally help to raise them up to the next level?

Personally proud of being recognized as a top caller within the clan who helped lead the clan against many tough battles. As I didn't always fully get along with some officials I'd constant be morale boosting the members and would help whoever I could with making money. This was the time of EP dd, and I'd constantly be in teamspeak talking to members for hours and making sure they knew the good they were doing, or hosting EP events to help members remake money that they lost in fights. Nobody in Vr ever made "decisions" as a solo member, everything was agreed upon by %. You'd be shock at the % of people that were against a crash war. Everything came down to Evizu at the end of the day. I've always been known as the guy you could talk to about literally anything and I wouldn't go shaming them.

If your memory serves you, who were your top 10 favourite VR members (not ranks) of all time?

Most good members usually got promoted to officials, but if I had to pick just members.

Then I'd pick Paris Fexis, Goa Karo, RscimmyGod, Oji San, Mauro K Po, Oo I mage, Bear187, MithWiz, Petethe1st, 13_13dude


9 hours ago, SKulllicious said:

Hey Steve,


Good to hear from you.

Sure it must be tough joining Cor after all the bullshit we had with VR. You found your place and became a great asset and very motivational caller.

Thanks to hear that brother! Hope all is well with you! It's always different joining "rival" clans but it's always a change and usually it isn't  as bad as people think it is. I really enjoyed Corr.

2 hours ago, NeverSober said:

what do you think of julz when u play valorant with him?

Me and Julz still don't talk. He isn't over me raging on him.

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have you always been a snakey fuck or was it a steady evolution?

[13:09] <+Jubita> i just don't care where he is from, idc if he has family issues or was born with mental problems. It's his problem not ours.





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4 hours ago, Titan said:

have you always been a snakey fuck or was it a steady evolution?

Must of been a steady evolution thing!

1 hour ago, true said:

How good was B289 when you were ROT? How did he compare to other callers & yourself?

Mike imo was a top 10 f2p caller. He was newer to the scene and got adapted really quick. He was consistent and had really well map knowledge. Nobody in ROT compared to him at the time. Nobody really thinks of Mike because he was in Mattyb's shadow. He was a better caller than myself and most others I'd think on people's top 10 lists.


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Man, I wasn't around the game anymore for any of your post VR time, but it feels so weird seeing that you were in DF even for just a short amount of time.


I had one thought and kind of question I wanted to share/pose to you.


During the first large crash war where VR gained a lot of strength, especially after DI closing.  I felt that internally VR were much better suited to handle that kind of mentality than any of the other clans that took part.  The one downside I saw in it for VR though was that because of the crash war, every fight that VR engaged in just turned into a large cluster of all clans involved.  I think because of this people don't truly realize how strong VR truly were at that time.  You guys were honestly untouchable in a 1vs1, but you never really got to prove it because 1vs1's weren't a thing at that point.  VR for that stretch could send 50-60 snipers on a clan and still have a 80 man main pile at times.  In my time in DF, it was really the only time that I felt like we couldn't hang with a clan on a given day, but we got to hide behind the crash war as a way to deny VR that clear cut title.


So my question really is, do you think that VR in that span of dominance truly got the credit they deserved from an external standpoint?  I know y'all likely weren't bothered by who thought what at the time but it feels like people don't look back at the dominant clans and give VR the credit they deserved for their late 2009/early 2010 form you guys were in.

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