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I respect all eggs  everyone here. I think everyone is different and brings something unique to the table. Collectively I think it what makes this clan what it is. 🙂


However, I think @Brian and @Howl 's tech/coding skills stand out to me because I've never learned that stuff and sadly maybe never will. I've known @Da Bazz since like 2009 from TKO Blitz but i didn't know he was such an intellectual until his recently.  @Wise Counsel is new but his interest in investing is a common trait we share.  This is my first clan lead by @true , i remember flaming him in the DI vs DF crash war in 2016/2017 but hes actually a very competent leader. Since Ronin I thought @The End was the master ddoser but he's actually a nice guy and hard-working official. @Ashley is very friendly and patient.  @Dickus is the #1 ape.

Edited by TheEggMan
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Tough decision. While there is a long list I think I would have to say @The End. From when I was warlord in THE setting up fights to joining Downfall.  Including the time I've spent in Tempest. Hes put in an incredible amount of effort since 2015. I know he's been around longer than that but this is from my personal experience with him.



I will say solely from just a Tempest stand point @Vanuckle is a close second 



Overall though its a tough call because there is a lot of great officials in this clan. I don't think a single person can do it justice because it's really a group effort here. 



Except for @Mitch he's asking for a beating Bk #1

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Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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Tough question, there are a lot of people I could name here.


I think it might be @true because of how easily he transitions from being loose/fun to serious. I don't know of anyone else who can do it as seamlessly as he does and it's such an asset to Tempest as a clan.

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don't be the third whale

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there's too many people to name really, seeing the leadership and how they interact with and maintain a good community is respectable. i haven't had the chance to see or interact with all of them really so i don't really wanna make a list and make it seem like i'm being disrespectful or anything

@true though for making it happen and putting up with everyone and everything lmao



i'd also like to mention @Vanzant who contributes to pretty much every discussion but also in a way that attempts to not make anyone feel bad for holding a differing opinion and in general just a pretty open way


honorable mention to @keirezz for involving herself in clanning/pvp again after previous experiences and on top of what she's got going on irl 


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