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Does the community make the clan?


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I can get by without a community, I'm not too sociable a person, aslong as I have confidence in the ranks and the direction of the clan I'm prepared to be commited.


Overall though, for the majority of other members in clans, a solid community is a must.

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12th April 2021


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TRWF PK Leader ¦ Legends Never Die Leader ¦ Clan Envy Warlord

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Having a sense of community helps to keep clans alive.


As well, many good clans have a strong sense of community (due to the bonds ppl have made over the years).

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In current era yes, a community is a key piece to maintaining a clan. Although I've been apart of clans that have had no community and did fine ingame.

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On 8/11/2020 at 4:06 AM, True 2k8 said:

I'm not actually a crazy person ?.

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I think having the community has been vital since the first decline of clan world after the Wilderness removal back in 2007. Clans which didn't focus on building the relationships and strong community had no success further. 

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Our type of clanning is all about the community now. The majority of clanners likely don't even play RS as a game anymore, they just play for events. If there was no community they wouldn't stick around.

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Is the community a big selling point of clanning to you? Do you think you'd still be part of the clan world if you weren't a part of the community you're in now?

Well I certainly didn't come back for cheat client gameplay lmao.


Is there any aspect of the clan you're in that you value more than or close to the same as the community?

Nowhere near. Clan communities are the best you can find in any game in existence and always have been in RS.


What are some of the best communities you've been part of through your RS career (don't have to be pvp related)? 

VR BH/early CLW era

EoS PvP worlds era


Downfall OSRS

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RSN: Knight Frank

Formerly known as: Born2kill 92 / 0utlaw 0f Pk / Owned Thijs / Pixie187401

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Top 10 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO) / Rank 3 for 3-player

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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Community is the single most important factor in clans. You can absolutely run a clan without one but the issue lies in the fact that your members will not be attached to the clan at all so the second things get difficult it will fall to pieces. Events are secondary in my eyes. Every clan I've ever given a fuck about have had amazing communities, Ronin hasn't had an event since 2017 but here we are 4 years later talking every single day in Telegram or Discord.


Something to think about:

All the best stories in the clan world are rooted in the communities rather than the fights.


Tempy Community in action:


Edited by Wee Man
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Wee Man#0028 | @ZybezWeeMan | Wee Man

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I think it always has, I wouldn't have played in a clan if it wasn't for the community. 

I didn't leave a clan other than one, and that was because the community was bad; in fairness I didn't join that clan, we (Awaken) merged with hostile to make VR. 



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Community is really important, one thing that I love since the first days about Tempest are not only the community within the clan, but the people that are active in our discord / post on forums / hang out on teamspeak to keep the community alive and vibrant. Awesome that so many people get involved & stick around cus they enjoy chilling with us.

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It depends what you classify as the community? Is it your friends in a clan, the leadership, the values/goals of the clan?


I've had some of my best friends (both in game and irl) quit clans I'm in, and to me being in a clan goes beyond that. To me the community of the clan is the most important, but that involves a lot more than a few people. The in group mentality of clans is what keeps people together and what keeps me playing.

Edited by Blogs
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- Damage Inc May 2006 - October 2009 -
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