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2 hours ago, true said:

Have you watched 13 Reasons Why?

Yes. Very informative show, I learned a lot.


2 hours ago, true said:

Whats your top 5 memes you've made with the Banana Boat Crew? (Show them)












2 hours ago, Nick said:

How long do you think Rot will last in their current state before closing?

Depends how long a certain few officials in there want to stick around. They're slowly being replaced by all of these trashcan members from rev caves and dead pure clans like EOP etc. All of their decent members that came from actual clans like RSD, TT, SOL, etc are all gone now.


2 hours ago, true said:

Thoughts on @Bolton Squad

Probably one of the most delusional people I've ever seen in the clan world.

Edited by IMK
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40 minutes ago, Jackson said:

did u ever actually think you were a good caller?

Nope, but neither are most people who call. I'm just slightly better than the average.


41 minutes ago, Jackson said:

who contributed more to the downfall of flip flops, you or selvation?

Neither. The scene crumbled and the fights were low opts. No one waned no overhead fights and wanted to do 22v22s with prayer on which was beyond boring, so closing was natural.


41 minutes ago, Jackson said:

exodus died, was it your fault?

Yes, I went back to close it and succeeded.



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3 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Would you ever consider meeting up with true? Who would be top and who would be bottom?

Top? Bottom? Are we getting bunk beds or something?


3 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Ever considered permanently walking away from RS/clanning?

Nothing in my life has ever really required me to do so. But if something were to do so, I don't think I would have a hard time doing it.


3 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What if any non pvp related goals do you have left in the game?

There are some things I'd like to complete on my alt account.


3 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Why is nancy so aggressive? 

It's how she deals with all the chumps

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sparta > flip flops!


nice to know more about you, have seen your name a lot through the years - sorry if you replied to some of the questions already:


what made you stay in DF when true/other people came to tempest?


do you see DF returning to F2P & would you enjoy it?


best/worst moments while clanning?


top 5 fights you enjoyed the most to call?


how did DF change over the last 10 years?


how was your perspective from being a rank in DF and being in a crash war with RoT from 2015 to 2017?

Edited by D96


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If you had to eat the same meal 3 times a day for a whole month, what meal would you pick?


Would you rather be able to do a frount, back or side flip?


What super power would you want? (can only be one)


Do you think you could fight 20 monkeys in i fight?


Tomato or HP on a bacon butty?




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what made the 3 callers across FF (me/joko/david) different


do you think there was really anything that made FF better/different or was it just better member/callers/etc than everyone else


do you remember when it was that we had such a long win streak lol

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