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The Call of Legends AMA - King_Obina - Aiorya - Frank - Victor


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On 5/17/2021 at 11:54 PM, Kurazita said:

As I have said before I think the portuguese language itself is such an advantage that english callers wouldn't stand a chance against any brazilian/portuguese caller at their peak, let alone those great ones mentioned.

The above reply to this thread got me curious – would anyone like to elaborate on how the Portuguese language could provide an advantage over, e.g., English?

From what I've heard of Spanish at least, it takes (on average) more words than English to convey the same meaning, but speakers talk faster to make up for it. If the same is true for PT, perhaps the learned fast talking/listening helped?

As many others said, this has been an interesting read; thanks for that. I remember us fighting TCL in the early 2010's, and I recall the respect I had when you guys provided the sort of challenge that made fights engaging.

Edited by S3lvah



Fools / CU / DI / FF / Elu Warlord – TT Captain – TKO / TB / Desc / Tempy Member

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I remember having several challenging fights with you guys while I was a part of Lpt. I struggled to take fights seriously against Brazilian clans since clans like WL, HA, Arroz where more based on quantity rather than quality, but you guys where different, your memberbase quality was much higher to any other Brazilian clan which made the fights so competitive. 


How did you go about introducing and maintaining the attitude of being quality driven? 

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1 hour ago, S3lvah said:

The above reply to this thread got me curious – would anyone like to elaborate on how the Portuguese language could provide an advantage over, e.g., English?

From what I've heard of Spanish at least, it takes (on average) more words than English to convey the same meaning, but speakers talk faster to make up for it. If the same is true for PT, perhaps the learned fast talking/listening helped?

As many others said, this has been an interesting read; thanks for that. I remember us fighting TCL in the early 2010's, and I recall the respect I had when you guys provided the sort of challenge that made fights engaging.

We learned how to use less words to find piles and we also used to talk really fast. We did a brief study to prove that theory

1 hour ago, Tag said:

I remember having several challenging fights with you guys while I was a part of Lpt. I struggled to take fights seriously against Brazilian clans since clans like WL, HA, Arroz where more based on quantity rather than quality, but you guys where different, your memberbase quality was much higher to any other Brazilian clan which made the fights so competitive. 


How did you go about introducing and maintaining the attitude of being quality driven? 

We had a really really tough intro / FA process and we used to train our members individually 




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On 5/19/2021 at 4:11 PM, true said:

Whats your favorite memory with MMA?

Us making an MMA pie with our Chef's hat in a tourney.

On 5/19/2021 at 7:07 PM, Matheus said:

As former WL General back in the day, I remember almost everything from that era just like you guys. I have some questions that you might find interesting:


  • TCL was founded back in the earlys 08' and quickly reached the second spot on the "luso-brazilian RAW list" beating clans like MMA, LG, HS, TBK, etc. Why did you guys took so long to finally challange WL for a fight? I remember people spamming "come out of the den TCL" across the brazilian and portuguese boards because you didn't want to fight with WL and at that time I didn't understand why - you were the #2 and WL #1, on my vision you could easily accept the fight just to test your own power, then if you lose nothing would actually change - I must admit that we took this game too srsly back in the day and a loss against your biggest rival could change the community as a whole. 
  • Back in late 2007, every clan at this time known each other clan very well. SoG closed and you guys basically spreaded among the other clans like MMA and TBK, but it did not take so long for you guys to release what you've already know and you had to rebuild the sog community from the beginning. Why none of you guys decided to maintain SoG as a clan after Polaco's departure from RS? Back then If I'm not mistaken Novatorm and Golpe Fatal were co-leaders, Zid4ne0 was Advisor and you had a great leadership, I'm still not convinced that SoG wouldn't last without Polaco with so many good officials. Not to mention other good members you had that eventually turned into staff in TCL like Aiorya, UKavalo and Matador236. 
  • How did you guys handled DEK's (Adenina / Supreme Kile) tackling and how did you see ADJ as a whole? Did TCL had members crashing WL when we were targeted by them even when TCL was actually in "good terms" with WL? Who? 
  • I would like to hear more about early SoG if possible. How did you guys were created? Was there any other guy that helped Polaco back in the day? Where did the name Swords of Glory came from? 
  • I remember TCL had some struggle back in 2009. I don't know what happened, but you guys started to pull low and even lost to LG both in clw and wilderness - this was before the first fight against WL. Do you guys remember if something happened back then? How you managed to turn around that little struggle? 
  • @King_Obina how it feels to be an WL Immortal now? Did any of the former TCL members were surprised at all? ## 
  • Your thoughts on FBRS / RuneBR.
  • Your thoughts on the following people (don't need to anwser who you don't know much of): 

Meteora Lord

Sir Maximon
Zig Frid
Drag Ahrimps

Duke Lanz
Ro Arid

KK Rox
Vex Brazil
Susan Ellen


1 - Binding our time, massing numbers etc... we wanted to be as ready as possible to take WL down when the time came

2 - From what I heard from most former SoG members, Polaco was the brains of the operation and the clan could not run without him.

3 - Well... since they crashed us both I'll be honest here, ADJ had some funny guys but their actions were just awful. I believe RMD crashed you all when the ADJ folks went full anti WL.

4 - Was not there, @Aiorya go.

5 - At that point we had a few issues within our ranks, I believe Goodwar and Aiorya fixed them pretty quickly.

6 - Feels weird but it is good to be recognized, and knowing I could help you all to reach another milestone in this miserable game.

7 - FBRS was a good forum, RuneBR was shit cause you people 0 balls to moderate it.


D_Dark_Snake - Gigantic weirdo, he fitted right in HA.
Meteora Lord - Funny guy, great to be around him and his counterpart Marola.

Romulo5 - Only heard good things.
Murilo171 - Funny as hell also, a good tanker and member... not much of a thinker tbh.
R3nufus - The mason, excellent member, he gave his account away to Danilo, who was also an excellent member.
Rafaels - Good caller, if he was on a streak could be our best as well, lil bit emotional tho.
Sir Maximon - LG random dude, for some reason though he was a she for some time.
Zig Frid - Sounded like a retard, acted like a retard and I did not like his calling.
Andcom2 - Good guy, I think he would've been a good TCL member.
Drag Ahrimps - Same as Andcom, I think I tried to recruit him once or twice.
Decceiver - Heard he was the brains of MMA, unfortunately did not had a chance to talk much.

Duke Lanz - Same as Cecceiver.
Supremo13 - Meh.
Ro Arid - Heard he was a good leader and caller but that is it, no interactions directly.
Fil3000 - Did this guy actually called for  yall or was a meat shield? Cause people would say let him call... 
Megaxes - I like him, good guy.

Darck_Angel0 - Is this @Vitor?
Mataoumorre - He seems ok, pretty much the @Aiorya from WL lmao.
KK Rox - Best forum moderator in Brazil, bring FBRS back u bitch.
Vex Brazil - Meh.
Susan Ellen - The RuneBR Mod? She barely worked... that whole staff was bad tbh.
Tysonps - Also think he would have been great in TCL,he should have had a little more balls to challenge TCL & WL back in the day. Thanks for Armorhelmet tho.

Sacul - Had a few conversations with him on TCL, seemed like a good dude.
Resurgido - Big spastic this one, kid could not moderate couple of elders discussing on a bingo, let alone a forum full of teenagers.

On 5/19/2021 at 7:38 PM, Adam_ said:

Not sure if arroz is really a thing anymore but from what you guys said, if they are, it's barely. If WL closed down and there were essentially no (major) brazilian/portuguese clans left, do you think another one would come along whether it be an old one reopening or a new one starting up? Would you take part if it didn't interfere with you being in international clans?


Does true 2k8 need his ass kicked?


What do you consider the best/worst changes the game has gone through? (Excluding EoC as I imagine that's an obvious one, unless you guys feel differently)

1 - No, I would probably join Tempest.

2 - Nah @true is a good guy, he needs to stop e-dating tho.

3 - Best: Wilderness return, Worst: Grand Exchange: Took out some dynamics of the game, it was nice to walk and see Falador/Varrock actually populated.

On 5/19/2021 at 6:36 PM, Lavigne said:

Has True asked if there were any porking scandals on this thread yet?


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Ex The Call Of Legends (2008 - 2012) - Intro - Fa - Legend - Senior - Motm - Fa Manager - Council

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Would any of you like to join The Texas Project?






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games. Now too busy.



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On 5/20/2021 at 7:38 PM, Tika191 said:

How did TCL recruit? Seemed like the country clans were pretty good at finding new people to bring into the clanworld

From IRL people to spamming in GE, when Jaggy made de Brozil worlds we used to go in CWA with our junior clan to try and recruit there as well.

We also recruited a lot from smaller clans, Brazilians like making open CC's and posing as clans (Arroz).

On 5/20/2021 at 9:19 PM, Tag said:

I remember having several challenging fights with you guys while I was a part of Lpt. I struggled to take fights seriously against Brazilian clans since clans like WL, HA, Arroz where more based on quantity rather than quality, but you guys where different, your memberbase quality was much higher to any other Brazilian clan which made the fights so competitive. 


How did you go about introducing and maintaining the attitude of being quality driven? 

It was hard, some people would just leave, we had regular activity/gear checks . Our Staff was also on top of everyone's combat and styles (mage and range) levels, we took the game really seriously when we were at peak, that was not something common at the time. What helped the most was the results, we won pretty much every tourney the Luso Brazilian community organized from 2009 to 2012.

Also due to that, our members usually won most of the awards from the communities on a regular basis, from best tank to best caller etc... So people were drawn to TCL's winner mindset and culture.

On 5/21/2021 at 1:22 AM, true said:

Tell us about the porking scandals

I would really like to have something to tell you, but we did not had that many e-daters, if we had they hid it pretty well.

On 5/21/2021 at 1:22 AM, true said:

What does this AMA mean to you?

Means we actually accomplished something. I am glad to know people remember us.

16 hours ago, true said:

Did many TCL never join main clans?

Yes, most of our guys would only focus on TCL, since we were pretty active at the time they never felt the need, specially the more old school SoG folks, Since Polaco always frowned upon that. He felt people should focus on their country clans, they were all kinda stuck with that mentality (I myself had that mentality for a long time). He was simply trying not to lose members tbh.

We also had many members with shit English so they would never try and join main clans simply because they could not.


On 5/21/2021 at 1:23 AM, true said:

Who are some gems of the PT/B scene that us main clanners would appreciate more if they were in mains clans?

Goodwar15, would probably be an official like some Portuguese folks were Like Dario in DF and Demo in VR. (We tried to recruit Demo a bunch of times tbh he would never leave VR).

Wilky, was the best warlord we had even tho he was like 110 combat for 200 years, he would have made a fine addition.

Spawn1, I still don't know how this guy never joined a main clan, but he was just an all around beast back in the day.

Skinny_Bmx, was one of the best hybrids we had around, he did had the English to join, but never had the will to check a big clan out. I think he was part of Team Kenia LOL


I could go on, the list is big, but most of the guys that never joined were people with Polaco like mentality.

14 hours ago, Lavigne said:

Would any of you like to join The Texas Project?

What is this?

Edited by King_Obina


Ex The Call Of Legends (2008 - 2012) - Intro - Fa - Legend - Senior - Motm - Fa Manager - Council

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Who is the most NH brazilian you know?


Ex-Envy Leader / Ex-Genesis Council / Ex-Divine Forces App Reviewer / Tempest Legend /






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14 hours ago, Z Nick said:

How much do you pay for a luxury steak meal in brazil? including wine and dessert

If you mean the whole bottle, I would say something in between 60-100 USD if you want better wine with your meals you can go higher, good wine around here is not cheap.


6 hours ago, Ssj said:

Who is the most NH brazilian you know?

Durateen 100%.


Ex The Call Of Legends (2008 - 2012) - Intro - Fa - Legend - Senior - Motm - Fa Manager - Council

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